Voice banking


Voice banking is the recording of one’s natural voice for the possible eventuality of losing one’s voice. Services exist which will convert these recordings into a synthesised version of your voice which is compatible with Windows SAPI TTS (text-to-speech). Software which is also compatible with Windows SAPI TTS (such as OptiKey) can then use your synthesised voice when generating speech. In short, if you bank your voice into a synthesised version you will be able to use it with OptiKey and other speech generating software should it become weak or lost entirely.

语音银行服务是为了那些可能面临失声的人员用于记录自己声音的服务。这项服务录音转换成与 Windows SAPI TTS(合成语音)兼容的语音版本。 兼容 Windows SAPI TTS 的软件(如OptiKey) 可以在生成语音时使用这些合成语音。 简而言之,如果将自己的声音储存在合成版本中,则可以将其与 OptiKey 及其他语音生成软件一起使用,以弥补这些软件的发音不足。

Multiple services exist, but ModelTalker.org currently offers this service for free. The general process involves obtaining a suitable microphone or headset and recording 10 trial sentences. These are uploaded to ModelTalker who will evaluate the recordings and give you feedback on whether you are ok to continue, or if you need to make adjustments to improve the sound quality. The next stage involves recording 1600 phrases, which you can split into as many sessions as required (if your voice is weak try recording first thing in the morning and stop when you feel tired). Finally your recordings are uploaded and a synthesised version of your voice is created and made available to you. All that’s left is to download it, install it and (if you want to use it with OptiKey) select your new voice from the management console (in the “Sounds” tab).

网上有有很多语音银行服务,ModelTalker.org 目前免费。只通过合适的麦克风或耳机,并记录 10 个试读句子。这些句子将被上传到 ModelTalker 进行评估,并向告知是否可以继续播放,或者需要进行调整以改善音质。之后则需要录制 1600 个短语,可以根据需要将其分成多个时段(如果你的的发音很弱,建议一早起来就进行记录,感到疲倦时停下来)。最后,完成录音上传,即可生成语音合成版本。下载并安装后可通过 Optikey 管理控制台(在 “声音(Sound)” 标签中)选择已安装的语音。

More information on voice banking in general is available here.


N.B. I am not affiliated with the ModelTalker service and cannot offer any support for the voice banking process. I have included this information only because I have some first hand experience with this process and the results and (although voice banking may not work for everyone) I think this is an excellent service.

注意 我既不是 ModelTalker 的员工,也不会为语音银行提供任何支持,因为我有之前有过语音银行的使用经验,因此提供这个使用建议。