title: Grain调用拦截器

description: 本节介绍了Orleans中的调用拦截器及其相关应用



  • 授权:过滤器可以检查被调用的方法和参数或RequestContext中的一些授权信息,以确定是否允许调用继续执行。
  • 日志/遥测:过滤器可以记录信息,捕捉时间数据和其他关于方法调用的统计数据。
  • 错误处理:过滤器可以拦截由方法调用抛出的异常,并将其转化为另一个异常或者在异常通过过滤器时进行处理。


  • 传入调用过滤器
  • 传出调用过滤器




  1. public interface IIncomingGrainCallFilter
  2. {
  3. Task Invoke(IIncomingGrainCallContext context);
  4. }


  1. public interface IIncomingGrainCallContext
  2. {
  3. /// <summary>
  4. /// Gets the grain being invoked.
  5. /// </summary>
  6. IAddressable Grain { get; }
  7. /// <summary>
  8. /// Gets the <see cref="MethodInfo"/> for the interface method being invoked.
  9. /// </summary>
  10. MethodInfo InterfaceMethod { get; }
  11. /// <summary>
  12. /// Gets the <see cref="MethodInfo"/> for the implementation method being invoked.
  13. /// </summary>
  14. MethodInfo ImplementationMethod { get; }
  15. /// <summary>
  16. /// Gets the arguments for this method invocation.
  17. /// </summary>
  18. object[] Arguments { get; }
  19. /// <summary>
  20. /// Invokes the request.
  21. /// </summary>
  22. Task Invoke();
  23. /// <summary>
  24. /// Gets or sets the result.
  25. /// </summary>
  26. object Result { get; set; }
  27. }






  1. siloHostBuilder.AddIncomingGrainCallFilter(async context =>
  2. {
  3. // If the method being called is 'MyInterceptedMethod', then set a value
  4. // on the RequestContext which can then be read by other filters or the grain.
  5. if (string.Equals(context.InterfaceMethod.Name, nameof(IMyGrain.MyInterceptedMethod)))
  6. {
  7. RequestContext.Set("intercepted value", "this value was added by the filter");
  8. }
  9. await context.Invoke();
  10. // If the grain method returned an int, set the result to double that value.
  11. if (context.Result is int resultValue) context.Result = resultValue * 2;
  12. });

同样地,一个类可以使用AddIncomingGrainCallFilter方法注册为一个Grain调用过滤器。 下面是一个Grain调用过滤器的例子,它记录了每个Grain方法的结果:

  1. public class LoggingCallFilter : IIncomingGrainCallFilter
  2. {
  3. private readonly Logger log;
  4. public LoggingCallFilter(Factory<string, Logger> loggerFactory)
  5. {
  6. this.log = loggerFactory(nameof(LoggingCallFilter));
  7. }
  8. public async Task Invoke(IIncomingGrainCallContext context)
  9. {
  10. try
  11. {
  12. await context.Invoke();
  13. var msg = string.Format(
  14. "{0}.{1}({2}) returned value {3}",
  15. context.Grain.GetType(),
  16. context.InterfaceMethod.Name,
  17. string.Join(", ", context.Arguments),
  18. context.Result);
  19. this.log.Info(msg);
  20. }
  21. catch (Exception exception)
  22. {
  23. var msg = string.Format(
  24. "{0}.{1}({2}) threw an exception: {3}",
  25. context.Grain.GetType(),
  26. context.InterfaceMethod.Name,
  27. string.Join(", ", context.Arguments),
  28. exception);
  29. this.log.Info(msg);
  30. // If this exception is not re-thrown, it is considered to be
  31. // handled by this filter.
  32. throw;
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }


  1. siloHostBuilder.AddIncomingGrainCallFilter<LoggingCallFilter>();


  1. siloHostBuilder.ConfigureServices(
  2. services => services.AddSingleton<IIncomingGrainCallFilter, LoggingCallFilter>());



  1. public class MyFilteredGrain : Grain, IMyFilteredGrain, IIncomingGrainCallFilter
  2. {
  3. public async Task Invoke(IIncomingGrainCallContext context)
  4. {
  5. await context.Invoke();
  6. // Change the result of the call from 7 to 38.
  7. if (string.Equals(context.InterfaceMethod.Name, nameof(this.GetFavoriteNumber)))
  8. {
  9. context.Result = 38;
  10. }
  11. }
  12. public Task<int> GetFavoriteNumber() => Task.FromResult(7);
  13. }



  1. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
  2. public class AdminOnlyAttribute : Attribute { }
  3. public class MyAccessControlledGrain : Grain, IMyFilteredGrain, IIncomingGrainCallFilter
  4. {
  5. public Task Invoke(IIncomingGrainCallContext context)
  6. {
  7. // Check access conditions.
  8. var isAdminMethod = context.ImplementationMethod.GetCustomAttribute<AdminOnlyAttribute>();
  9. if (isAdminMethod && !(bool) RequestContext.Get("isAdmin"))
  10. {
  11. throw new AccessDeniedException($"Only admins can access {context.ImplementationMethod.Name}!");
  12. }
  13. return context.Invoke();
  14. }
  15. [AdminOnly]
  16. public Task<int> SpecialAdminOnlyOperation() => Task.FromResult(7);
  17. }




  1. 在依赖注入容器中配置的IIncomingGrainCallFilter实现会按照它们被注册的顺序。
  2. 实现了IIncomingGrainCallFilter的Grain级过滤器。
  3. Grain方法的实现或Grain扩展方法的实现。





  1. public interface IOutgoingGrainCallFilter
  2. {
  3. Task Invoke(IOutgoingGrainCallContext context);
  4. }


  1. public interface IOutgoingGrainCallContext
  2. {
  3. /// <summary>
  4. /// Gets the grain being invoked.
  5. /// </summary>
  6. IAddressable Grain { get; }
  7. /// <summary>
  8. /// Gets the <see cref="MethodInfo"/> for the interface method being invoked.
  9. /// </summary>
  10. MethodInfo InterfaceMethod { get; }
  11. /// <summary>
  12. /// Gets the arguments for this method invocation.
  13. /// </summary>
  14. object[] Arguments { get; }
  15. /// <summary>
  16. /// Invokes the request.
  17. /// </summary>
  18. Task Invoke();
  19. /// <summary>
  20. /// Gets or sets the result.
  21. /// </summary>
  22. object Result { get; set; }
  23. }





  1. builder.AddOutgoingGrainCallFilter(async context =>
  2. {
  3. // If the method being called is 'MyInterceptedMethod', then set a value
  4. // on the RequestContext which can then be read by other filters or the grain.
  5. if (string.Equals(context.InterfaceMethod.Name, nameof(IMyGrain.MyInterceptedMethod)))
  6. {
  7. RequestContext.Set("intercepted value", "this value was added by the filter");
  8. }
  9. await context.Invoke();
  10. // If the grain method returned an int, set the result to double that value.
  11. if (context.Result is int resultValue) context.Result = resultValue * 2;
  12. });


同样地,一个类可以被注册为一个传出Grain调用过滤器。 下面是一个Grain调用过滤器的例子,它记录了每个Grain方法的结果:

  1. public class LoggingCallFilter : IOutgoingGrainCallFilter
  2. {
  3. private readonly Logger log;
  4. public LoggingCallFilter(Factory<string, Logger> loggerFactory)
  5. {
  6. this.log = loggerFactory(nameof(LoggingCallFilter));
  7. }
  8. public async Task Invoke(IOutgoingGrainCallContext context)
  9. {
  10. try
  11. {
  12. await context.Invoke();
  13. var msg = string.Format(
  14. "{0}.{1}({2}) returned value {3}",
  15. context.Grain.GetType(),
  16. context.InterfaceMethod.Name,
  17. string.Join(", ", context.Arguments),
  18. context.Result);
  19. this.log.Info(msg);
  20. }
  21. catch (Exception exception)
  22. {
  23. var msg = string.Format(
  24. "{0}.{1}({2}) threw an exception: {3}",
  25. context.Grain.GetType(),
  26. context.InterfaceMethod.Name,
  27. string.Join(", ", context.Arguments),
  28. exception);
  29. this.log.Info(msg);
  30. // If this exception is not re-thrown, it is considered to be
  31. // handled by this filter.
  32. throw;
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }


  1. builder.AddOutgoingGrainCallFilter<LoggingCallFilter>();


  1. builder.ConfigureServices(
  2. services => services.AddSingleton<IOutgoingGrainCallFilter, LoggingCallFilter>());




当一个从服务器抛出的异常在客户端被反序列化时,有时你会得到后述的异常,而不是真正的那个异常:TypeLoadException: Could not find Whatever.dll.

如果包含异常的程序集对客户端不可用,就会发生这种情况。例如,假设你在你的Grain实现中使用了Entity Framework,那么就有可能抛出一个EntityException。另一方面,客户端不会(也不应该)引用EntityFramework.dll,因为它不访问底层的数据访问层。




然而,有一件重要的事情我们必须记住:如果调用者是Grain客户端,我们只想替换一个异常;如果调用者是另一个Grain(或同样在进行Grain调用的Orleans基础设施,例如,在GrainBasedReminderTable Grain上),我们不希望替换异常。


  1. public class ExceptionConversionFilter : IIncomingGrainCallFilter
  2. {
  3. private static readonly HashSet<string> KnownExceptionTypeAssemblyNames =
  4. new HashSet<string>
  5. {
  6. typeof(string).Assembly.GetName().Name,
  7. "System",
  8. "System.ComponentModel.Composition",
  9. "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations",
  10. "System.Configuration",
  11. "System.Core",
  12. "System.Data",
  13. "System.Data.DataSetExtensions",
  14. "System.Net.Http",
  15. "System.Numerics",
  16. "System.Runtime.Serialization",
  17. "System.Security",
  18. "System.Xml",
  19. "System.Xml.Linq",
  20. "MyCompany.Microservices.DataTransfer",
  21. "MyCompany.Microservices.Interfaces",
  22. "MyCompany.Microservices.ServiceLayer"
  23. };
  24. public async Task Invoke(IIncomingGrainCallContext context)
  25. {
  26. var isConversionEnabled =
  27. RequestContext.Get("IsExceptionConversionEnabled") as bool? == true;
  28. if (!isConversionEnabled)
  29. {
  30. // If exception conversion is not enabled, execute the call without interference.
  31. await context.Invoke();
  32. return;
  33. }
  34. RequestContext.Remove("IsExceptionConversionEnabled");
  35. try
  36. {
  37. await context.Invoke();
  38. }
  39. catch (Exception exc)
  40. {
  41. var type = exc.GetType();
  42. if (KnownExceptionTypeAssemblyNames.Contains(type.Assembly.GetName().Name))
  43. {
  44. throw;
  45. }
  46. // Throw a base exception containing some exception details.
  47. throw new Exception(
  48. string.Format(
  49. "Exception of non-public type '{0}' has been wrapped."
  50. + " Original message: <<<<----{1}{2}{3}---->>>>",
  51. type.FullName,
  52. Environment.NewLine,
  53. exc,
  54. Environment.NewLine));
  55. }
  56. }
  57. }


  1. siloHostBuilder.AddIncomingGrainCallFilter<ExceptionConversionFilter>();


  1. clientBuilder.AddOutgoingGrainCallFilter(context =>
  2. {
  3. RequestContext.Set("IsExceptionConversionEnabled", true);
  4. return context.Invoke();
  5. });




  1. private readonly IGrainFactory grainFactory;
  2. public CustomCallFilter(IGrainFactory grainFactory)
  3. {
  4. this.grainFactory = grainFactory;
  5. }
  6. public async Task Invoke(IIncomingGrainCallContext context)
  7. {
  8. // Hook calls to any grain other than ICustomFilterGrain implementations.
  9. // This avoids potential infinite recursion when calling OnReceivedCall() below.
  10. if (!(context.Grain is ICustomFilterGrain))
  11. {
  12. var filterGrain = this.grainFactory.GetGrain<ICustomFilterGrain>(context.Grain.GetPrimaryKeyLong());
  13. // Perform some grain call here.
  14. await filterGrain.OnReceivedCall();
  15. }
  16. // Continue invoking the call on the target grain.
  17. await context.Invoke();
  18. }