
Factorial Numbers阶乘

  1. def FAC(n):
  2. if n == 0:
  3. return 1
  4. return FAC(n - 1) * n
  5. def FAC2(n):
  6. result = 1
  7. while n > 0:
  8. result = result * n
  9. n = n - 1
  10. return result
  11. def test():
  12. print(FAC(5))
  13. print(FAC2(5))

Fibonacci Numbers斐波那契数列

Dynamic programming (also known as dynamic optimization) is a method for solving a complex problem by breaking it down into a collection of simpler subproblems, solving each of those subproblems just once, and storing their solutions – ideally, using a memory-based data structure.

1. Brute Force,O(n exponential)暴力解法,时间复杂度n的指数级


2. Dynamic Programming, storing the leastest two numbers, O(logn)



  1. //the following 3 functions have the same result
  2. def Fib(n):
  3. if n == 0:
  4. return 1
  5. if n == 1:
  6. return 1
  7. return Fib(n - 1) + Fib(n - 2)
  8. def Fib2(n, a=1, b=0):
  9. if n == 0:
  10. return a
  11. return Fib2(n - 1, a + b, a)
  12. def Fib3(n):
  13. a = 1
  14. b = 0
  15. while n > 0:
  16. a = a + b
  17. b = a - b
  18. n = n - 1
  19. return a
  20. def test():
  21. print(Fib(15))
  22. print(Fib2(15))
  23. print(Fib3(15))

The Tower of Hanoi汉诺塔


Week 12 - 图3

Week 12 - 图4
Week 12 - 图5

  1. def Hanoi(n, init, aux, fin):
  2. if n > 0:
  3. Hanoi(n - 1, init, fin, aux)//把n-1个从init挪到aux上,借助fin
  4. fin.append(init.pop()) //把第n个盘子直接从init挪到fin
  5. print(init)
  6. print(aux)
  7. print(fin)
  8. print("---------")
  9. Hanoi(n - 1, aux, init, fin)//把n-1个从aux挪到fin上,借助init
  10. def test():
  11. init = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
  12. fin = []
  13. aux = []
  14. Hanoi(5, init, aux, fin)

The Coin Change Problem,分治法


import random

def Ways(amount, denominations):
    if amount == 0:
        return 1
    if amount < 0:
        return 0
    if len(denominations) == 0:
        return 0
    d = random.sample(denominations, 1)[0]   //从denominations产生一个随机数,取第一个
    return Ways(amount - d, denominations) + Ways(amount, denominations.difference([d]))

def test():
    print(Ways(400, set([5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200])))


Mock Interview from Leetcode


Java Basics

Java programs have at least one class and one main() method.

  • Each class represents one real-world idea.
  • The main() method runs the tasks of the program.
  • Case-Sensitivity

public is an access level访问级别 modifier修改器 that allows __other classes to interact with this class.

public class Car {
// scope of Car class starts after curly brace   实参

  public static void main(String[] args) {    //声明一个字符串数组,叫args
    // program tasks   形参


  • System is a built-in Java class
  • out =output
  • println =print line, the cursor光标 is moved to the next line
  • println()=outputs everything on the same line

    System.out.println("Hello World");
    System.out.print("Hello ");


    // calculate customer satisfaction rating
    /*We chose to store information across multiple databases to minimize the possibility of data loss. We'll need to be careful to make sure it does not go out of sync!*/


    String name = "James Gosling";
    int yearCreated = 1995;
    double price = 8.99;
    boolean javaIsACupOfCoffee = false;
    char punctuation = '!';
    String greeting = "Hello World";
    String salutations = new String("Hello World");

    Escape Sequences转义序列

  • add quotation

  • place backslashes反斜杠 \=\
  • output a new line \n ```java System.out.println(“\”Hello World\””); // Prints: “Hello World”

System.out.println(“This is the backslash symbol: \“); // Prints: This is the backslash symbol: \

System.out.println(“Hello\nGoodbye”); / Prints: Hello Goodbye /

<a name="LswGv"></a>
### Manipluation

- line1==line2
- line2.equals(line3)

declare a variable with a value that cannot be manipulated

- final int...
int unevenlyDivided = 10 / 4;
//unevenlyDivided holds 2

int songsA = 9;
    int songsB = 9;
    int albumLengthA = 41;
    int albumLengthB = 53;
    boolean sameNumberOfSongs=songsA==songsB;
    boolean differentLength=albumLengthA!=albumLengthB;

final int yearBorn = 1968;

Class Definition

public class Store {
  // instance fields
  String productType;
  int inventoryCount;
  double inventoryPrice;

  // constructor method
  public Store(String product, int count, double price) {
    productType = product;
    inventoryCount = count;
    inventoryPrice = price;

  // main method
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Store lemonadeStand = new Store("lemonade", 42, .99);
    Store cookieShop = new Store("cookies", 12, 3.75);

    System.out.println("Our first shop sells " + lemonadeStand.productType + " at " + lemonadeStand.inventoryPrice + " per unit.");  
    System.out.println("Our second shop has " + cookieShop.inventoryCount + " units remaining.");

Create An Instance

  • the value of ferrari is a reference to an instance’s memory address
  • the class Car is used as the ferrari’s type
  • invoke the constructor method构造函数: Car(), and use new to indicate creating an instance. ```java public class Car { public Car() { // instructions for creating a Car instance } public static void main(String[] args) { // Invoke the constructor Car ferrari = new Car(); } }

public class Car { / declare fields inside the class by specifying the type and name / String color;

public Car() { / instance fields available in scope of constructor method / }

public static void main(String[] args) { // body of main method }


public class Car { String color; // constructor method with a parameter

public Car(String carColor) { // parameter value assigned to the field color = carColor; } public static void main(String[] args) { // program tasks } }

- We can initialize a reference-type variable without assigning it a reference if we utilize `null`. If we assign `null` to an object, it would have a void reference.

<a name="k9VGI"></a>
###  Constructors

- a class can have multiple constructors as long as they have different parameter values.
public class Car {
  String color;
  int mpg;
  boolean isElectric;

  // constructor 1
  public Car(String carColor, int milesPerGallon) {
    color = carColor;
    mpg = milesPerGallon;
  // constructor 2
  public Car(boolean electricCar, int milesPerGallon) {
    isElectric = electricCar;
    mpg = milesPerGallon;

Instance Fields

public class Store {
  // instance fields
  String productType;

  // constructor method
  public Store(String product) {

  // main method
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Store lemonadeStand=new Store("lemonade");


How to get a Testing Job in New Zealand

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Angular、React 和 Vue 三大框架,Web 开发该如何选择?

  • jQuery,使得在 HTML 中编写客户端脚本变得更加容易。
  • Angular,不需要任何特殊知识,即使你以前从未做过客户端开发,也可以基于以前的 MVC 设计模式使用经验进行构建,这种模式与 MVVM 非常相似。
  • React,集成 React 时,不需要更改当前项目的代码,它只负责渲染界面,不会额外带来痛苦。
  • Vue,包含一整套程序,包括 TypeScript 编译器、AOT 编译器和 Web 服务器。Angular 的 Web 服务器用于调试使用这个框架开发的站点。它是用同一个 Angular CLI 实用程序启动的,要启动 Angular CLI,你需要在 Windows 命令行中进入项目文件夹,并执行 ng serve 命令。
  • Angular 最复杂,有 143KB。React 次之,有 43KB,而 Vue.js 只有 23KB。除非你的应用特别大,并且包含了大量的组件,否则最好使用更小的结构。
  • React 和 Vue 都实现了 DOM。在 Web 项目中,性能与 DOM 密切相关:DOM 在浏览器 / 代码中表示 Web 页面。在发生更新时,你可以通过 DOM 控制 Web 页面。
  • 社区:React 的 Mental Model 看起来很可靠,其组件让创建用户界面变得更容易,API 灵活且富有表现力
  • 劳动力市场需求:大多数职位空缺与 React.js 有关,然后是 Angular,再然后才是 Vue.js。


  • 专家建议初学者首先学习 Angular,因为你所需的一切都是“开箱即用”的,这样更不容易犯错(框架会帮你控制)。在学习了 Angular 之后,你可以学习 ReactJS 和 React Native。另外,如果你只需要移动应用,你也可以直接跳到 React Native。事实上,你只需要学习框架的特性,仅此而已。其余的知识都是通用的(OOP、TypeScript、RP)。学习框架本身 1 到 2 周就足够了,你已经可以创建简单的 Web 应用程序了。