
该语言 是(does) 通过Droptrait提供的成熟的自动析构函数,它提供了以下方法:

  1. fn drop(&mut self);




在Rust 1.0中没有可靠的方法来防止这种行为.

注意,接受&mut self意味着即使你可以抑制递归Drop,Rust也会阻止你,如将字段移出self.对于大多数类型,这是完全正常的.


  1. #![feature(ptr_internals, allocator_api)]
  2. use std::alloc::{Allocator, Global, GlobalAlloc, Layout};
  3. use std::mem;
  4. use std::ptr::{drop_in_place, NonNull, Unique};
  5. struct Box<T>{ ptr: Unique<T> }
  6. impl<T> Drop for Box<T> {
  7. fn drop(&mut self) {
  8. unsafe {
  9. drop_in_place(self.ptr.as_ptr());
  10. let c: NonNull<T> = self.ptr.into();
  11. Global.deallocate(c.cast(), Layout::new::<T>())
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  15. # fn main() {}



  1. #![feature(allocator_api, ptr_internals)]
  2. use std::alloc::{Allocator, Global, GlobalAlloc, Layout};
  3. use std::ptr::{drop_in_place, Unique, NonNull};
  4. use std::mem;
  5. struct Box<T>{ ptr: Unique<T> }
  6. impl<T> Drop for Box<T> {
  7. fn drop(&mut self) {
  8. unsafe {
  9. drop_in_place(self.ptr.as_ptr());
  10. let c: NonNull<T> = self.ptr.into();
  11. Global.deallocate(c.cast(), Layout::new::<T>());
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  15. struct SuperBox<T> { my_box: Box<T> }
  16. impl<T> Drop for SuperBox<T> {
  17. fn drop(&mut self) {
  18. unsafe {
  19. // Hyper-optimized: deallocate the box's contents for it
  20. // without `drop`ing the contents
  21. let c: NonNull<T> = self.my_box.ptr.into();
  22. Global.deallocate(c.cast::<u8>(), Layout::new::<T>());
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }
  26. # fn main() {}



  1. struct Boxy<T> {
  2. data1: Box<T>,
  3. data2: Box<T>,
  4. info: u32,
  5. }

这样的,只要它”被”删除就会有data1和data2的字段析构函数,即使它本身没有实现Drop.我们说这种类型 需要Drop(needs Drop) ,即使它本身不是Drop.


  1. enum Link {
  2. Next(Box<Link>),
  3. None,
  4. }




  1. #![feature(allocator_api, ptr_internals)]
  2. use std::alloc::{Allocator, GlobalAlloc, Global, Layout};
  3. use std::ptr::{drop_in_place, Unique, NonNull};
  4. use std::mem;
  5. struct Box<T>{ ptr: Unique<T> }
  6. impl<T> Drop for Box<T> {
  7. fn drop(&mut self) {
  8. unsafe {
  9. drop_in_place(self.ptr.as_ptr());
  10. let c: NonNull<T> = self.ptr.into();
  11. Global.deallocate(c.cast(), Layout::new::<T>());
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  15. struct SuperBox<T> { my_box: Option<Box<T>> }
  16. impl<T> Drop for SuperBox<T> {
  17. fn drop(&mut self) {
  18. unsafe {
  19. // Hyper-optimized: deallocate the box's contents for it
  20. // without `drop`ing the contents. Need to set the `box`
  21. // field as `None` to prevent Rust from trying to Drop it.
  22. let my_box = self.my_box.take().unwrap();
  23. let c: NonNull<T> = my_box.ptr.into();
  24. Global.deallocate(c.cast(), Layout::new::<T>());
  25. mem::forget(my_box);
  26. }
  27. }
  28. }
  29. # fn main() {}

然而,这有一个相当奇怪的语义:你说一个应该总是Some的字段 可能是(may be) None,只是因为它发生在析构函数中.当然,这反过来说很有意义:你可以在析构函数中调用self上的任意方法,这样可以防止你在取消初始化字段之后这样做.并不是说它会阻止你在那里产生任何其他任意无效的状态.
