
The Location interface is a union of the ways to refer to a specific location in a Slate document: paths, points or ranges. Methods will often accept a Location instead of requiring only a Path, Point or Range.

Location 接口是引用 Slate 文档中特定位置的方法的方法的联合: 路径(Path), Point(点) 或者 Range(范围)。方法通常会接受一个位置,而不是只需要一个 路径(Path), Point(点) 或者 Range(范围)

  1. type Location = Path | Point | Range

静态方法(Static methods)

Location.isLocation(value: any): value is Location

Check if a value implements the Location interface.

是否是 Location 实例。


Path arrays are a list of indexes that describe a node’s exact position in a Slate node tree. Although they are usually relative to the root Editor object, they can be relative to any Node object.

Path (路径) 数组是描述节点在 Slate 节点树中的确切位置的索引列表。尽管它们通常相对于根 Editor 对象,但它们可以相对于任何 Node 对象。

  1. type Path = number[]


Point objects refer to a specific location in a text node in a Slate document. Its path refers to the location of the node in the tree, and its offset refers to distance into the node’s string of text. Points may only refer to Text nodes.

Point 对象引用 Slate 文档中文本节点中的特定位置。 它的路径是指节点在树中的位置,其偏移量是指到节点文本字符串的距离。点只能引用 Text (文本) 节点。

  1. interface Point {
  2. path: Path
  3. offset: number
  4. [key: string]: unknown
  5. }

静态方法(Static methods)

Point.compare(point: Point, another: Point): -1 | 0 | 1

Compare a point to another, returning an integer indicating whether the point was before, at or after the other.

将一个点与另一个点进行比较,返回一个整数,表示该点是在这个点之前 (-1)、还是之后 (1)

Point.isAfter(point: Point, another: Point): boolean

Check if a point is after another.


Point.isBefore(point: Point, another: Point): boolean

Check if a point is before another.


Point.equals(point: Point, another: Point): boolean

Check if a point is exactly equal to another.


Point.isPoint(value: any): value is Point

Check if a value implements the Point interface.

是否是 Point 的实例。

Point.transform(point: Point, op: Operation, options?): Point | null

Transform a point by an op.

op 转换成一个点 (point)的信息。


  1. {
  2. affinity?: 'forward' | 'backward' | null
  3. }


Range objects are a set of points that refer to a specific span of a Slate document. They can define a span inside a single node or they can span across multiple nodes. The editor’s selection is stored as a range.

Range 对象是引用 Slate 文档特定范围的一组点。它们可以在单个节点内定义一个范围,也可以跨越多个节点。编辑器的选择存储为一个范围。

译者 📒: Here 有关于范围 (range)的一些个人学习总结,欢迎一起讨论。

  1. interface Range {
  2. anchor: Point
  3. focus: Point
  4. [key: string]: unknown
  5. }

Range.edges(range: Range, options?): [Point, Point]

Get the start and end points of a range, in the order in which they appear in the document.



  1. {
  2. reverse?: boolean
  3. }

Range.end(range: Range): Point

Get the end point of a range.


Range.equals(range: Range, another: Range): boolean

Check if a range is exactly equal to another.


Range.includes(range: Range, target: Path | Point | Range): boolean

Check if a range includes a path, a point, or part of another range.


Range.intersection(range: Range, another: Range): Range | null

Get the intersection of one range with another.


Range.isBackward(range: Range): boolean

Check if a range is backward, meaning that its anchor point appears after its focus point in the document.


Range.isForward(range: Range): boolean

Check if a range is forward. This is the opposite of Range.isBackward and is provided for legibility.

检查范围是否向前。 这与 Range.isBackward 相反,仅供参考。

Range.isCollapsed(range: Range): boolean

Check if a range is collapsed, meaning that both its anchor and focus points refer to the exact same position in the document.


Range.isExpanded(range: Range): boolean

Check if a range is expanded. This is the opposite of Range.isCollapsed and is provided for legibility.

检查范围是否展开。 这与 Range.isCollapsed 相反,仅供参考。

Range.isRange(value: any): value is Range

Check if a value implements the Range interface.

是否是 Range 的实例。

Range.points(range: Range): Generator<PointEntry>

Iterate through all the point entries in a range.


Range.start(range: Range): Point

Get the start point of a range

获取范围 (range) 的起始点。

Range.transform(range: Range, op: Operation, options): Range | null

Transform a range by an op.

op 转换成一个范围 (range)的信息。


  1. {
  2. affinity: 'forward' | 'backward' | 'outward' | 'inward' | null
  3. }