WordPress URL Rewrite

WordPress 重定向 URL Rewrite [WordPress URL重写] - 图1
Have you ever tried to use Permalinks with WordPress running on an IIS server? What a pain. I created this ISAPI filter for IIS specifically to provide URL Rewriting for WordPress, without having to install and configure a full URL rewriting software package. This ISAPI filter allows you to create Permalinks that don’t suck, and it lets you do it very easily, with almost no configuration required. I have been using WordPress URL Rewrite on this site for a while now, and I feel that it is ready to be shared with everyone. Let me ease your pain!
Full installation instructions are included with the Download (below)


  • Can run with multiple WordPress installations in an IIS Web Site (for example: / and /MyBlog/)
  • Has a configurable path Exceptions list (for example: defining /Forum as an exception would prevent any pages in this folder from being re-written)
  • Works with IIS 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0
  • Works with WordPress 2.0 or higher
  • Easy to setup, easy to maintain
  • Comes with x86 and x64 versions

WordPress 重定向 URL Rewrite [WordPress URL重写] - 图2
Latest version: v1.1.0 (0.15 MB)
Click the ‘Download Now’ button to download WordPress URL Rewrite
WordPress 重定向 URL Rewrite [WordPress URL重写] - 图3


Example Configuration File (WordPressURLRewrite.ini)
#Paths to Rewrite
#Path Exceptions

The #Paths to Rewrite section defines all the WordPress installations you want to provide rewriting for. By default just the root is defined (“/“), but you can add more by defining them (“/Blog/“ or “/MyBlog/“). Define as many as you want. The #Path Exceptions section defines all the folders you want this filter to ignore. For example, defining “/Forum” will prevent WordPress URL Rewrite from rewriting any pages under this folder. This is very helpful if you have other web applications installed (like an image gallery, a discussion forum or even the WordPress Admin area).