
We’ve made a proof of concept for Linux.

To test it, create Package.swift in your test directory with the following content:

  1. import PackageDescription
  2. let package = Package(
  3. name: "MyShinyUnicornCat",
  4. dependencies: [
  5. .Package(url: "", Version(2, 0, 0))
  6. ]
  7. )

What works:

  • Distribution using Swift Package Manager
  • Single Threaded mode (CurrentThreadScheduler)
  • Half of the unit tests are passing.
  • Projects that can be compiled and “used”:
    • RxSwift
    • RxBlocking
    • RxTests

What doesn’t work:

  • Schedulers - because they are dependent on and it still hasn’t been released
  • Multithreading - still no access to c11 locks
  • For some reason it looks like Swift compiler generates wrong code when using ErrorType on Linux, so don’t use errors, otherwise you can get weird crashes.