删除检查Drop Check)

我们已经看到生命周期如何为我们提供一些相当简单的规则,以确保我们永远不会读取悬空引用.然而,到目前为止,我们只是以包容的方式对待 活得久(outlives) 的关系.也就是说,当我们谈到'a: 'b时,'a'b活得 完全(exactly) 一样长是可以的.乍一看,这似乎是一个毫无意义的区别.没有什么与另一个同时被删除,对吧?这就是为什么我们使用下面的let语句的脱糖:

  1. let x;
  2. let y;
  1. {
  2. let x;
  3. {
  4. let y;
  5. }
  6. }

还有一些更复杂的情况是不可能使用作用域来解糖的,但是仍然定义了顺序—变量按其定义的相反顺序删除,结构和元组的字段按其定义顺序删除. 在rfc1875中有更多关于删除顺序的细节.


  1. let tuple = (vec![], vec![]);

左vector首先被丢弃. 但这是否意味着,在借用检查器的眼里,右边的那个活得更久呢?这个问题的答案是 no . 借用检查器可以单独跟踪元组的字段,但是对于vector元素,它仍然无法决定哪些元素会比哪些元素更活得更久,这些元素是通过纯库代码手动删除的,借用检查器无法理解.


  1. struct Inspector<'a>(&'a u8);
  2. struct World<'a> {
  3. inspector: Option<Inspector<'a>>,
  4. days: Box<u8>,
  5. }
  6. fn main() {
  7. let mut world = World {
  8. inspector: None,
  9. days: Box::new(1),
  10. };
  11. world.inspector = Some(Inspector(&world.days));
  12. }



  1. struct Inspector<'a>(&'a u8);
  2. impl<'a> Drop for Inspector<'a> {
  3. fn drop(&mut self) {
  4. println!("I was only {} days from retirement!", self.0);
  5. }
  6. }
  7. struct World<'a> {
  8. inspector: Option<Inspector<'a>>,
  9. days: Box<u8>,
  10. }
  11. fn main() {
  12. let mut world = World {
  13. inspector: None,
  14. days: Box::new(1),
  15. };
  16. world.inspector = Some(Inspector(&world.days));
  17. // Let's say `days` happens to get dropped first.
  18. // Then when Inspector is dropped, it will try to read free'd memory!
  19. }
  1. error[E0597]: `world.days` does not live long enough
  2. --> src/main.rs:19:38
  3. |
  4. 19 | world.inspector = Some(Inspector(&world.days));
  5. | ^^^^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
  6. ...
  7. 22 | }
  8. | -
  9. | |
  10. | `world.days` dropped here while still borrowed
  11. | borrow might be used here, when `world` is dropped and runs the destructor for type `World<'_>`



有趣的是,只有泛型类型需要担心这一点.如果它们不是泛型的,那么它们可以庇护的唯一生命周期是'static,这将 永远(forever) 存活.这就是为什么这个问题被称为 合理的泛型删除(sound generic drop) . 删除检查器(drop checker) 强制执行合理的泛型删除.在撰写本文时,关于删除检查器如何验证类型的一些更精细的细节完全在空中.然而,大规则(Big Rule)是我们整节关注的微妙之处:

对于一个完全实现drop的泛型类型,它的泛型参数必须严格活得超过它(For a generic type to soundly implement drop, its generics arguments must strictly outlive it).




  1. struct Inspector<'a>(&'a u8, &'static str);
  2. impl<'a> Drop for Inspector<'a> {
  3. fn drop(&mut self) {
  4. println!("Inspector(_, {}) knows when *not* to inspect.", self.1);
  5. }
  6. }
  7. struct World<'a> {
  8. inspector: Option<Inspector<'a>>,
  9. days: Box<u8>,
  10. }
  11. fn main() {
  12. let mut world = World {
  13. inspector: None,
  14. days: Box::new(1),
  15. };
  16. world.inspector = Some(Inspector(&world.days, "gadget"));
  17. // Let's say `days` happens to get dropped first.
  18. // Even when Inspector is dropped, its destructor will not access the
  19. // borrowed `days`.
  20. }


  1. struct Inspector<T>(T, &'static str);
  2. impl<T> Drop for Inspector<T> {
  3. fn drop(&mut self) {
  4. println!("Inspector(_, {}) knows when *not* to inspect.", self.1);
  5. }
  6. }
  7. struct World<T> {
  8. inspector: Option<Inspector<T>>,
  9. days: Box<u8>,
  10. }
  11. fn main() {
  12. let mut world = World {
  13. inspector: None,
  14. days: Box::new(1),
  15. };
  16. world.inspector = Some(Inspector(&world.days, "gadget"));
  17. // Let's say `days` happens to get dropped first.
  18. // Even when Inspector is dropped, its destructor will not access the
  19. // borrowed `days`.
  20. }

但是,在分析fn main期间,借用检查器拒绝了上述 两种(both) 变体,并表示days活得不够长.



An Escape Hatch(An Escape Hatch)




与此同时,有一个不稳定的属性可以用来断言(不安全地)泛型类型的析构函数 保证(guaranteed) 不访问任何过期数据,即使它的类型赋予它这样做的能力.

该属性称为may_dangle,在RFC 1327中引入.要将其部署在上面的Inspector中,我们将编写:

  1. #![feature(dropck_eyepatch)]
  2. struct Inspector<'a>(&'a u8, &'static str);
  3. unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] 'a> Drop for Inspector<'a> {
  4. fn drop(&mut self) {
  5. println!("Inspector(_, {}) knows when *not* to inspect.", self.1);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. struct World<'a> {
  9. days: Box<u8>,
  10. inspector: Option<Inspector<'a>>,
  11. }
  12. fn main() {
  13. let mut world = World {
  14. inspector: None,
  15. days: Box::new(1),
  16. };
  17. world.inspector = Some(Inspector(&world.days, "gatget"));
  18. }



  1. use std::fmt::Display;
  2. struct Inspector<'a, 'b, T, U: Display>(&'a u8, &'b u8, T, U);
  3. unsafe impl<'a, #[may_dangle] 'b, #[may_dangle] T, U: Display> Drop for Inspector<'a, 'b, T, U> {
  4. fn drop(&mut self) {
  5. println!("Inspector({}, _, _, {})", self.0, self.3);
  6. }
  7. }


  • 调用回调,

  • 通过trait方法调用.



  1. struct Inspector<T>(T, &'static str, Box<for <'r> fn(&'r T) -> String>);
  2. impl<T> Drop for Inspector<T> {
  3. fn drop(&mut self) {
  4. // The `self.2` call could access a borrow e.g. if `T` is `&'a _`.
  5. println!("Inspector({}, {}) unwittingly inspects expired data.",
  6. (self.2)(&self.0), self.1);
  7. }
  8. }


  1. use std::fmt;
  2. struct Inspector<T: fmt::Display>(T, &'static str);
  3. impl<T: fmt::Display> Drop for Inspector<T> {
  4. fn drop(&mut self) {
  5. // There is a hidden call to `<T as Display>::fmt` below, which
  6. // could access a borrow e.g. if `T` is `&'a _`
  7. println!("Inspector({}, {}) unwittingly inspects expired data.",
  8. self.0, self.1);
  9. }
  10. }


在所有上述情况下,在析构函数中访问&'a u8,添加#[may_dangle]属性会使该类型容易被滥用,借用检查程序将无法捕获,从而引发破坏.最好避免添加属性.

关于删除顺序的相关附注(A related side note about drop order)

虽然结构中的字段的删除顺序是定义的,但依赖它是脆弱和微妙的. 当顺序很重要时,最好使用ManuallyDrop包装器.

这是关于删除检查器的全部吗(Is that all about drop checker)?
