作者:Yihui Xie
0.2 Structure of the book
Chapters 1 and 2 introduce the basic usage and syntax, which should be sufficient to get most readers started in writing a book. Chapters 3 and 4 are for those who want to fine-tune the appearance of their books. They may look very technical if you are not familiar with HTML/CSS and LaTeX. You do not need to read these two chapters very carefully for the first time. You can learn what can be possibly changed, and come back later to know how. For Chapter 5, the technical details are not important unless you do not use the RStudio IDE (Section 5.4). Similarly, you may feel overwhelmed by the commands presented in Chapter 6 to publish your book, but again, we have tried to make it easy to publish your book online via the RStudio IDE. The custom commands and functions are only for those who choose not to use RStudio’s service or want to understand the technical details.
第 1 章和第2章介绍了基本的用法和语法,这应该足以让大多数读者开始写一本书。第3 章和第4章是为那些想要调整他们的书的外观的人准备的。如果您不熟悉HTML/CSS和LaTeX,它们可能看起来非常技术性。你第一次不需要非常仔细地阅读这两章。你可以了解什么是可以改变的,然后再回来了解如何改变。对于第5章,技术细节并不重要,除非你不使用RStudio IDE(第 5.4节)。同样,您可能会对第 6章中提供的发布图书的命令感到不知所措,但是,我们再次尝试通过RStudio IDE让在线发布图书变得更容易。自定义命令和函数只适用于那些选择不使用RStudio的服务或想了解技术细节的人。
To sum it up, this book is a comprehensive reference of the bookdown package. You can follow the 80/20 rule when reading it. Some sections are there for the sake of completeness, and not all sections are equally useful to the particular book(s) that you intend to write.