自定义powershell 配置 swap的函数
#The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support
#program or service. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty
#of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including,
#without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for
#a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of
#the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall
#Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or
#delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including,
#without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption,
#loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use
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#requires -Version 2.0
Function Set-OSCVirtualMemory
Set-OSCVirtualMemory is an advanced function which can be used to adjust virtual memory page file size.
Set-OSCVirtualMemory is an advanced function which can be used to adjust virtual memory page file size.
.PARAMETER <InitialSize>
Setting the paging file's initial size.
.PARAMETER <MaximumSize>
Setting the paging file's maximum size.
.PARAMETER <DriveLetter>
Specifies the drive letter you want to configure.
.PARAMETER <SystemManagedSize>
Allow Windows to manage page files on this computer.
Disable page files setting.
Reboot the computer so that configuration changes take effect.
.PARAMETER <AutoConfigure>
Automatically configure the initial size and maximumsize.
C:\PS> Set-OSCVirtualMemory -InitialSize 1024 -MaximumSize 2048 -DriveLetter "C:","D:"
Execution Results: Set page file size on "C:" successful.
Execution Results: Set page file size on "D:" successful.
Name InitialSize(MB) MaximumSize(MB)
---- --------------- ---------------
C:\pagefile.sys 1024 2048
D:\pagefile.sys 1024 2048
E:\pagefile.sys 2048 2048
If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Setting the virtual memory page file size"))
Foreach($DL in $DriveLetter)
$PageFile = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * From Win32_PageFileSetting Where Name='$DL\\pagefile.sys'" -EnableAllPrivileges
If($PageFile -ne $null)
Write-Warning """$DL"" is already set None!"
$InitialSize = 0
$MaximumSize = 0
Set-PageFileSize -DL $DL -InitialSize $InitialSize -MaximumSize $MaximumSize
$InitialSize = 0
$MaximumSize = 0
#Getting total physical memory size
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PhysicalMemory | Where-Object{$_.DeviceLocator -ne "SYSTEM ROM"} | `
ForEach-Object{$TotalPhysicalMemorySize += [Double]($_.Capacity)/1GB}
By default, the minimum size on a 32-bit (x86) system is 1.5 times the amount of physical RAM if physical RAM is less than 1 GB,
and equal to the amount of physical RAM plus 300 MB if 1 GB or more is installed. The default maximum size is three times the amount of RAM,
regardless of how much physical RAM is installed.
If($TotalPhysicalMemorySize -lt 1)
$InitialSize = 1.5*1024
$MaximumSize = 1024*3
Set-PageFileSize -DL $DL -InitialSize $InitialSize -MaximumSize $MaximumSize
$InitialSize = 1024+300
$MaximumSize = 1024*3
Set-PageFileSize -DL $DL -InitialSize $InitialSize -MaximumSize $MaximumSize
Set-PageFileSize -DL $DL -InitialSize $InitialSize -MaximumSize $MaximumSize
Restart-Computer -ComputerName $Env:COMPUTERNAME -Force
#get current page file size information
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PageFileSetting -EnableAllPrivileges|Select-Object Name, `
@{Name="InitialSize(MB)";Expression={if($_.InitialSize -eq 0){"System Managed"}else{$_.InitialSize}}}, `
@{Name="MaximumSize(MB)";Expression={if($_.MaximumSize -eq 0){"System Managed"}else{$_.MaximumSize}}}| `
Format-Table -AutoSize
Function Set-PageFileSize
#The AutomaticManagedPagefile property determines whether the system managed pagefile is enabled.
#This capability is not available on windows server 2003,XP and lower versions.
#Only if it is NOT managed by the system and will also allow you to change these.
$IsAutomaticManagedPagefile = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem |Foreach-Object{$_.AutomaticManagedPagefile}
#We must enable all the privileges of the current user before the command makes the WMI call.
$SystemInfo=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -EnableAllPrivileges
$SystemInfo.AutomaticManagedPageFile = $false
Write-Verbose "Setting pagefile on $DL"
#configuring the page file size
$PageFile = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PageFileSetting -Filter "SettingID='pagefile.sys @ $DL'"
If($PageFile -ne $null)
Set-WmiInstance -Class Win32_PageFileSetting -Arguments @{name="$DL\pagefile.sys"; InitialSize = 0; MaximumSize = 0} `
-EnableAllPrivileges |Out-Null
$PageFile = Get-WmiObject Win32_PageFileSetting -Filter "SettingID='pagefile.sys @ $DL'"
$PageFile.InitialSize = $InitialSize
$PageFile.MaximumSize = $MaximumSize
Write-Host "Execution Results: Set page file size on ""$DL"" successful."
Write-Warning "Pagefile configuration changed on computer '$Env:COMPUTERNAME'. The computer must be restarted for the changes to take effect."
Write-Host "Execution Results: No Permission - Failed to set page file size on ""$DL"""
导入函数:import /path/AdjustVirtualMemoryPagingFileSize.ps1
示例:Set-OSCVirtualMemory -InitialSize 1024 -MaximumSize 2048 -DriveLetter "C:","D:"
下载win10 SDK
win10 SDK 安装包中包含WinDbg
- 运行WinDbg软件,然后按【Ctrl+S】弹出符号表设置窗
- 将符号表地址:SRVC:\Symbolshttp://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols 粘贴在输入框中,点击确定即可。
- 使用【Ctrl+D】快捷键来导入一个dmp文件
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