八、ECMAScript 2015

8.1arrow-body-style - require braces in arrow function body


  1. /*eslint-env es6*/
  2. // Bad
  3. var foo = () => {};
  4. // Good
  5. var foo = () => ({});

如上BAD例子,开发者本意可能是希望返回一个空对象,但是JavaScript 解析引擎确认为大括号是一个代码块,该箭头函数返回undefined。

该规则接受一个可选配置,可以是always 或者as-needed.

  • "always" enforces braces around the function body
  • "as-needed" enforces no braces where they can be omitted (default)


  1. /*eslint arrow-body-style: [2, "always"]*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. let foo = () => 0;


  1. let foo = () => {
  2. return 0;
  3. };
  4. let foo = (retv, name) => {
  5. retv[name] = true;
  6. return retv;
  7. };


  1. /*eslint arrow-body-style: [2, "as-needed"]*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. let foo = () => {
  4. return 0;
  5. };
  6. let foo = () => {};


  1. /*eslint arrow-body-style: [2, "as-needed"]*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. let foo = () => 0;
  4. let foo = (retv, name) => {
  5. retv[name] = true;
  6. return retv;
  7. };
  8. let foo = () => { bar(); };
  9. let foo = () => { /* do nothing */ };
  10. let foo = () => {
  11. // do nothing.
  12. };

8.2arrow-parens - require parens in arrow function arguments



8.3arrow-spacing - require space before/after arrow function’s arrow (fixable)


  1. { "before": true, "after": true }



  1. /*eslint arrow-spacing: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. ()=> {}; /*error Missing space before =>*/
  4. () =>{}; /*error Missing space after =>*/
  5. (a)=> {}; /*error Missing space before =>*/
  6. (a) =>{}; /*error Missing space after =>*/
  7. a =>a; /*error Missing space after =>*/
  8. a=> a; /*error Missing space before =>*/
  9. ()=> {'\n'}; /*error Missing space before =>*/
  10. () =>{'\n'}; /*error Missing space after =>*/


  1. /*eslint arrow-spacing: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. () => {};
  4. (a) => {};
  5. a => a;
  6. () => {'\n'};

当配置为{ "before": false, "after": false }.时。下面代码不会报错。

  1. /*eslint arrow-spacing: [2, { "before": false, "after": false }]*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. ()=>{};
  4. (a)=>{};
  5. a=>a;
  6. ()=>{'\n'};

8.4constructor-super - verify calls of super() in constructors


8.5generator-star-spacing - enforce spacing around the * in generator functions (fixable)


  • {"before": true, "after": false}"before"
  • {"before": false, "after": true}"after"
  • {"before": true, "after": true}"both"
  • {"before": false, "after": false}"neither"

8.6no-arrow-condition - disallow arrow functions where a condition is expected

箭头函数的箭头很容易和比较操作符相混淆(>,<, <+ ,>=)这条规则规定了,在条件语句中禁止使用箭头函数。即使箭头函数参数被圆括号包围,但是该规则依然会警告。举个栗子,下面代码将会被警告:

  1. /*eslint no-arrow-condition: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. if (a => 1) {}
  4. while (a => 1) {}
  5. for (var a = 1; a => 10; a++) {}
  6. a => 1 ? 2 : 3
  7. (a => 1) ? 2 : 3
  8. var x = a => 1 ? 2 : 3
  9. var x = (a) => 1 ? 2 : 3

8.7no-class-assign - disallow modifying variables of class declarations


8.8no-const-assign - disallow modifying variables that are declared using const

通过const关键字申明的变量不能够修改,修改后会导致runtime error .但是在一些非ES2015环境下,可能会忽略这点,因此这条规则就是为了加强这一特性而定。

8.9no-dupe-class-members - disallow duplicate name in class members


  1. /*eslint no-dupe-class-members: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. class Foo {
  4. bar() { }
  5. bar() { } /*error Duplicate name "bar".*/
  6. }
  7. class Foo {
  8. bar() { }
  9. get bar() { } /*error Duplicate name "bar".*/
  10. }
  11. class Foo {
  12. static bar() { }
  13. static bar() { } /*error Duplicate name "bar".*/
  14. }

8.10no-this-before-super - disallow use of this/super before calling super() in constructors.


8.11no-var - require let or const instead of var


8.12object-shorthand - require method and property shorthand syntax for object literals



  1. /*eslint object-shorthand: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. var foo = {
  4. x: (y) => y
  5. };


  1. "always" expects that the shorthand will be used whenever possible.
  2. "methods" ensures the method shorthand is used (also applies to generators).
  3. "properties ensures the property shorthand is used (where the key and variable name match).
  4. "never" ensures that no property or method shorthand is used in any object literal.

8.13prefer-arrow-callback - suggest using arrow functions as callbacks



  1. /*eslint prefer-arrow-callback: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. foo(a => a);
  4. foo(function*() { yield; });
  5. // this is not a callback.
  6. var foo = function foo(a) { return a; };
  7. // using `this` without `.bind(this)`.
  8. foo( () => this.a; );
  9. // recursively.
  10. foo(function bar(n) { return n && n + bar(n - 1); });


  • 箭头函数中的this对象直接绑定到了其外面包围的函数的this对象。
  • 箭头函数往往比函数表达式更简洁。

8.14prefer-const - suggest using const declaration for variables that are never modified after declared



  1. /*eslint prefer-const: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. let a = 3; /*error `a` is never modified, use `const` instead.*/
  4. console.log(a);
  5. // `i` is re-defined (not modified) on each loop step.
  6. for (let i in [1,2,3]) { /*error `i` is never modified, use `const` instead.*/
  7. console.log(i);
  8. }
  9. // `a` is re-defined (not modified) on each loop step.
  10. for (let a of [1,2,3]) { /*error `a` is never modified, use `const` instead.*/
  11. console.log(a);
  12. }


  1. /*eslint prefer-const: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. let a; // there is no initialization.
  4. console.log(a);
  5. // `end` is never modified, but we cannot separate the declarations without modifying the scope.
  6. for (let i = 0, end = 10; i < end; ++i) {
  7. console.log(a);
  8. }
  9. // suggest to use `no-var` rule.
  10. var b = 3;
  11. console.log(b);

8.15prefer-reflect - suggest using Reflect methods where applicable



8.16prefer-spread - suggest using the spread operator instead of .apply().


  1. var args = [1, 2, 3, 4];
  2. //以前这样写
  3. Math.max.apply(Math, args);
  4. //现在这样写
  5. Math.max(...args);

8.17prefer-template - suggest using template literals instead of strings concatenation


  1. var str = "Hello, " + name + "!";
  2. //现在这样写
  3. var str = `Hello, ${name}!`;

8.18require-yield - disallow generator functions that do not have yield



  1. /*eslint require-yield: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. function* foo() { /*error This generator function does not have `yield`.*/
  4. return 10;
  5. }


  1. /*eslint require-yield: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. function* foo() {
  4. yield 5;
  5. return 10;
  6. }
  7. function foo() {
  8. return 10;
  9. }
  10. // This rule does not warn on empty generator functions.
  11. function* foo() { }