


Getting Help


help()函数可能是您可以学习的最重要的Python函数。 如果您还记得如何使用help(),那么您就掌握了理解大多数其他函数的关键。


In [1]:

  1. help(round)
  2. Help on built-in function round in module builtins:
  3. round(number, ndigits=None)
  4. Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits.
  5. The return value is an integer if ndigits is omitted or None. Otherwise
  6. the return value has the same type as the number. ndigits may be negative.


  1. 函数round(number[, ndigits])告诉我们round()需要传入一个数字number作为参数. 另外我们可以选择给出另外一个单独的参数ndigits
  2. 有关该功能作用的简短英文说明。

Common pitfall(常见的陷阱): 在查找函数时,请记住传递函数的名字,而不要传递调用该函数的结果。

如果我们在在help()函数上调用abs()函数会发生什么? 取消隐藏下面单元格的输出以查看。


In [2]:

  1. help(round(-2.01))

Python的执行是由内到外的。首先,它计算round(-2.01)的值, 然后再把计算结果传给help()函数


round 是一个非常简单的函数,它带有短的文档. 当你使用例如print等更复杂的函数时help函数会更牛逼. 下面的输出可能有点难懂,但问题不大 ,现在只需要能从help函数中了解到新知识就行.

In [3]:

  1. help(print)
  2. Help on built-in function print in module builtins:
  3. print(...)
  4. print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
  5. Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default.
  6. Optional keyword arguments:
  7. file: a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
  8. sep: string inserted between values, default a space.
  9. end: string appended after the last value, default a newline.
  10. flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream.

If you were looking for it, you might learn that print can take an argument called sep, and that this describes what we put between all the other arguments when we print them.


  1. print('a','b',sep="!!!")
  2. 输出 a!!!b

Defining functions

内置函数很棒,但是在我们需要开始定义自己的函数之前,我们只能了解它们。 下面是一个简单的示例。阿巴阿巴一堆没营养的话……

In [4]:

  1. def least_difference(a, b, c):
  2. diff1 = abs(a - b)
  3. diff2 = abs(b - c)
  4. diff3 = abs(a - c)
  5. return min(diff1, diff2, diff3)





In [5]:

  1. print(
  2. least_difference(1, 10, 100),
  3. least_difference(1, 10, 10),
  4. least_difference(5, 6, 7), # Python allows trailing commas in argument lists. How nice is that?
  5. )
  6. 9 0 1

Or maybe the help() function can tell us something about it. 或许help()函数可以告诉我们它做了什么

In [6]:

  1. help(least_difference)
  2. Help on function least_difference in module __main__:
  3. least_difference(a, b, c)



In [7]:

  1. def least_difference(a, b, c):
  2. """Return the smallest difference between any two numbers
  3. among a, b and c.
  4. >>> least_difference(1, 5, -5)
  5. 4
  6. """
  7. diff1 = abs(a - b)
  8. diff2 = abs(b - c)
  9. diff3 = abs(a - c)
  10. return min(diff1, diff2, diff3)


In [8]:

  1. help(least_difference)
  2. Help on function least_difference in module __main__:
  3. least_difference(a, b, c)
  4. Return the smallest difference between any two numbers
  5. among a, b and c.
  6. >>> least_difference(1, 5, -5)
  7. 4

Aside: example calls The last two lines of the docstring are an example function call and result. (The >>> is a reference to the command prompt used in Python interactive shells.) Python doesn’t run the example call - it’s just there for the benefit of the reader. The convention of including 1 or more example calls in a function’s docstring is far from universally observed, but it can be very effective at helping someone understand your function. For a real-world example of, see this docstring for the numpy function np.eye.

好的程序员会使用文档字符串(docstring),除非他们期望在使用后立即将其丢弃(这是很少见的)。 因此,您也应该开始编写文档字符串。

Functions that don’t return


In [9]:

  1. def least_difference(a, b, c):
  2. """Return the smallest difference between any two numbers
  3. among a, b and c.
  4. """
  5. diff1 = abs(a - b)
  6. diff2 = abs(b - c)
  7. diff3 = abs(a - c)
  8. min(diff1, diff2, diff3)
  9. print(
  10. least_difference(1, 10, 100),
  11. least_difference(1, 10, 10),
  12. least_difference(5, 6, 7),
  13. )
  14. None None None


如果没有return语句,least_difference是完全没有意义的,但是没有return语句,带有副作用(side effects)的函数或许是有用的。我们已经见了两个例子:printhelp没有返回任何东西.我们调用他们,只是为了他们的(side effects)(在屏幕上输出信息).还有一些其他的有用的副作用(side effects)函数,可以用来写入文件或者修改输入

In [10]:

  1. mystery = print()
  2. print(mystery)
  3. None

Default arguments


In [11]:

  1. print(1, 2, 3, sep=' < ')
  2. 1 < 2 < 3

如果没有指定值,sep的值会默认为' '(一个空格)

In [12]:

  1. print(1, 2, 3)
  2. 1 2 3


In [13]:

  1. def greet(who="Colin"):
  2. print("Hello,", who)
  3. greet()
  4. greet(who="Kaggle")
  5. # (In this case, we don't need to specify the name of the argument, because it's unambiguous.)
  6. greet("world")
  7. Hello, Colin
  8. Hello, Kaggle
  9. Hello, world

Functions Applied to Functions


In [14]:

  1. def mult_by_five(x):
  2. return 5 * x
  3. def call(fn, arg):
  4. """Call fn on arg"""
  5. return fn(arg)
  6. def squared_call(fn, arg):
  7. """Call fn on the result of calling fn on arg"""
  8. return fn(fn(arg))
  9. print(
  10. call(mult_by_five, 1),
  11. squared_call(mult_by_five, 1),
  12. sep='\n', # '\n' is the newline character - it starts a new line
  13. )
  14. 5
  15. 25

在其他函数上起作用的函数称为“高阶函数”。 您可能有一段时间不会写自己的了。 但是Python内置了一些高阶函数,您可能会发现它们对调用很有用。


默认情况下,“ max”返回其最大的参数。 但是,如果我们使用可选的key参数传递给函数,则它将返回使key(x)(也称为’argmax’)最大化的参数x

In [15]:

  1. def mod_5(x):
  2. """Return the remainder of x after dividing by 5"""
  3. return x % 5
  4. print(
  5. 'Which number is biggest?',
  6. max(100, 51, 14),
  7. 'Which number is the biggest modulo 5?',
  8. max(100, 51, 14, key=mod_5),
  9. sep='\n',
  10. )
  11. Which number is biggest?
  12. 100
  13. Which number is the biggest modulo 5?
  14. 14

Your Turn

函数给你打开了一个全新的Python编程世界Try using them yourself