
Transforms are helper functions operating on the document. They can be used in defining your own commands.

Transforms 是对文档进行操作的辅助函数。 它们可用于定义自己的命令。

节点转换(Node transforms)

Transforms that operate on nodes.



All transforms listed below support a parameter options. This includes options specific to the transform, and general NodeOptions to specify the place in the document that the transform is applied to.

下面列出的所有 transform 方法都支持的参数选项。 这包括特定于 transform 的选项,以及用于指定转换应用于文档中的位置的常规 NodeOptions

  1. interface NodeOptions {
  2. at?: Location
  3. match?: (node: Node) => boolean
  4. mode?: 'highest' | 'lowest'
  5. voids?: boolean
  6. }

Transforms.insertNodes(editor: Editor, nodes: Node | Node[], options?)

Insert nodes at the specified location in the document. If no location is specified, insert at the current selection. If there is no selection, insert at the end of the document.

将节点插入文档中的指定位置。 如果未指定位置,请在当前选择处插入。 如果没有 selection ,请在文档末尾插入。


  1. NodeOptions & {
  2. hanging?: boolean,
  3. select?: boolean
  4. }

Transforms.removeNodes(editor: Editor, options?)

Remove nodes at the specified location in the document. If no location is specified, remove the nodes in the selection.

移除文档中指定位置的节点。 如果未指定位置,就移除在 selection 中的节点


  1. NodeOptions & {
  2. hanging?: boolean
  3. }

Transforms.mergeNodes(editor: Editor, options?)

Merge a node at the specified location with the previous node at the same depth. If no location is specified, use the selection. Resulting empty container nodes are removed.



  1. NodeOptions & {
  2. hanging?: boolean
  3. }

Transforms.splitNodes(editor: Editor, options?)

Split nodes at the specified location. If no location is specified, split the selection.

在指定位置分割节点。 如果未指定位置,则拆分选择。


  1. NodeOptions & {
  2. height?: number,
  3. always?: boolean
  4. }

Transforms.wrapNodes(editor: Editor, element: Element, options?)

Wrap nodes at the specified location in the element container. If no location is specified, wrap the selection.

将节点包装在元素容器中的指定位置。 如果未指定位置,包装所选内容。


  1. NodeOptions & {split?: boolean}

options.mode 支持 all 选项。

Transforms.unwrapNodes(editor: Editor, options?)

Unwrap nodes at the specified location. If necessary, the parent node is split. If no location is specified, use the selection.

在指定位置解包节点。 如有必要,将拆分父节点。 如果未指定位置,则使用所选内容。


  1. NodeOptions & {
  2. split?: boolean
  3. }

options.mode 支持 all 选项。

Transforms.setNodes(editor: Editor, props: Partial<Node>, options?)

Set properties of nodes at the specified location. If no location is specified, use the selection.

在指定位置设置节点的属性。 如果未指定位置,则使用所选内容。


  1. NodeOptions & {
  2. hanging?: boolean,
  3. split?: boolean
  4. }

options.mode 支持 all 选项。

Transforms.unsetNodes(editor: Editor, props: string | string[], options?)

Unset properties of nodes at the specified location. If no location is specified, use the selection.



  1. NodeOptions & {split?: boolean}

options.mode 支持 all 选项。

Transforms.liftNodes(editor: Editor, options?)

Lift nodes at the specified location upwards in the document tree. If necessary, the parent node is split. If no location is specified, use the selection.


Options 支持 NodeOptions. options.mode 支持 all 选项。

Transforms.moveNodes(editor: Editor, options)

Move the nodes from an origin to a destination. A destination must be specified in the options. If no origin is specified, move the selection.



  1. NodeOptions & {to: Path}

options.mode 支持 all 选项。

选区转换(Selection transforms)

Transforms that operate on the document’s selection.

对文档选择 selection 进行操作的转换。

Transforms.collapse(editor: Editor, options?)

Collapse the selection to a single point.

将选区 selection 折叠为单个点。


  1. {
  2. edge?: 'anchor' | 'focus' | 'start' | 'end'
  3. }

Transforms.select(editor: Editor, target: Location)

Set the selection to a new value specified by target.

将选区 selection设置为target指定的新值。

Transforms.deselect(editor: Editor)

Unset the selection.

未设置的选区 selection

Transforms.move(editor: Editor, options?)

Move the selection’s point forward or backward.

向前或向后移动选区 selection 的点。


  1. {
  2. distance?: number,
  3. unit?: 'offset' | 'character' | 'word' | 'line',
  4. reverse?: boolean,
  5. edge?: 'anchor' | 'focus' | 'start' | 'end'
  6. }

Transforms.setPoint(editor: Editor, props: Partial<Point>, options?)

Set new properties on one of the selection’s points.

在选区 selection 的某个点上设置新属性。


  1. {
  2. edge?: 'anchor' | 'focus' | 'start' | 'end'
  3. }

Transforms.setSelection(editor: Editor, props: Partial<Range>)

Set new properties on the selection.

在当前选区 selection 上设置新属性。

文本转换(Text transforms)

Transforms that operate on text.

对文本 (Text) 进行操作的转换。

Transforms.delete(editor: Editor, options?)

Delete text in the document.



  1. {
  2. at?: Location,
  3. distance?: number,
  4. unit?: 'character' | 'word' | 'line' | 'block',
  5. reverse?: boolean,
  6. hanging?: boolean,
  7. voids?: boolean
  8. }

Transforms.insertFragment(editor: Editor, fragment: Node[], options?)

Insert of fragment of nodes at the specified location in the document. If no location is specified, insert at the current selection.

在文档中的指定位置插入节点片段。如果没有指定位置,则在当前选区 (selection)的位置插入。


  1. {
  2. at?: Location,
  3. hanging?: boolean,
  4. voids?: boolean
  5. }

Transforms.insertText(editor: Editor, text: string, options?)

在文档的指定位置插入文本字符串。如果未指定位置,插入当前选区 (selection)


  1. {
  2. at?: Location,
  3. voids?: boolean
  4. }

通用转换(General transform)

Transforms.transform(editor: Editor, transform: Transform)

Transform the editor by an operation.

将一个操作 operation 转换成 Editor