WSUS脚本 - 半成品:

    1. #Select Target Group for Update Approval:
    2. $TargetComputerGroups = "All Computers","Unassigned Computers","Clients","Servers","Test","View Templates"
    3. $UserPrompt = @"
    4. Please select a Computer Group from the below options:
    5. 1) All Computers (Selects all of the below)
    6. 2) Unassigned Computers
    7. 3) Clients
    8. 4) Servers
    9. 5) Test
    10. 6) View Templates
    11. Enter selection
    12. "@
    13. ###Record user selection to varirable
    14. $TargetComputerGroupTemp = Read-Host -Prompt $UserPrompt
    15. ###Convert their choice to the correct 0-index array value.
    16. $TargetComputerIndex = $TargetComputerGroupTemp -1
    17. $ComputerTarget = $TargetComputerGroups[$TargetComputerIndex]
