
ceph-deploy is no longer actively maintained. It is not tested on versions of Ceph newer than Nautilus. It does not support RHEL8, CentOS 8, or newer operating systems.
Cephadm is new in the Octopus v15.2.0 release and does not support older versions of Ceph
ceph version 15.2.3
https://www.cnblogs.com/luoliyu/articles/11122125.html node01 node02 node03


  1. [root@node01 ~]# uname -ra
  2. Linux node01 4.18.0-147.8.1.el8_1.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 9 13:49:54 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  3. [root@node01 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
  4. CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core)
  5. [root@node01 ~]#


3:设置时间同步 timedatectl set-ntp yes


[root@node01 yum.repos.d]# cat ceph.repo

  1. [ceph]
  2. name=ceph
  3. baseurl=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/ceph/rpm-15.2.3/el8/x86_64/
  4. gpgcheck=0
  5. priority=1
  6. [ceph-noarch]
  7. name=cephnoarch
  8. baseurl=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/ceph/rpm-15.2.3/el8/noarch/
  9. gpgcheck=0
  10. priority=1
  11. [ceph-source]
  12. name=Ceph source packages
  13. baseurl=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/ceph/rpm-15.2.3/el8/SRPMS/
  14. enabled=0
  15. gpgcheck=1
  16. type=rpm-md
  17. gpgkey=http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ceph/keys/release.asc
  18. priority=1

yum install epel-release -y
yum install centos-release-ceph-* -y
yum install ceph -y

  1. [root@node01 ceph-node01]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
  2. [root@node01 yum.repos.d]# ll
  3. 总用量 88
  4. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 731 3 13 03:15 CentOS-AppStream.repo
  5. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2595 12 19 10:43 CentOS-Base.repo
  6. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 798 3 13 03:15 CentOS-centosplus.repo
  7. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 956 5 19 03:10 CentOS-Ceph-Nautilus.repo
  8. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 945 5 19 03:39 CentOS-Ceph-Octopus.repo
  9. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1043 3 13 03:15 CentOS-CR.repo
  10. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 668 3 13 03:15 CentOS-Debuginfo.repo
  11. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 743 3 13 03:15 CentOS-Devel.repo
  12. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 756 3 13 03:15 CentOS-Extras.repo
  13. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 338 3 13 03:15 CentOS-fasttrack.repo
  14. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 738 3 13 03:15 CentOS-HA.repo
  15. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 928 3 13 03:15 CentOS-Media.repo
  16. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 736 3 13 03:15 CentOS-PowerTools.repo
  17. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1382 3 13 03:15 CentOS-Sources.repo
  18. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 353 3 19 22:25 CentOS-Storage-common.repo
  19. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 74 3 13 03:15 CentOS-Vault.repo
  20. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 421 6 9 16:03 ceph.repo
  21. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1167 12 19 00:08 epel-modular.repo
  22. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1249 12 19 00:08 epel-playground.repo
  23. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1104 12 19 00:08 epel.repo
  24. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1266 12 19 00:08 epel-testing-modular.repo
  25. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1203 12 19 00:08 epel-testing.repo
  26. [root@node01 yum.repos.d]#



sudo vim /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

  1. [global]
  2. fsid = d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  3. mon initial members = node01
  4. mon host =
  5. public network =
  6. auth cluster required = cephx
  7. auth service required = cephx
  8. auth client required = cephx
  9. osd journal size = 1024
  10. osd pool default size = 3
  11. osd pool default min size = 2
  12. osd pool default pg num = 333
  13. osd pool default pgp num = 333
  14. osd crush chooseleaf type = 1
  1. ceph-authtool --create-keyring /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring --gen-key -n mon. --cap mon 'allow *'
  2. sudo ceph-authtool --create-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --gen-key -n client.admin --cap mon 'allow *' --cap osd 'allow *' --cap mds 'allow *' --cap mgr 'allow *'
  3. sudo ceph-authtool --create-keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring --gen-key -n client.bootstrap-osd --cap mon 'profile bootstrap-osd' --cap mgr 'allow r'
  4. sudo ceph-authtool /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring --import-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
  5. sudo ceph-authtool /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring --import-keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring
  6. sudo chown ceph:ceph /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring
  7. monmaptool --create --add node01 --fsid d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114 /tmp/monmap
  8. sudo -u ceph mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node01
  9. sudo -u ceph ceph-mon --mkfs -i node01 --monmap /tmp/monmap --keyring /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring

sudo systemctl start ceph-mon@node01
sudo systemctl enable ceph-mon@node01
systemctl status ceph-mon@node01.service
sudo ceph -s
cd /etc/ceph


存储节点node02 node03

scp ceph.conf node02:/etc/ceph
scp ceph.client.admin.keyring node02:/etc/ceph
scp /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring node02:/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd
scp ceph.conf node03:/etc/ceph
scp ceph.client.admin.keyring node03:/etc/ceph
scp /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring node03:/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd

yum install epel-release -y
yum install centos-release-ceph-* -y
yum install ceph -y

  1. sudo -u ceph mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node02
  2. ceph auth get mon. -o /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring
  3. ceph mon getmap -o /tmp/monmap
  4. ceph-mon --mkfs -i node02 --monmap /tmp/monmap --keyring /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring
  5. touch /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node02/done

vim /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

  1. [global]
  2. fsid = d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  3. mon initial members = node01
  4. mon host =
  5. public network =
  6. auth cluster required = cephx
  7. auth service required = cephx
  8. auth client required = cephx
  9. osd journal size = 1024
  10. #设置副本数
  11. osd pool default size = 3
  12. #最小副本数
  13. osd pool default min size = 2
  14. osd pool default pg num = 333
  15. osd pool default pgp num = 333
  16. osd crush chooseleaf type = 1
  17. osd_mkfs_type = xfs
  18. max mds = 5
  19. mds max file size = 100000000000000
  20. mds cache size = 1000000
  21. #把时钟偏移设置成0.5s,默认是0.05s,由于ceph集群中存在异构PC,导致时钟偏移总是大于0.05s,为了方便同步直接把时钟偏移设置成0.5s
  22. mon clock drift allowed = .50
  23. #设置osd节点down后900s,把此osd节点逐出ceph集群,把之前映射到此节点的数据映射到其他节点。
  24. mon osd down out interval = 900
  25. [mon.node02]
  26. host = node02
  27. mon addr =

chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph
systemctl start ceph-mon@node02
systemctl enable ceph-mon@node02
systemctl status ceph-mon@node02
ceph -s


  1. sudo -u ceph mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node03
  2. ceph auth get mon. -o /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring
  3. ceph mon getmap -o /tmp/monmap
  4. ceph-mon --mkfs -i node03 --monmap /tmp/monmap --keyring /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring
  5. touch /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node03/done

vim /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

  1. [global]
  2. fsid = d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  3. mon initial members = node01
  4. mon host =
  5. public network =
  6. auth cluster required = cephx
  7. auth service required = cephx
  8. auth client required = cephx
  9. osd journal size = 1024
  10. #设置副本数
  11. osd pool default size = 3
  12. #最小副本数
  13. osd pool default min size = 2
  14. osd pool default pg num = 333
  15. osd pool default pgp num = 333
  16. osd crush chooseleaf type = 1
  17. osd_mkfs_type = xfs
  18. max mds = 5
  19. mds max file size = 100000000000000
  20. mds cache size = 1000000
  21. #把时钟偏移设置成0.5s,默认是0.05s,由于ceph集群中存在异构PC,导致时钟偏移总是大于0.05s,为了方便同步直接把时钟偏移设置成0.5s
  22. mon clock drift allowed = .50
  23. #设置osd节点down后900s,把此osd节点逐出ceph集群,把之前映射到此节点的数据映射到其他节点。
  24. mon osd down out interval = 900
  25. [mon.node03]
  26. host = node03
  27. mon addr =

chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph
systemctl start ceph-mon@node03
systemctl enable ceph-mon@node03
systemctl status ceph-mon@node03
ceph -s



  1. [root@node01 ceph]# ceph -s
  2. cluster:
  3. id: d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  4. health: HEALTH_WARN
  5. no active mgr
  6. 1 monitors have not enabled msgr2
  7. services:
  8. mon: 3 daemons, quorum node01,node02,node03 (age 7m)
  9. mgr: no daemons active
  10. osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 7m), 3 in (since 7m)
  11. data:
  12. pools: 0 pools, 0 pgs
  13. objects: 0 objects, 0 B
  14. usage: 0 B used, 0 B / 0 B avail
  15. pgs:
  16. [root@node01 ceph]# ceph osd tree
  18. -1 0.05846 root default
  19. -3 0.01949 host node01
  20. 0 ssd 0.01949 osd.0 up 1.00000 1.00000
  21. -5 0.01949 host node02
  22. 1 ssd 0.01949 osd.1 up 1.00000 1.00000
  23. -7 0.01949 host node03
  24. 2 ssd 0.01949 osd.2 up 1.00000 1.00000
  25. [root@node01 ceph]# ceph mon versions
  26. {
  27. "ceph version 15.2.3 (d289bbdec69ed7c1f516e0a093594580a76b78d0) octopus (stable)": 3
  28. }
  29. [root@node01 ceph]#
  30. [root@node01 ~]# ceph health detail
  31. HEALTH_WARN no active mgr; 1 monitors have not enabled msgr2
  32. [WRN] MGR_DOWN: no active mgr
  33. [WRN] MON_MSGR2_NOT_ENABLED: 1 monitors have not enabled msgr2
  34. mon.node01 is not bound to a msgr2 port, only v1:
  35. [root@node01 ~]# ceph -s
  36. cluster:
  37. id: d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  38. health: HEALTH_WARN
  39. no active mgr
  40. 1 monitors have not enabled msgr2
  41. services:
  42. mon: 3 daemons, quorum node01,node02,node03 (age 22s)
  43. mgr: no daemons active
  44. osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 11m), 3 in (since 101m)
  45. data:
  46. pools: 0 pools, 0 pgs
  47. objects: 0 objects, 0 B
  48. usage: 0 B used, 0 B / 0 B avail
  49. pgs:
  50. [root@node01 ~]#
  51. [root@node01 ~]# netstat -tnlp |grep ceph-mon
  52. tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2225/ceph-mon

ceph mon enable-msgr2
systemctl restart ceph-mon@node01

  1. [root@node01 ~]# ceph mon enable-msgr2
  2. [root@node01 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-mon@node01.service
  3. [root@node01 ~]#
  4. [root@node01 ~]#
  5. [root@node01 ~]# netstat -tnlp |grep ceph-mon
  6. tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3800/ceph-mon
  7. tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3800/ceph-mon
  8. [root@node01 ~]# ceph -s
  9. cluster:
  10. id: d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  11. health: HEALTH_WARN
  12. no active mgr
  13. services:
  14. mon: 3 daemons, quorum node01,node02,node03 (age 3m)
  15. mgr: no daemons active
  16. osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 20m), 3 in (since 110m)
  17. data:
  18. pools: 0 pools, 0 pgs
  19. objects: 0 objects, 0 B
  20. usage: 0 B used, 0 B / 0 B avail
  21. pgs:
  22. [root@node01 ~]#


ceph-volume lvm create —data /dev/nvme0n2

  1. [root@node01 ~]# lsblk
  3. sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
  4. nvme0n1 259:0 0 50G 0 disk
  5. ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 1G 0 part /boot
  6. └─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 49G 0 part
  7. ├─cl-root 253:0 0 44G 0 lvm /
  8. └─cl-swap 253:1 0 5G 0 lvm [SWAP]
  9. nvme0n2 259:3 0 20G 0 disk
  10. └─ceph--0c460d1e--13f1--4715--bdc5--52039efec380-osd--block--9713a919--7c37--4e2d--8365--6b01be72b36c
  11. 253:2 0 20G 0 lvm
  12. [root@node01 ~]# sudo ceph-volume lvm list
  13. ====== osd.0 =======
  14. [block] /dev/ceph-0c460d1e-13f1-4715-bdc5-52039efec380/osd-block-9713a919-7c37-4e2d-8365-6b01be72b36c
  15. block device /dev/ceph-0c460d1e-13f1-4715-bdc5-52039efec380/osd-block-9713a919-7c37-4e2d-8365-6b01be72b36c
  16. block uuid e3oXip-JF5d-TLhX-TZNq-nLHH-aCsW-tx3HVc
  17. cephx lockbox secret
  18. cluster fsid d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  19. cluster name ceph
  20. crush device class None
  21. encrypted 0
  22. osd fsid 9713a919-7c37-4e2d-8365-6b01be72b36c
  23. osd id 0
  24. type block
  25. vdo 0
  26. devices /dev/nvme0n2
  27. [root@node01 ~]#

systemctl start ceph-osd@0.service
systemctl status ceph-osd@0.service
systemctl enable ceph-osd@0.service

systemctl start ceph-osd@1.service
systemctl status ceph-osd@1.service
systemctl enable ceph-osd@1.service

systemctl start ceph-osd@2.service
systemctl status ceph-osd@2.service
systemctl enable ceph-osd@2.service

  1. [root@node01 ~]# ceph osd tree
  3. -1 0.05846 root default
  4. -3 0.01949 host node01
  5. 0 ssd 0.01949 osd.0 up 1.00000 1.00000
  6. -5 0.01949 host node02
  7. 1 ssd 0.01949 osd.1 up 1.00000 1.00000
  8. -7 0.01949 host node03
  9. 2 ssd 0.01949 osd.2 up 1.00000 1.00000
  10. [root@node01 ~]#

mgr rbd块存储

  1. ceph auth get-or-create mgr.node01 mon 'allow profile mgr' osd 'allow *' mds 'allow *'
  2. sudo -u ceph mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node01
  3. ceph auth get mgr.node01 -o /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node01/keyring

systemctl start ceph-mgr@node01
systemctl status ceph-mgr@node01
systemctl enable ceph-mgr@node01

[root@node01 ~]# ceph -s

  1. cluster:
  2. id: d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  3. health: HEALTH_OK
  4. services:
  5. mon: 3 daemons, quorum node01,node02,node03 (age 68m)
  6. mgr: node01(active, since 14m)
  7. mds: cephfs:1 {0=node01=up:active}
  8. osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 84m), 3 in (since 2h)
  9. task status:
  10. scrub status:
  11. mds.node01: idle
  12. data:
  13. pools: 4 pools, 81 pgs
  14. objects: 35 objects, 12 MiB
  15. usage: 3.0 GiB used, 57 GiB / 60 GiB avail
  16. pgs: 81 active+clean


  1. ceph auth get-or-create mgr.node01 mon 'allow profile mgr' osd 'allow *' mds 'allow *'
  2. sudo -u ceph mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node01
  3. ceph auth get mgr.node01 -o /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node01/keyring
  4. chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node01/keyring
  5. systemctl start ceph-mgr@node01
  6. systemctl status ceph-mgr@node01
  7. systemctl enable ceph-mgr@node01
  8. ceph auth get-or-create mgr.node02 mon 'allow profile mgr' osd 'allow *' mds 'allow *'
  9. sudo -u ceph mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node02
  10. ceph auth get mgr.node02 -o /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node02/keyring
  11. chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node02/keyring
  12. systemctl restart ceph-mgr@node02
  13. systemctl status ceph-mgr@node02
  14. systemctl enable ceph-mgr@node02
  15. ceph auth get-or-create mgr.node03 mon 'allow profile mgr' osd 'allow *' mds 'allow *'
  16. sudo -u ceph mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node03
  17. ceph auth get mgr.node03 -o /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node03/keyring
  18. chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-node03/keyring
  19. systemctl restart ceph-mgr@node03
  20. systemctl status ceph-mgr@node03
  21. systemctl enable ceph-mgr@node03

创建一个OSD pool
ceph osd pool create rbd 128
ceph osd lspools
rbd pool init rbd
rbd create volume1 —size 100M
modprobe rbd

  1. [root@node01 ~]# ceph osd lspools
  2. 1 rbd
  3. 2 cephfs_data
  4. 3 cephfs_metadata
  5. 4 device_health_metrics
  6. [root@node01 ~]# rbd ls -l
  8. volume1 100 MiB 2
  9. [root@node01 ~]#


  1. [root@node01 ~]# rbd info rbd/volume1
  2. rbd image 'volume1':
  3. size 100 MiB in 25 objects
  4. order 22 (4 MiB objects)
  5. snapshot_count: 0
  6. id: 19755e053bbd7
  7. block_name_prefix: rbd_data.19755e053bbd7
  8. format: 2
  9. features: layering
  10. op_features:
  11. flags:
  12. create_timestamp: Wed Jun 10 00:17:44 2020
  13. access_timestamp: Wed Jun 10 00:17:44 2020
  14. modify_timestamp: Wed Jun 10 00:17:44 2020
  15. [root@node01 ~]#

rbd info显示的RBD镜像的format为2,Format 2的RBD镜像支持RBD分层,支持Copy-On-Write

rbd map volume1

  1. [root@node01 ~]# rbd map volume1
  2. /dev/rbd0
  3. [root@node01 ~]# rbd ls -l
  5. volume1 100 MiB 2
  6. [root@node01 ~]# mount /dev/rbd0 /ceph-rbd
  7. [root@node01 ~]# df -TH
  8. 文件系统 类型 容量 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
  9. devtmpfs devtmpfs 4.1G 0 4.1G 0% /dev
  10. tmpfs tmpfs 4.1G 0 4.1G 0% /dev/shm
  11. tmpfs tmpfs 4.1G 11M 4.1G 1% /run
  12. tmpfs tmpfs 4.1G 0 4.1G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
  13. /dev/mapper/cl-root xfs 48G 6.4G 41G 14% /
  14. /dev/nvme0n1p1 ext4 1.1G 210M 744M 22% /boot
  15. tmpfs tmpfs 4.1G 29k 4.1G 1% /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0
  16. tmpfs tmpfs 817M 1.2M 816M 1% /run/user/42
  17. tmpfs tmpfs 817M 4.1k 817M 1% /run/user/0
  18. /dev/rbd0 xfs 97M 6.3M 91M 7% /ceph-rbd
  1. [root@node01 ~]# rbd showmapped
  2. id pool namespace image snap device
  3. 0 rbd volume1 - /dev/rbd0
  4. [root@node01 ~]#


sudo -u ceph mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-node01
ceph auth get-or-create mds.node01 osd “allow rwx” mds “allow” mon “allow profile mds”
ceph auth get mds.node01 -o /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-node01/keyring

vim /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

  1. [global]
  2. fsid = d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  3. mon initial members = node01
  4. mon host =
  5. public network =
  6. auth cluster required = cephx
  7. auth service required = cephx
  8. auth client required = cephx
  9. osd journal size = 1024
  10. #设置副本数
  11. osd pool default size = 3
  12. #最小副本数
  13. osd pool default min size = 2
  14. osd pool default pg num = 333
  15. osd pool default pgp num = 333
  16. osd crush chooseleaf type = 1
  17. osd_mkfs_type = xfs
  18. max mds = 5
  19. mds max file size = 100000000000000
  20. mds cache size = 1000000
  21. #把时钟偏移设置成0.5s,默认是0.05s,由于ceph集群中存在异构PC,导致时钟偏移总是大于0.05s,为了方便同步直接把时钟偏移设置成0.5s
  22. mon clock drift allowed = .50
  23. #设置osd节点down后900s,把此osd节点逐出ceph集群,把之前映射到此节点的数据映射到其他节点。
  24. mon osd down out interval = 900
  25. [mon.node01]
  26. host = node01
  27. mon addr =
  28. [mds.node01]
  29. host =

systemctl start ceph-mds@node01
systemctl restart ceph-mds@node01
systemctl status ceph-mds@node01
systemctl enable ceph-mds@node01

cephfs 文件存储

创建cephfs OSD pool
ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata 1
ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data
ceph fs ls

ceph mds stat

  1. [root@node01 ~]# ceph mds stat
  2. cephfs:1 {0=node01=up:active}
  3. [root@node01 ~]#


  1. [root@node01 ~]# ceph df
  2. --- RAW STORAGE ---
  4. ssd 60 GiB 57 GiB 38 MiB 3.0 GiB 5.06
  5. TOTAL 60 GiB 57 GiB 38 MiB 3.0 GiB 5.06
  6. --- POOLS ---
  8. rbd 1 8.3 MiB 12 25 MiB 0.05 18 GiB
  9. cephfs_data 2 0 B 0 0 B 0 18 GiB
  10. cephfs_metadata 3 13 KiB 22 122 KiB 0 18 GiB
  11. device_health_metrics 4 21 KiB 1 62 KiB 0 18 GiB
  12. [root@node01 ~]#

yum -y install ceph-fuse

ceph-authtool -p /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring > admin.key
chmod 600 admin.key

  1. [root@node01 ~]# mkdir -p cephfs-data
  2. [root@node01 ~]#
  3. [root@node01 ~]# mount -t ceph /ceph-fs/ -o name=admin,secretfile=admin.key
  4. [root@node01 ~]# df -TH
  5. 文件系统 类型 容量 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
  6. devtmpfs devtmpfs 4.1G 0 4.1G 0% /dev
  7. tmpfs tmpfs 4.1G 0 4.1G 0% /dev/shm
  8. tmpfs tmpfs 4.1G 11M 4.1G 1% /run
  9. tmpfs tmpfs 4.1G 0 4.1G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
  10. /dev/mapper/cl-root xfs 48G 6.4G 41G 14% /
  11. /dev/nvme0n1p1 ext4 1.1G 210M 744M 22% /boot
  12. tmpfs tmpfs 4.1G 29k 4.1G 1% /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0
  13. tmpfs tmpfs 817M 1.2M 816M 1% /run/user/42
  14. tmpfs tmpfs 817M 4.1k 817M 1% /run/user/0
  15. /dev/rbd0 xfs 97M 6.3M 91M 7% /ceph-rbd
  16. ceph 20G 0 20G 0% /ceph-fs
  17. [root@node01 ~]#


  1. [root@node01 ceph-node01]# ceph -s
  2. cluster:
  3. id: d8884d6b-c9ac-4a10-b727-5f4cb2fed114
  4. health: HEALTH_WARN
  5. 1/3 mons down, quorum node01,node02
  6. 1 slow ops, oldest one blocked for 132 sec, mon.node03 has slow ops
  7. services:
  8. mon: 3 daemons, quorum node01,node02 (age 0.178562s), out of quorum: node03
  9. mgr: node01(active, since 6h), standbys: node03, node02
  10. mds: cephfs:1 {0=node01=up:active}
  11. osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 10m), 3 in (since 9h)
  12. task status:
  13. scrub status:
  14. mds.node01: idle
  15. data:
  16. pools: 4 pools, 81 pgs
  17. objects: 35 objects, 12 MiB
  18. usage: 3.0 GiB used, 57 GiB / 60 GiB avail
  19. pgs: 81 active+clean



  1. [root@node03 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-mon@node03
  2. [root@node03 ~]#
  3. [root@node03 ~]# systemctl status firewalld.service
  4. firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
  5. Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
  6. Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-06-10 07:10:42 CST; 12min ago
  7. Docs: man:firewalld(1)
  8. Main PID: 1491 (firewalld)
  9. Tasks: 2 (limit: 49636)
  10. Memory: 34.3M
  11. CGroup: /system.slice/firewalld.service
  12. └─1491 /usr/libexec/platform-python -s /usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid
  13. 6 10 07:10:41 node03 systemd[1]: Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
  14. 6 10 07:10:42 node03 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon.
  15. 6 10 07:10:42 node03 firewalld[1491]: WARNING: AllowZoneDrifting is enabled. This is considered an insecure configuration option. It>
  16. [root@node03 ~]# systemctl disable firewalld.service
  17. Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/firewalld.service.
  18. Removed /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.service.
  19. [root@node03 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld.service
  20. [root@node03 ~]#
  21. [root@node03 ~]# systemctl status ceph-mon@node03
  22. ceph-mon@node03.service - Ceph cluster monitor daemon
  23. Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-mon@.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
  24. Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-06-10 07:18:30 CST; 8min ago
  25. Main PID: 3205 (ceph-mon)
  26. Tasks: 27
  27. Memory: 75.7M
  28. CGroup: /system.slice/system-ceph\x2dmon.slice/ceph-mon@node03.service
  29. └─3205 /usr/bin/ceph-mon -f --cluster ceph --id node03 --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph
  30. 6 10 07:23:20 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:23:20.394+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  31. 6 10 07:23:25 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:23:25.395+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  32. 6 10 07:23:30 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:23:30.395+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  33. 6 10 07:23:35 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:23:35.396+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  34. 6 10 07:23:40 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:23:40.397+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  35. 6 10 07:23:45 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:23:45.398+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  36. 6 10 07:23:50 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:23:50.398+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  37. 6 10 07:23:55 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:23:55.399+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  38. 6 10 07:24:00 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:24:00.398+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  39. 6 10 07:24:05 node03 ceph-mon[3205]: 2020-06-10T07:24:05.399+0800 7f6295089700 -1 mon.node03@2(electing) e4 get_health_metrics repor>
  40. [root@node03 ~]#

ceph 优化

rbd_default_features = 1


  1. [root@node01 ~]# ceph mgr module enable dashboard
  2. Error ENOENT: all mgr daemons do not support module 'dashboard', pass --force to force enablement

各个mgr节点都要部署 ceph-mgr-dashboard这个安装包
然后修改配置文件ceph.conf 加入

  1. [mon]
  2. mgr initial modules = dashboard

systemctl restart ceph-mgr@node03.service

  1. [root@node03 ~]# yum install ceph-mgr-dashboard -y
  2. Repository AppStream is listed more than once in the configuration
  3. Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration
  4. Repository PowerTools is listed more than once in the configuration
  5. Repository centosplus is listed more than once in the configuration
  6. ceph 12 kB/s | 1.5 kB 00:00
  7. cephnoarch 13 kB/s | 1.5 kB 00:00
  8. CentOS-8 - AppStream 4.0 kB/s | 4.3 kB 00:01
  9. CentOS-8 - Base - mirrors.aliyun.com 35 kB/s | 3.9 kB 00:00
  10. CentOS-8 - Extras - mirrors.aliyun.com 20 kB/s | 1.5 kB 00:00
  11. CentOS-8 - Ceph Nautilus 1.7 kB/s | 3.0 kB 00:01
  12. CentOS-8 - Ceph Octopus 5.1 kB/s | 3.0 kB 00:00
  13. Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - x86_64 27 kB/s | 7.8 kB 00:00
  14. Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 7.2 kB/s | 5.6 kB 00:00
  15. 依赖关系解决。
  16. =======================================================================================================================================
  17. 软件包 架构 版本 仓库 大小
  18. =======================================================================================================================================
  19. 安装:
  20. ceph-mgr-dashboard noarch 2:15.2.3-0.el8 ceph-noarch 3.3 M
  21. 安装依赖关系:
  22. ceph-grafana-dashboards noarch 2:15.2.3-0.el8 ceph-noarch 22 k
  23. ceph-prometheus-alerts noarch 2:15.2.3-0.el8 ceph-noarch 8.7 k
  24. python3-jwt noarch 1.6.1-2.el8 base 43 k
  25. python3-repoze-lru noarch 0.7-6.el8 centos-ceph-nautilus 33 k
  26. python3-routes noarch 2.4.1-12.el8 centos-ceph-nautilus 196 k
  27. 事务概要
  28. =======================================================================================================================================
  29. 安装 6 软件包
  30. 总下载:3.6 M
  31. 安装大小:19 M
  32. 下载软件包:
  33. (1/6): ceph-grafana-dashboards-15.2.3-0.el8.noarch.rpm 141 kB/s | 22 kB 00:00
  34. (2/6): python3-jwt-1.6.1-2.el8.noarch.rpm 1.7 MB/s | 43 kB 00:00
  35. (3/6): ceph-prometheus-alerts-15.2.3-0.el8.noarch.rpm 20 kB/s | 8.7 kB 00:00
  36. (4/6): python3-routes-2.4.1-12.el8.noarch.rpm 800 kB/s | 196 kB 00:00
  37. (5/6): ceph-mgr-dashboard-15.2.3-0.el8.noarch.rpm 4.6 MB/s | 3.3 MB 00:00
  38. (6/6): python3-repoze-lru-0.7-6.el8.noarch.rpm 49 kB/s | 33 kB 00:00
  39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. 总计 2.9 MB/s | 3.6 MB 00:01
  41. 运行事务检查
  42. 事务检查成功。
  43. 运行事务测试
  44. 事务测试成功。
  45. 运行事务
  46. 准备中 : 1/1
  47. 安装 : python3-repoze-lru-0.7-6.el8.noarch 1/6
  48. 安装 : python3-routes-2.4.1-12.el8.noarch 2/6
  49. 安装 : python3-jwt-1.6.1-2.el8.noarch 3/6
  50. 安装 : ceph-prometheus-alerts-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch 4/6
  51. 安装 : ceph-grafana-dashboards-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch 5/6
  52. 安装 : ceph-mgr-dashboard-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch 6/6
  53. 运行脚本: ceph-mgr-dashboard-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch 6/6
  54. 验证 : ceph-grafana-dashboards-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch 1/6
  55. 验证 : ceph-mgr-dashboard-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch 2/6
  56. 验证 : ceph-prometheus-alerts-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch 3/6
  57. 验证 : python3-jwt-1.6.1-2.el8.noarch 4/6
  58. 验证 : python3-repoze-lru-0.7-6.el8.noarch 5/6
  59. 验证 : python3-routes-2.4.1-12.el8.noarch 6/6
  60. 已安装:
  61. ceph-mgr-dashboard-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch ceph-grafana-dashboards-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch ceph-prometheus-alerts-2:15.2.3-0.el8.noarch
  62. python3-jwt-1.6.1-2.el8.noarch python3-repoze-lru-0.7-6.el8.noarch python3-routes-2.4.1-12.el8.noarch
  63. 完毕!
  64. [root@node03 ~]#
  65. [root@node03 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-mgr@node03.service
  66. [root@node03 ~]# ceph mgr module enable dashboard
  67. [root@node03 ~]#


  1. [root@node01 ceph-rbd]# ceph dashboard create-self-signed-cert
  2. Self-signed certificate created
  3. [root@node01 ceph-rbd]# ceph dashboard set-login-credentials admin admin
  4. ******************************************************************
  5. *** WARNING: this command is deprecated. ***
  6. *** Please use the ac-user-* related commands to manage users. ***
  7. ******************************************************************
  8. Username and password updated
  9. [root@node01 ceph-rbd]# ceph mgr services
  10. {
  11. "dashboard": "https://node03:8443/"
  12. }
  13. [root@node01 ceph-rbd]#
  14. [root@node01 ceph-rbd]# netstat -lntup|grep 8443
  15. tcp6 0 0 :::8443 :::* LISTEN 5068/ceph-mgr
  16. [root@node01 ceph-rbd]#


ceph 常用命令

ceph -v
ceph mon versions
ceph device ls
ceph -s
ceph osd tree
ceph health detail
ceph df
ceph fs ls
ceph-volume lvm list
ceph fs volume ls
ceph fs status

  1. [root@node01 ~]# ceph -h
  2. General usage:
  3. ==============
  4. usage: ceph [-h] [-c CEPHCONF] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
  5. [--setuser SETUSER] [--setgroup SETGROUP] [--id CLIENT_ID]
  6. [--name CLIENT_NAME] [--cluster CLUSTER]
  7. [--admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET] [-s] [-w] [--watch-debug]
  8. [--watch-info] [--watch-sec] [--watch-warn] [--watch-error]
  9. [-W WATCH_CHANNEL] [--version] [--verbose] [--concise]
  10. [-f {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain,yaml}]
  11. [--connect-timeout CLUSTER_TIMEOUT] [--block] [--period PERIOD]
  12. Ceph administration tool
  13. optional arguments:
  14. -h, --help request mon help
  15. -c CEPHCONF, --conf CEPHCONF
  16. ceph configuration file
  17. -i INPUT_FILE, --in-file INPUT_FILE
  18. input file, or "-" for stdin
  19. -o OUTPUT_FILE, --out-file OUTPUT_FILE
  20. output file, or "-" for stdout
  21. --setuser SETUSER set user file permission
  22. --setgroup SETGROUP set group file permission
  23. --id CLIENT_ID, --user CLIENT_ID
  24. client id for authentication
  25. --name CLIENT_NAME, -n CLIENT_NAME
  26. client name for authentication
  27. --cluster CLUSTER cluster name
  28. --admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET
  29. submit admin-socket commands ("help" for help
  30. -s, --status show cluster status
  31. -w, --watch watch live cluster changes
  32. --watch-debug watch debug events
  33. --watch-info watch info events
  34. --watch-sec watch security events
  35. --watch-warn watch warn events
  36. --watch-error watch error events
  37. -W WATCH_CHANNEL, --watch-channel WATCH_CHANNEL
  38. watch live cluster changes on a specific channel
  39. (e.g., cluster, audit, cephadm, or '*' for all)
  40. --version, -v display version
  41. --verbose make verbose
  42. --concise make less verbose
  43. -f {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain,yaml}, --format {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain,yaml}
  44. --connect-timeout CLUSTER_TIMEOUT
  45. set a timeout for connecting to the cluster
  46. --block block until completion (scrub and deep-scrub only)
  47. --period PERIOD, -p PERIOD
  48. polling period, default 1.0 second (for polling
  49. commands only)
  50. Local commands:
  51. ===============
  52. ping <mon.id> Send simple presence/life test to a mon
  53. <mon.id> may be 'mon.*' for all mons
  54. daemon {type.id|path} <cmd>
  55. Same as --admin-daemon, but auto-find admin socket
  56. daemonperf {type.id | path} [stat-pats] [priority] [<interval>] [<count>]
  57. daemonperf {type.id | path} list|ls [stat-pats] [priority]
  58. Get selected perf stats from daemon/admin socket
  59. Optional shell-glob comma-delim match string stat-pats
  60. Optional selection priority (can abbreviate name):
  61. critical, interesting, useful, noninteresting, debug
  62. List shows a table of all available stats
  63. Run <count> times (default forever),
  64. once per <interval> seconds (default 1)
  65. Monitor commands:
  66. =================
  67. alerts send (re)send alerts immediately
  68. auth add <entity> [<caps>...] add auth info for <entity> from input file, or random key if no
  69. input is given, and/or any caps specified in the command
  70. auth caps <entity> <caps>... update caps for <name> from caps specified in the command
  71. auth export [<entity>] write keyring for requested entity, or master keyring if none given
  72. auth get <entity> write keyring file with requested key
  73. auth get-key <entity> display requested key
  74. auth get-or-create <entity> [<caps>...] add auth info for <entity> from input file, or random key if no
  75. input given, and/or any caps specified in the command
  76. auth get-or-create-key <entity> [<caps>...] get, or add, key for <name> from system/caps pairs specified in
  77. the command. If key already exists, any given caps must match
  78. the existing caps for that key.
  79. auth import auth import: read keyring file from -i <file>
  80. auth ls list authentication state
  81. auth print-key <entity> display requested key
  82. auth print_key <entity> display requested key
  83. auth rm <entity> remove all caps for <name>
  84. balancer dump <plan> Show an optimization plan
  85. balancer eval [<option>] Evaluate data distribution for the current cluster or specific
  86. pool or specific plan
  87. balancer eval-verbose [<option>] Evaluate data distribution for the current cluster or specific
  88. pool or specific plan (verbosely)
  89. balancer execute <plan> Execute an optimization plan
  90. balancer ls List all plans
  91. balancer mode none|crush-compat|upmap Set balancer mode
  92. balancer off Disable automatic balancing
  93. balancer on Enable automatic balancing
  94. balancer optimize <plan> [<pools>...] Run optimizer to create a new plan
  95. balancer pool add <pools>... Enable automatic balancing for specific pools
  96. balancer pool ls List automatic balancing pools. Note that empty list means all
  97. existing pools will be automatic balancing targets, which is the
  98. default behaviour of balancer.
  99. balancer pool rm <pools>... Disable automatic balancing for specific pools
  100. balancer reset Discard all optimization plans
  101. balancer rm <plan> Discard an optimization plan
  102. balancer show <plan> Show details of an optimization plan
  103. balancer status Show balancer status
  104. config assimilate-conf Assimilate options from a conf, and return a new, minimal conf file
  105. config dump Show all configuration option(s)
  106. config generate-minimal-conf Generate a minimal ceph.conf file
  107. config get <who> [<key>] Show configuration option(s) for an entity
  108. config help <key> Describe a configuration option
  109. config log [<num:int>] Show recent history of config changes
  110. config ls List available configuration options
  111. config reset <num:int> Revert configuration to a historical version specified by <num>
  112. config rm <who> <name> Clear a configuration option for one or more entities
  113. config set <who> <name> <value> [--force] Set a configuration option for one or more entities
  114. config show <who> [<key>] Show running configuration
  115. config show-with-defaults <who> Show running configuration (including compiled-in defaults)
  116. config-key dump [<key>] dump keys and values (with optional prefix)
  117. config-key exists <key> check for <key>'s existence
  118. config-key get <key> get <key>
  119. config-key ls list keys
  120. config-key rm <key> rm <key>
  121. config-key set <key> [<val>] set <key> to value <val>
  122. crash archive <id> Acknowledge a crash and silence health warning(s)
  123. crash archive-all Acknowledge all new crashes and silence health warning(s)
  124. crash info <id> show crash dump metadata
  125. crash json_report <hours> Crashes in the last <hours> hours
  126. crash ls Show new and archived crash dumps
  127. crash ls-new Show new crash dumps
  128. crash post Add a crash dump (use -i <jsonfile>)
  129. crash prune <keep> Remove crashes older than <keep> days
  130. crash rm <id> Remove a saved crash <id>
  131. crash stat Summarize recorded crashes
  132. device check-health Check life expectancy of devices
  133. device get-health-metrics <devid> [<sample>] Show stored device metrics for the device
  134. device info <devid> Show information about a device
  135. device light on|off <devid> [ident|fault] [--force] Enable or disable the device light. Default type is `ident`
  136. Usage:
  137. device light (on|off) <devid> [ident|fault] [--force]
  138. device ls Show devices
  139. device ls-by-daemon <who> Show devices associated with a daemon
  140. device ls-by-host <host> Show devices on a host
  141. device ls-lights List currently active device indicator lights
  142. device monitoring off Disable device health monitoring
  143. device monitoring on Enable device health monitoring
  144. device predict-life-expectancy <devid> Predict life expectancy with local predictor
  145. device query-daemon-health-metrics <who> Get device health metrics for a given daemon
  146. device rm-life-expectancy <devid> Clear predicted device life expectancy
  147. device scrape-daemon-health-metrics <who> Scrape and store device health metrics for a given daemon
  148. device scrape-health-metrics [<devid>] Scrape and store health metrics
  149. device set-life-expectancy <devid> <from> [<to>] Set predicted device life expectancy
  150. df [detail] show cluster free space stats
  151. features report of connected features
  152. fs add_data_pool <fs_name> <pool> add data pool <pool>
  153. fs authorize <filesystem> <entity> <caps>... add auth for <entity> to access file system <filesystem> based on
  154. following directory and permissions pairs
  155. fs clone cancel <vol_name> <clone_name> [<group_name>] Cancel an pending or ongoing clone operation.
  156. fs clone status <vol_name> <clone_name> [<group_name>] Get status on a cloned subvolume.
  157. fs dump [<epoch:int>] dump all CephFS status, optionally from epoch
  158. fs fail <fs_name> bring the file system down and all of its ranks
  159. fs flag set enable_multiple <val> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] Set a global CephFS flag
  160. fs get <fs_name> get info about one filesystem
  161. fs ls list filesystems
  162. fs new <fs_name> <metadata> <data> [--force] [--allow-dangerous- make new filesystem using named pools <metadata> and <data>
  163. metadata-overlay]
  164. fs reset <fs_name> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] disaster recovery only: reset to a single-MDS map
  165. fs rm <fs_name> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] disable the named filesystem
  166. fs rm_data_pool <fs_name> <pool> remove data pool <pool>
  167. fs set <fs_name> max_mds|max_file_size|allow_new_snaps|inline_data| set fs parameter <var> to <val>
  168. cluster_down|allow_dirfrags|balancer|standby_count_wanted|session_
  169. timeout|session_autoclose|allow_standby_replay|down|joinable|min_
  170. compat_client <val> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] [--yes-i-really-
  171. really-mean-it]
  172. fs set-default <fs_name> set the default to the named filesystem
  173. fs status [<fs>] Show the status of a CephFS filesystem
  174. fs subvolume create <vol_name> <sub_name> [<size:int>] [<group_ Create a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, with a
  175. name>] [<pool_layout>] [<uid:int>] [<gid:int>] [<mode>] specific size (in bytes), a specific data pool layout, a specific
  176. mode, and in a specific subvolume group
  177. fs subvolume getpath <vol_name> <sub_name> [<group_name>] Get the mountpath of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and
  178. optionally, in a specific subvolume group
  179. fs subvolume info <vol_name> <sub_name> [<group_name>] Get the metadata of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally,
  180. in a specific subvolume group
  181. fs subvolume ls <vol_name> [<group_name>] List subvolumes
  182. fs subvolume resize <vol_name> <sub_name> <new_size> [<group_ Resize a CephFS subvolume
  183. name>] [--no-shrink]
  184. fs subvolume rm <vol_name> <sub_name> [<group_name>] [--force] Delete a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally, in a
  185. specific subvolume group
  186. fs subvolume snapshot clone <vol_name> <sub_name> <snap_name> Clone a snapshot to target subvolume
  187. <target_sub_name> [<pool_layout>] [<group_name>] [<target_group_
  188. name>]
  189. fs subvolume snapshot create <vol_name> <sub_name> <snap_name> Create a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and
  190. [<group_name>] optionally, in a specific subvolume group
  191. fs subvolume snapshot ls <vol_name> <sub_name> [<group_name>] List subvolume snapshots
  192. fs subvolume snapshot protect <vol_name> <sub_name> <snap_name> Protect snapshot of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and optionally,
  193. [<group_name>] in a specific subvolume group
  194. fs subvolume snapshot rm <vol_name> <sub_name> <snap_name> [<group_ Delete a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and
  195. name>] [--force] optionally, in a specific subvolume group
  196. fs subvolume snapshot unprotect <vol_name> <sub_name> <snap_name> Unprotect a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume in a volume, and
  197. [<group_name>] optionally, in a specific subvolume group
  198. fs subvolumegroup create <vol_name> <group_name> [<pool_layout>] Create a CephFS subvolume group in a volume, and optionally, with
  199. [<uid:int>] [<gid:int>] [<mode>] a specific data pool layout, and a specific numeric mode
  200. fs subvolumegroup getpath <vol_name> <group_name> Get the mountpath of a CephFS subvolume group in a volume
  201. fs subvolumegroup ls <vol_name> List subvolumegroups
  202. fs subvolumegroup rm <vol_name> <group_name> [--force] Delete a CephFS subvolume group in a volume
  203. fs subvolumegroup snapshot create <vol_name> <group_name> <snap_ Create a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume group in a volume
  204. name>
  205. fs subvolumegroup snapshot ls <vol_name> <group_name> List subvolumegroup snapshots
  206. fs subvolumegroup snapshot rm <vol_name> <group_name> <snap_name> Delete a snapshot of a CephFS subvolume group in a volume
  207. [--force]
  208. fs volume create <name> [<placement>] Create a CephFS volume
  209. fs volume ls List volumes
  210. fs volume rm <vol_name> [<yes-i-really-mean-it>] Delete a FS volume by passing --yes-i-really-mean-it flag
  211. fsid show cluster FSID/UUID
  212. health [detail] show cluster health
  213. health mute <code> [<ttl>] [--sticky] mute health alert
  214. health unmute [<code>] unmute existing health alert mute(s)
  215. influx config-set <key> <value> Set a configuration value
  216. influx config-show Show current configuration
  217. influx send Force sending data to Influx
  218. insights Retrieve insights report
  219. insights prune-health <hours> Remove health history older than <hours> hours
  220. iostat Get IO rates
  221. log <logtext>... log supplied text to the monitor log
  222. log last [<num:int>] [debug|info|sec|warn|error] [*|cluster|audit| print last few lines of the cluster log
  223. cephadm]
  224. mds compat rm_compat <feature:int> remove compatible feature
  225. mds compat rm_incompat <feature:int> remove incompatible feature
  226. mds compat show show mds compatibility settings
  227. mds count-metadata <property> count MDSs by metadata field property
  228. mds fail <role_or_gid> Mark MDS failed: trigger a failover if a standby is available
  229. mds metadata [<who>] fetch metadata for mds <role>
  230. mds ok-to-stop <ids>... check whether stopping the specified MDS would reduce immediate
  231. availability
  232. mds repaired <role> mark a damaged MDS rank as no longer damaged
  233. mds rm <gid:int> remove nonactive mds
  234. mds versions check running versions of MDSs
  235. mgr count-metadata <property> count ceph-mgr daemons by metadata field property
  236. mgr dump [<epoch:int>] dump the latest MgrMap
  237. mgr fail [<who>] treat the named manager daemon as failed
  238. mgr metadata [<who>] dump metadata for all daemons or a specific daemon
  239. mgr module disable <module> disable mgr module
  240. mgr module enable <module> [--force] enable mgr module
  241. mgr module ls list active mgr modules
  242. mgr self-test background start <workload> Activate a background workload (one of command_spam, throw_
  243. exception)
  244. mgr self-test background stop Stop background workload if any is running
  245. mgr self-test cluster-log <channel> <priority> <message> Create an audit log record.
  246. mgr self-test config get <key> Peek at a configuration value
  247. mgr self-test config get_localized <key> Peek at a configuration value (localized variant)
  248. mgr self-test health clear [<checks>...] Clear health checks by name. If no names provided, clear all.
  249. mgr self-test health set <checks> Set a health check from a JSON-formatted description.
  250. mgr self-test insights_set_now_offset <hours> Set the now time for the insights module.
  251. mgr self-test module <module> Run another module's self_test() method
  252. mgr self-test remote Test inter-module calls
  253. mgr self-test run Run mgr python interface tests
  254. mgr services list service endpoints provided by mgr modules
  255. mgr versions check running versions of ceph-mgr daemons
  256. mon add <name> <addr> add new monitor named <name> at <addr>
  257. mon count-metadata <property> count mons by metadata field property
  258. mon dump [<epoch:int>] dump formatted monmap (optionally from epoch)
  259. mon enable-msgr2 enable the msgr2 protocol on port 3300
  260. mon feature ls [--with-value] list available mon map features to be set/unset
  261. mon feature set <feature_name> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] set provided feature on mon map
  262. mon getmap [<epoch:int>] get monmap
  263. mon metadata [<id>] fetch metadata for mon <id>
  264. mon ok-to-add-offline check whether adding a mon and not starting it would break quorum
  265. mon ok-to-rm <id> check whether removing the specified mon would break quorum
  266. mon ok-to-stop <ids>... check whether mon(s) can be safely stopped without reducing
  267. immediate availability
  268. mon rm <name> remove monitor named <name>
  269. mon scrub scrub the monitor stores
  270. mon set-addrs <name> <addrs> set the addrs (IPs and ports) a specific monitor binds to
  271. mon set-rank <name> <rank:int> set the rank for the specified mon
  272. mon set-weight <name> <weight:int> set the weight for the specified mon
  273. mon stat summarize monitor status
  274. mon versions check running versions of monitors
  275. node ls [all|osd|mon|mds|mgr] list all nodes in cluster [type]
  276. orch apply [mon|mgr|rbd-mirror|crash|alertmanager|grafana|node- Update the size or placement for a service or apply a large yaml
  277. exporter|prometheus] [<placement>] [--unmanaged] spec
  278. orch apply mds <fs_name> [<placement>] [--unmanaged] Update the number of MDS instances for the given fs_name
  279. orch apply nfs <svc_id> <pool> [<namespace>] [<placement>] [-- Scale an NFS service
  280. unmanaged]
  281. orch apply osd [--all-available-devices] [--preview] [<service_ Create OSD daemon(s) using a drive group spec
  282. name>] [--unmanaged] [plain|json|json-pretty|yaml]
  283. orch apply rgw <realm_name> <zone_name> [<subcluster>] [<port: Update the number of RGW instances for the given zone
  284. int>] [--ssl] [<placement>] [--unmanaged]
  285. orch cancel cancels ongoing operations
  286. orch daemon add [mon|mgr|rbd-mirror|crash|alertmanager|grafana| Add daemon(s)
  287. node-exporter|prometheus] [<placement>]
  288. orch daemon add iscsi <pool> [<fqdn_enabled>] [<trusted_ip_list>] Start iscsi daemon(s)
  289. [<placement>]
  290. orch daemon add mds <fs_name> [<placement>] Start MDS daemon(s)
  291. orch daemon add nfs <svc_arg> <pool> [<namespace>] [<placement>] Start NFS daemon(s)
  292. orch daemon add osd [<svc_arg>] Create an OSD service. Either --svc_arg=host:drives
  293. orch daemon add rgw [<realm_name>] [<zone_name>] [<placement>] Start RGW daemon(s)
  294. orch daemon rm <names>... [--force] Remove specific daemon(s)
  295. orch daemon start|stop|restart|redeploy|reconfig <name> Start, stop, restart, redeploy, or reconfig a specific daemon
  296. orch device ls [<hostname>...] [plain|json|json-pretty|yaml] [-- List devices on a host
  297. refresh]
  298. orch device zap <hostname> <path> [--force] Zap (erase!) a device so it can be re-used
  299. orch host add <hostname> [<addr>] [<labels>...] Add a host
  300. orch host label add <hostname> <label> Add a host label
  301. orch host label rm <hostname> <label> Remove a host label
  302. orch host ls [plain|json|json-pretty|yaml] List hosts
  303. orch host rm <hostname> Remove a host
  304. orch host set-addr <hostname> <addr> Update a host address
  305. orch ls [<service_type>] [<service_name>] [--export] [plain|json| List services known to orchestrator
  306. json-pretty|yaml] [--refresh]
  307. orch osd rm <svc_id>... [--replace] [--force] Remove OSD services
  308. orch osd rm status status of OSD removal operation
  309. orch pause Pause orchestrator background work
  310. orch ps [<hostname>] [<service_name>] [<daemon_type>] [<daemon_ List daemons known to orchestrator
  311. id>] [plain|json|json-pretty|yaml] [--refresh]
  312. orch resume Resume orchestrator background work (if paused)
  313. orch rm <service_name> [--force] Remove a service
  314. orch set backend <module_name> Select orchestrator module backend
  315. orch start|stop|restart|redeploy|reconfig <service_name> Start, stop, restart, redeploy, or reconfig an entire service (i.e.
  316. all daemons)
  317. orch status Report configured backend and its status
  318. orch upgrade check [<image>] [<ceph_version>] Check service versions vs available and target containers
  319. orch upgrade pause Pause an in-progress upgrade
  320. orch upgrade resume Resume paused upgrade
  321. orch upgrade start [<image>] [<ceph_version>] Initiate upgrade
  322. orch upgrade status Check service versions vs available and target containers
  323. orch upgrade stop Stop an in-progress upgrade
  324. osd blacklist add|rm <addr> [<expire:float>] add (optionally until <expire> seconds from now) or remove <addr>
  325. from blacklist
  326. osd blacklist clear clear all blacklisted clients
  327. osd blacklist ls show blacklisted clients
  328. osd blocked-by print histogram of which OSDs are blocking their peers
  329. osd count-metadata <property> count OSDs by metadata field property
  330. osd crush add <id|osd.id> <weight:float> <args>... add or update crushmap position and weight for <name> with
  331. <weight> and location <args>
  332. osd crush add-bucket <name> <type> [<args>...] add no-parent (probably root) crush bucket <name> of type <type>
  333. to location <args>
  334. osd crush class create <class> create crush device class <class>
  335. osd crush class ls list all crush device classes
  336. osd crush class ls-osd <class> list all osds belonging to the specific <class>
  337. osd crush class rename <srcname> <dstname> rename crush device class <srcname> to <dstname>
  338. osd crush class rm <class> remove crush device class <class>
  339. osd crush create-or-move <id|osd.id> <weight:float> <args>... create entry or move existing entry for <name> <weight> at/to
  340. location <args>
  341. osd crush dump dump crush map
  342. osd crush get-device-class <ids>... get classes of specified osd(s) <id> [<id>...]
  343. osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version get crush tunable <tunable>
  344. osd crush link <name> <args>... link existing entry for <name> under location <args>
  345. osd crush ls <node> list items beneath a node in the CRUSH tree
  346. osd crush move <name> <args>... move existing entry for <name> to location <args>
  347. osd crush rename-bucket <srcname> <dstname> rename bucket <srcname> to <dstname>
  348. osd crush reweight <name> <weight:float> change <name>'s weight to <weight> in crush map
  349. osd crush reweight-all recalculate the weights for the tree to ensure they sum correctly
  350. osd crush reweight-subtree <name> <weight:float> change all leaf items beneath <name> to <weight> in crush map
  351. osd crush rm <name> [<ancestor>] remove <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at <ancestor>)
  352. osd crush rm-device-class <ids>... remove class of the osd(s) <id> [<id>...],or use <all|any> to
  353. remove all.
  354. osd crush rule create-erasure <name> [<profile>] create crush rule <name> for erasure coded pool created with
  355. <profile> (default default)
  356. osd crush rule create-replicated <name> <root> <type> [<class>] create crush rule <name> for replicated pool to start from <root>,
  357. replicate across buckets of type <type>, use devices of type
  358. <class> (ssd or hdd)
  359. osd crush rule create-simple <name> <root> <type> [firstn|indep] create crush rule <name> to start from <root>, replicate across
  360. buckets of type <type>, using a choose mode of <firstn|indep> (
  361. default firstn; indep best for erasure pools)
  362. osd crush rule dump [<name>] dump crush rule <name> (default all)
  363. osd crush rule ls list crush rules
  364. osd crush rule ls-by-class <class> list all crush rules that reference the same <class>
  365. osd crush rule rename <srcname> <dstname> rename crush rule <srcname> to <dstname>
  366. osd crush rule rm <name> remove crush rule <name>
  367. osd crush set <id|osd.id> <weight:float> <args>... update crushmap position and weight for <name> to <weight> with
  368. location <args>
  369. osd crush set [<prior_version:int>] set crush map from input file
  370. osd crush set-all-straw-buckets-to-straw2 convert all CRUSH current straw buckets to use the straw2 algorithm
  371. osd crush set-device-class <class> <ids>... set the <class> of the osd(s) <id> [<id>...],or use <all|any> to
  372. set all.
  373. osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version <value:int> set crush tunable <tunable> to <value>
  374. osd crush show-tunables show current crush tunables
  375. osd crush swap-bucket <source> <dest> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] swap existing bucket contents from (orphan) bucket <source> and
  376. <target>
  377. osd crush tree [--show-shadow] dump crush buckets and items in a tree view
  378. osd crush tunables legacy|argonaut|bobtail|firefly|hammer|jewel| set crush tunables values to <profile>
  379. optimal|default
  380. osd crush unlink <name> [<ancestor>] unlink <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at <ancestor>)
  381. osd crush weight-set create <pool> flat|positional create a weight-set for a given pool
  382. osd crush weight-set create-compat create a default backward-compatible weight-set
  383. osd crush weight-set dump dump crush weight sets
  384. osd crush weight-set ls list crush weight sets
  385. osd crush weight-set reweight <pool> <item> <weight:float>... set weight for an item (bucket or osd) in a pool's weight-set
  386. osd crush weight-set reweight-compat <item> <weight:float>... set weight for an item (bucket or osd) in the backward-compatible
  387. weight-set
  388. osd crush weight-set rm <pool> remove the weight-set for a given pool
  389. osd crush weight-set rm-compat remove the backward-compatible weight-set
  390. osd deep-scrub <who> initiate deep scrub on osd <who>, or use <all|any> to deep scrub
  391. all
  392. osd destroy <id|osd.id> [--force] [--yes-i-really-mean-it] mark osd as being destroyed. Keeps the ID intact (allowing reuse),
  393. but removes cephx keys, config-key data and lockbox keys,
  394. rendering data permanently unreadable.
  395. osd df [plain|tree] [class|name] [<filter>] show OSD utilization
  396. osd down <ids>... [--definitely-dead] set osd(s) <id> [<id>...] down, or use <any|all> to set all osds
  397. down
  398. osd drain <osd_ids:int>... drain osd ids
  399. osd drain status show status
  400. osd drain stop [<osd_ids:int>...] show status for osds. Stopping all if osd_ids are omitted
  401. osd dump [<epoch:int>] print summary of OSD map
  402. osd erasure-code-profile get <name> get erasure code profile <name>
  403. osd erasure-code-profile ls list all erasure code profiles
  404. osd erasure-code-profile rm <name> remove erasure code profile <name>
  405. osd erasure-code-profile set <name> [<profile>...] [--force] create erasure code profile <name> with [<key[=value]> ...] pairs.
  406. Add a --force at the end to override an existing profile (VERY
  408. osd find <id|osd.id> find osd <id> in the CRUSH map and show its location
  409. osd force-create-pg <pgid> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] force creation of pg <pgid>
  410. osd get-require-min-compat-client get the minimum client version we will maintain compatibility with
  411. osd getcrushmap [<epoch:int>] get CRUSH map
  412. osd getmap [<epoch:int>] get OSD map
  413. osd getmaxosd show largest OSD id
  414. osd in <ids>... set osd(s) <id> [<id>...] in, can use <any|all> to automatically
  415. set all previously out osds in
  416. osd info [<id|osd.id>] print osd's {id} information (instead of all osds from map)
  417. osd last-stat-seq <id|osd.id> get the last pg stats sequence number reported for this osd
  418. osd lost <id|osd.id> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] mark osd as permanently lost. THIS DESTROYS DATA IF NO MORE
  420. osd ls [<epoch:int>] show all OSD ids
  421. osd ls-tree [<epoch:int>] <name> show OSD ids under bucket <name> in the CRUSH map
  422. osd map <pool> <object> [<nspace>] find pg for <object> in <pool> with [namespace]
  423. osd metadata [<id|osd.id>] fetch metadata for osd {id} (default all)
  424. osd new <uuid> [<id|osd.id>] Create a new OSD. If supplied, the `id` to be replaced needs to
  425. exist and have been previously destroyed. Reads secrets from JSON
  426. file via `-i <file>` (see man page).
  427. osd numa-status show NUMA status of OSDs
  428. osd ok-to-stop <ids>... check whether osd(s) can be safely stopped without reducing
  429. immediate data availability
  430. osd out <ids>... set osd(s) <id> [<id>...] out, or use <any|all> to set all osds out
  431. osd pause pause osd
  432. osd perf print dump of OSD perf summary stats
  433. osd pg-temp <pgid> [<id|osd.id>...] set pg_temp mapping pgid:[<id> [<id>...]] (developers only)
  434. osd pg-upmap <pgid> <id|osd.id>... set pg_upmap mapping <pgid>:[<id> [<id>...]] (developers only)
  435. osd pg-upmap-items <pgid> <id|osd.id>... set pg_upmap_items mapping <pgid>:{<id> to <id>, [...]} (
  436. developers only)
  437. osd pool application disable <pool> <app> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] disables use of an application <app> on pool <poolname>
  438. osd pool application enable <pool> <app> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] enable use of an application <app> [cephfs,rbd,rgw] on pool
  439. <poolname>
  440. osd pool application get [<pool>] [<app>] [<key>] get value of key <key> of application <app> on pool <poolname>
  441. osd pool application rm <pool> <app> <key> removes application <app> metadata key <key> on pool <poolname>
  442. osd pool application set <pool> <app> <key> <value> sets application <app> metadata key <key> to <value> on pool
  443. <poolname>
  444. osd pool autoscale-status report on pool pg_num sizing recommendation and intent
  445. osd pool cancel-force-backfill <who>... restore normal recovery priority of specified pool <who>
  446. osd pool cancel-force-recovery <who>... restore normal recovery priority of specified pool <who>
  447. osd pool create <pool> [<pg_num:int>] [<pgp_num:int>] [replicated| create pool
  448. erasure] [<erasure_code_profile>] [<rule>] [<expected_num_objects:
  449. int>] [<size:int>] [<pg_num_min:int>] [on|off|warn] [<target_size_
  450. bytes:int>] [<target_size_ratio:float>]
  451. osd pool deep-scrub <who>... initiate deep-scrub on pool <who>
  452. osd pool force-backfill <who>... force backfill of specified pool <who> first
  453. osd pool force-recovery <who>... force recovery of specified pool <who> first
  454. osd pool get <pool> size|min_size|pg_num|pgp_num|crush_rule| get pool parameter <var>
  455. hashpspool|nodelete|nopgchange|nosizechange|write_fadvise_
  456. dontneed|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|hit_set_type|hit_set_period|hit_set_
  457. count|hit_set_fpp|use_gmt_hitset|target_max_objects|target_max_
  458. bytes|cache_target_dirty_ratio|cache_target_dirty_high_ratio|
  459. cache_target_full_ratio|cache_min_flush_age|cache_min_evict_age|
  460. erasure_code_profile|min_read_recency_for_promote|all|min_write_
  461. recency_for_promote|fast_read|hit_set_grade_decay_rate|hit_set_
  462. search_last_n|scrub_min_interval|scrub_max_interval|deep_scrub_
  463. interval|recovery_priority|recovery_op_priority|scrub_priority|
  464. compression_mode|compression_algorithm|compression_required_ratio|
  465. compression_max_blob_size|compression_min_blob_size|csum_type|
  466. csum_min_block|csum_max_block|allow_ec_overwrites|fingerprint_
  467. algorithm|pg_autoscale_mode|pg_autoscale_bias|pg_num_min|target_
  468. size_bytes|target_size_ratio
  469. osd pool get-quota <pool> obtain object or byte limits for pool
  470. osd pool ls [detail] list pools
  471. osd pool mksnap <pool> <snap> make snapshot <snap> in <pool>
  472. osd pool rename <srcpool> <destpool> rename <srcpool> to <destpool>
  473. osd pool repair <who>... initiate repair on pool <who>
  474. osd pool rm <pool> [<pool2>] [--yes-i-really-really-mean-it] [-- remove pool
  475. yes-i-really-really-mean-it-not-faking]
  476. osd pool rmsnap <pool> <snap> remove snapshot <snap> from <pool>
  477. osd pool scrub <who>... initiate scrub on pool <who>
  478. osd pool set <pool> size|min_size|pg_num|pgp_num|pgp_num_actual| set pool parameter <var> to <val>
  479. crush_rule|hashpspool|nodelete|nopgchange|nosizechange|write_
  480. fadvise_dontneed|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|hit_set_type|hit_set_period|
  481. hit_set_count|hit_set_fpp|use_gmt_hitset|target_max_bytes|target_
  482. max_objects|cache_target_dirty_ratio|cache_target_dirty_high_
  483. ratio|cache_target_full_ratio|cache_min_flush_age|cache_min_evict_
  484. age|min_read_recency_for_promote|min_write_recency_for_promote|
  485. fast_read|hit_set_grade_decay_rate|hit_set_search_last_n|scrub_
  486. min_interval|scrub_max_interval|deep_scrub_interval|recovery_
  487. priority|recovery_op_priority|scrub_priority|compression_mode|
  488. compression_algorithm|compression_required_ratio|compression_max_
  489. blob_size|compression_min_blob_size|csum_type|csum_min_block|csum_
  490. max_block|allow_ec_overwrites|fingerprint_algorithm|pg_autoscale_
  491. mode|pg_autoscale_bias|pg_num_min|target_size_bytes|target_size_
  492. ratio <val> [--yes-i-really-mean-it]
  493. osd pool set-quota <pool> max_objects|max_bytes <val> set object or byte limit on pool
  494. osd pool stats [<pool_name>] obtain stats from all pools, or from specified pool
  495. osd primary-affinity <id|osd.id> <weight:float> adjust osd primary-affinity from 0.0 <= <weight> <= 1.0
  496. osd primary-temp <pgid> <id|osd.id> set primary_temp mapping pgid:<id>|-1 (developers only)
  497. osd purge <id|osd.id> [--force] [--yes-i-really-mean-it] purge all osd data from the monitors including the OSD id and
  498. CRUSH position
  499. osd purge-new <id|osd.id> [--yes-i-really-mean-it] purge all traces of an OSD that was partially created but never
  500. started
  501. osd repair <who> initiate repair on osd <who>, or use <all|any> to repair all
  502. osd require-osd-release luminous|mimic|nautilus|octopus [--yes-i- set the minimum allowed OSD release to participate in the cluster
  503. really-mean-it]
  504. osd reweight <id|osd.id> <weight:float> reweight osd to 0.0 < <weight> < 1.0
  505. osd reweight-by-pg [<oload:int>] [<max_change:float>] [<max_osds: reweight OSDs by PG distribution [overload-percentage-for-
  506. int>] [<pools>...] consideration, default 120]
  507. osd reweight-by-utilization [<oload:int>] [<max_change:float>] reweight OSDs by utilization [overload-percentage-for-
  508. [<max_osds:int>] [--no-increasing] consideration, default 120]
  509. osd reweightn <weights> reweight osds with {<id>: <weight>,...})
  510. osd rm-pg-upmap <pgid> clear pg_upmap mapping for <pgid> (developers only)
  511. osd rm-pg-upmap-items <pgid> clear pg_upmap_items mapping for <pgid> (developers only)
  512. osd safe-to-destroy <ids>... check whether osd(s) can be safely destroyed without reducing data
  513. durability
  514. osd scrub <who> initiate scrub on osd <who>, or use <all|any> to scrub all
  515. osd set full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|norebalance| set <key>
  516. norecover|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|notieragent|nosnaptrim|pglog_
  517. hardlimit [--yes-i-really-mean-it]
  518. osd set-backfillfull-ratio <ratio:float> set usage ratio at which OSDs are marked too full to backfill
  519. osd set-full-ratio <ratio:float> set usage ratio at which OSDs are marked full
  520. osd set-group <flags> <who>... set <flags> for batch osds or crush nodes, <flags> must be a comma-
  521. separated subset of {noup,nodown,noin,noout}
  522. osd set-nearfull-ratio <ratio:float> set usage ratio at which OSDs are marked near-full
  523. osd set-require-min-compat-client <version> [--yes-i-really-mean- set the minimum client version we will maintain compatibility with
  524. it]
  525. osd setcrushmap [<prior_version:int>] set crush map from input file
  526. osd setmaxosd <newmax:int> set new maximum osd value
  527. osd stat print summary of OSD map
  528. osd status [<bucket>] Show the status of OSDs within a bucket, or all
  529. osd stop <ids>... stop the corresponding osd daemons and mark them as down
  530. osd test-reweight-by-pg [<oload:int>] [<max_change:float>] [<max_ dry run of reweight OSDs by PG distribution [overload-percentage-
  531. osds:int>] [<pools>...] for-consideration, default 120]
  532. osd test-reweight-by-utilization [<oload:int>] [<max_change: dry run of reweight OSDs by utilization [overload-percentage-for-
  533. float>] [<max_osds:int>] [--no-increasing] consideration, default 120]
  534. osd tier add <pool> <tierpool> [--force-nonempty] add the tier <tierpool> (the second one) to base pool <pool> (the
  535. first one)
  536. osd tier add-cache <pool> <tierpool> <size:int> add a cache <tierpool> (the second one) of size <size> to existing
  537. pool <pool> (the first one)
  538. osd tier cache-mode <pool> none|writeback|forward|readonly| specify the caching mode for cache tier <pool>
  539. readforward|proxy|readproxy [--yes-i-really-mean-it]
  540. osd tier rm <pool> <tierpool> remove the tier <tierpool> (the second one) from base pool <pool> (
  541. the first one)
  542. osd tier rm-overlay <pool> remove the overlay pool for base pool <pool>
  543. osd tier set-overlay <pool> <overlaypool> set the overlay pool for base pool <pool> to be <overlaypool>
  544. osd tree [<epoch:int>] [up|down|in|out|destroyed...] print OSD tree
  545. osd tree-from [<epoch:int>] <bucket> [up|down|in|out|destroyed...] print OSD tree in bucket
  546. osd unpause unpause osd
  547. osd unset full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|norebalance| unset <key>
  548. norecover|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|notieragent|nosnaptrim
  549. osd unset-group <flags> <who>... unset <flags> for batch osds or crush nodes, <flags> must be a
  550. comma-separated subset of {noup,nodown,noin,noout}
  551. osd utilization get basic pg distribution stats
  552. osd versions check running versions of OSDs
  553. pg cancel-force-backfill <pgid>... restore normal backfill priority of <pgid>
  554. pg cancel-force-recovery <pgid>... restore normal recovery priority of <pgid>
  555. pg debug unfound_objects_exist|degraded_pgs_exist show debug info about pgs
  556. pg deep-scrub <pgid> start deep-scrub on <pgid>
  557. pg dump [all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief...] show human-readable versions of pg map (only 'all' valid with
  558. plain)
  559. pg dump_json [all|summary|sum|pools|osds|pgs...] show human-readable version of pg map in json only
  560. pg dump_pools_json show pg pools info in json only
  561. pg dump_stuck [inactive|unclean|stale|undersized|degraded...] show information about stuck pgs
  562. [<threshold:int>]
  563. pg force-backfill <pgid>... force backfill of <pgid> first
  564. pg force-recovery <pgid>... force recovery of <pgid> first
  565. pg getmap get binary pg map to -o/stdout
  566. pg ls [<pool:int>] [<states>...] list pg with specific pool, osd, state
  567. pg ls-by-osd <id|osd.id> [<pool:int>] [<states>...] list pg on osd [osd]
  568. pg ls-by-pool <poolstr> [<states>...] list pg with pool = [poolname]
  569. pg ls-by-primary <id|osd.id> [<pool:int>] [<states>...] list pg with primary = [osd]
  570. pg map <pgid> show mapping of pg to osds
  571. pg repair <pgid> start repair on <pgid>
  572. pg repeer <pgid> force a PG to repeer
  573. pg scrub <pgid> start scrub on <pgid>
  574. pg stat show placement group status.
  575. progress Show progress of recovery operations
  576. progress clear Reset progress tracking
  577. progress json Show machine readable progress information
  578. prometheus file_sd_config Return file_sd compatible prometheus config for mgr cluster
  579. quorum_status report status of monitor quorum
  580. rbd mirror snapshot schedule add <level_spec> <interval> [<start_ Add rbd mirror snapshot schedule
  581. time>]
  582. rbd mirror snapshot schedule list [<level_spec>] List rbd mirror snapshot schedule
  583. rbd mirror snapshot schedule remove <level_spec> [<interval>] Remove rbd mirror snapshot schedule
  584. [<start_time>]
  585. rbd mirror snapshot schedule status [<level_spec>] Show rbd mirror snapshot schedule status
  586. rbd perf image counters [<pool_spec>] [write_ops|write_bytes|write_ Retrieve current RBD IO performance counters
  587. latency|read_ops|read_bytes|read_latency]
  588. rbd perf image stats [<pool_spec>] [write_ops|write_bytes|write_ Retrieve current RBD IO performance stats
  589. latency|read_ops|read_bytes|read_latency]
  590. rbd task add flatten <image_spec> Flatten a cloned image asynchronously in the background
  591. rbd task add migration abort <image_spec> Abort a prepared migration asynchronously in the background
  592. rbd task add migration commit <image_spec> Commit an executed migration asynchronously in the background
  593. rbd task add migration execute <image_spec> Execute an image migration asynchronously in the background
  594. rbd task add remove <image_spec> Remove an image asynchronously in the background
  595. rbd task add trash remove <image_id_spec> Remove an image from the trash asynchronously in the background
  596. rbd task cancel <task_id> Cancel a pending or running asynchronous task
  597. rbd task list [<task_id>] List pending or running asynchronous tasks
  598. rbd trash purge schedule add <level_spec> <interval> [<start_time>] Add rbd trash purge schedule
  599. rbd trash purge schedule list [<level_spec>] List rbd trash purge schedule
  600. rbd trash purge schedule remove <level_spec> [<interval>] [<start_ Remove rbd trash purge schedule
  601. time>]
  602. rbd trash purge schedule status [<level_spec>] Show rbd trash purge schedule status
  603. report [<tags>...] report full status of cluster, optional title tag strings
  604. restful create-key <key_name> Create an API key with this name
  605. restful create-self-signed-cert Create localized self signed certificate
  606. restful delete-key <key_name> Delete an API key with this name
  607. restful list-keys List all API keys
  608. restful restart Restart API server
  609. service dump dump service map
  610. service status dump service state
  611. status show cluster status
  612. telegraf config-set <key> <value> Set a configuration value
  613. telegraf config-show Show current configuration
  614. telegraf send Force sending data to Telegraf
  615. telemetry off Disable telemetry reports from this cluster
  616. telemetry on [<license>] Enable telemetry reports from this cluster
  617. telemetry send [ceph|device...] [<license>] Force sending data to Ceph telemetry
  618. telemetry show [<channels>...] Show last report or report to be sent
  619. telemetry show-device Show last device report or device report to be sent
  620. telemetry status Show current configuration
  621. tell <type.id> <args>... send a command to a specific daemon
  622. test_orchestrator load_data load dummy data into test orchestrator
  623. time-sync-status show time sync status
  624. versions check running versions of ceph daemons
  625. zabbix config-set <key> <value> Set a configuration value
  626. zabbix config-show Show current configuration
  627. zabbix discovery Discovering Zabbix data
  628. zabbix send Force sending data to Zabbix
  629. [root@node01 ~]#