ESLint Rules


ESLint 中的 Rules 被分成了不同的类来帮助我们理解其含义,所有的规则都有一个默认值。ESLint推荐了一些rules来捕获常见的一些错误,只需要在配置文件中添加 extends: "eslint:recommended" 就可以使用ESLint推荐的rules了。

二、Possible Errors

2.1 Disallow or Enforce Dangling Commas (comma-dangle)

对象字面量申明的对象中的尾部逗号在ECMAScript5(ECMAScript3!)是合法有效的,但是在IE8(when not in IE8 document mode)下面的对象声明在使用了尾部逗号时会抛出一个错误。

  1. var foo = {
  2. bar: 'baz',
  3. qux: 'quux',
  4. };

Rule Details


  • "always" - 当检测到没有使用尾部逗号时抛出错误
  • "always-multiline" - 当使用多行的对象字面量申明数组或对象时,如果没有使用尾部逗号就会抛出警告。当单行声明对象或数组时,如果使用了尾部逗号也会抛出错误。(个人建议:在使用这个参数值时,推荐使用多行格式来申明对象,并在每行末尾都加上逗号,对于一维数组单行书写,末尾不加逗号)
  • "never" - 当检测到使用了尾部逗号时抛出错误


当配置"never" 时,下面的栗子将抛出错误:

  1. /*eslint comma-dangle: [2, "never"]*/
  2. var foo = {
  3. bar: "baz",
  4. qux: "quux", /*error Unexpected trailing comma.*/
  5. };
  6. var arr = [1,2,]; /*error Unexpected trailing comma.*/
  7. foo({
  8. bar: "baz",
  9. qux: "quux", /*error Unexpected trailing comma.*/
  10. });

当配置"never" 时,下面的栗子将不会抛出错误:

  1. /*eslint comma-dangle: [2, "never"]*/
  2. var foo = {
  3. bar: "baz",
  4. qux: "quux"
  5. };
  6. var arr = [1,2];
  7. foo({
  8. bar: "baz",
  9. qux: "quux"
  10. });

当配置"always" 时,下面的栗子将不会抛出错误:

  1. /*eslint comma-dangle: [2, "always"]*/
  2. var foo = {
  3. bar: "baz",
  4. qux: "quux",
  5. };
  6. var arr = [1,2,];
  7. foo({
  8. bar: "baz",
  9. qux: "quux",
  10. });

当配置"always" 时,下面的栗子将抛出错误:

  1. /*eslint comma-dangle: [2, "always"]*/
  2. var foo = {
  3. bar: "baz",
  4. qux: "quux" /*error Missing trailing comma.*/
  5. };
  6. var arr = [1,2]; /*error Missing trailing comma.*/
  7. foo({
  8. bar: "baz",
  9. qux: "quux" /*error Missing trailing comma.*/
  10. });

当配置"always-multiline" 时,下面的栗子将被认为是错误的。

  1. /*eslint comma-dangle: [1, "always-multiline"]*/
  2. var foo = {
  3. bar: "baz",
  4. qux: "quux" /*error Missing trailing comma.*/
  5. };
  6. var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", }; /*error Unexpected trailing comma.*/
  7. var arr = [1,2,]; /*error Unexpected trailing comma.*/
  8. var arr = [1,
  9. 2,]; /*error Unexpected trailing comma.*/
  10. var arr = [
  11. 1,
  12. 2 /*error Missing trailing comma.*/
  13. ];
  14. foo({
  15. bar: "baz",
  16. qux: "quux" /*error Missing trailing comma.*/
  17. });

当配置"always-multiline" 时,下面的栗子将不会抛出错误。

  1. /*eslint comma-dangle: [2, "always-multiline"]*/
  2. var foo = {
  3. bar: "baz",
  4. qux: "quux",
  5. };
  6. var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
  7. var arr = [1,2];
  8. var arr = [1,
  9. 2];
  10. var arr = [
  11. 1,
  12. 2,
  13. ];
  14. foo({
  15. bar: "baz",
  16. qux: "quux",
  17. });

2.2 no-cond-assign - disallow assignment in conditional expressions (recommended)


  1. // Check the user's job title
  2. if (user.jobTitle = "manager") {
  3. // user.jobTitle is now incorrect
  4. }


Rule Details

这条规则的目的就是消除在 for, if, while, 和do...while等条件语句中使用赋值语句这种模棱两可的情况。


  • except-parens (默认值):禁止在条件语句中使用赋值语句,除非把赋值语句放在一个括号中。
  • always :禁止在条件语句中使用赋值语句。

在配置except-parens 时,下面的语法将会报错

  1. /*eslint no-cond-assign: 2*/
  2. // Unintentional assignment
  3. var x;
  4. if (x = 0) { /*error Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment.*/
  5. var b = 1;
  6. }
  7. // Practical example that is similar to an error
  8. function setHeight(someNode) {
  9. "use strict";
  10. do { /*error Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment.*/
  11. someNode.height = "100px";
  12. } while (someNode = someNode.parentNode);
  13. }

在配置except-parens 时,下面的语法书写将被认为是合法的:

  1. /*eslint no-cond-assign: 2*/
  2. // Assignment replaced by comparison
  3. var x;
  4. if (x === 0) {
  5. var b = 1;
  6. }
  7. // Practical example that wraps the assignment in parentheses
  8. function setHeight(someNode) {
  9. "use strict";
  10. do {
  11. someNode.height = "100px";
  12. } while ((someNode = someNode.parentNode));
  13. }
  14. // Practical example that wraps the assignment and tests for 'null'
  15. function setHeight(someNode) {
  16. "use strict";
  17. do {
  18. someNode.height = "100px";
  19. } while ((someNode = someNode.parentNode) !== null);
  20. }


  1. /*eslint no-cond-assign: [2, "always"]*/
  2. // Unintentional assignment
  3. var x;
  4. if (x = 0) { /*error Unexpected assignment within an 'if' statement.*/
  5. var b = 1;
  6. }
  7. // Practical example that is similar to an error
  8. function setHeight(someNode) {
  9. "use strict";
  10. do { /*error Unexpected assignment within a 'do...while' statement.*/
  11. someNode.height = "100px";
  12. } while (someNode = someNode.parentNode);
  13. }
  14. // Practical example that wraps the assignment in parentheses
  15. function setHeight(someNode) {
  16. "use strict";
  17. do { /*error Unexpected assignment within a 'do...while' statement.*/
  18. someNode.height = "100px";
  19. } while ((someNode = someNode.parentNode));
  20. }
  21. // Practical example that wraps the assignment and tests for 'null'
  22. function setHeight(someNode) {
  23. "use strict";
  24. do { /*error Unexpected assignment within a 'do...while' statement.*/
  25. someNode.height = "100px";
  26. } while ((someNode = someNode.parentNode) !== null);
  27. }


  1. /*eslint no-cond-assign: [2, "always"]*/
  2. // Assignment replaced by comparison
  3. var x;
  4. if (x === 0) {
  5. var b = 1;
  6. }


2.3 no-console - disallow use of console in the node environment (recommended)


  1. /*eslint no-console: 2*/
  2. console.log("Hello world!"); /*error Unexpected console statement.*/
  3. console.error("Something bad happened."); /*error Unexpected console statement.*/

2.4 no-constant-condition - disallow use of constant expressions in conditions (recommended)



  1. /*eslint no-constant-condition: 2*/
  2. if (true) { /*error Unexpected constant condition.*/
  3. doSomething();
  4. }
  5. var result = 0 ? a : b; /*error Unexpected constant condition.*/
  6. while (-2) { /*error Unexpected constant condition.*/
  7. doSomething();
  8. }
  9. for (;true;) { /*error Unexpected constant condition.*/
  10. doSomething();
  11. }
  12. do{ /*error Unexpected constant condition.*/
  13. something();
  14. } while (x = -1)


  1. /*eslint no-constant-condition: 2*/
  2. if (x === 0) {
  3. doSomething();
  4. }
  5. do {
  6. something();
  7. } while (x)
  8. for (;;) {
  9. something();
  10. }

2.4Disallow Controls Characters in Regular Expressions (no-control-regex)

Control characters非常特殊,出现于特定的信息文本中,表示某一控制功能的字符。在ASCII码中,第0~31号及第127号(共33个)是控制字符或通讯专用字符,如控制符:LF(换行)、CR(回车)、FF(换页)、DEL(删除)、BS(退格)、BEL(振铃)等;通讯专用字符:SOH(文头)、EOT(文尾)、ACK(确认)等。


no-control-regex的目标就是保证在正则表达式中不使用control Characters


  1. /*eslint no-control-regex: 2*/
  2. var pattern1 = /\\x1f/;
  3. var pattern2 = new RegExp("\x1f"); /*error Unexpected control character in regular expression.*/


  1. /*eslint no-control-regex: 2*/
  2. var pattern1 = /\\x20/;
  3. var pattern2 = new RegExp("\x20");

2.5(no-empty-character-class) Disallow Empty Character Classes



  1. var foo = /^abc[]/;


  1. /*eslint no-empty-character-class: 2*/
  2. var foo = /^abc[]/; /*error Empty class.*/
  3. /^abc[]/.test(foo); /*error Empty class.*/
  4. bar.match(/^abc[]/); /*error Empty class.*/


  1. /*eslint no-empty-character-class: 2*/
  2. var foo = /^abc/;
  3. var foo = /^abc[a-z]/;

2.6 no-debugger - disallow use of debugger (recommended)


2.7 no-dupe-args - disallow duplicate arguments in functions (recommended)


2.8 no-dupe-keys - disallow duplicate keys when creating object literals (recommended)


2.9 no-duplicate-case - disallow a duplicate case label. (recommended)


2.10 no-empty - disallow empty statements (recommended)


  1. if (foo) {
  2. }



  1. /*eslint no-empty: 2*/
  2. if (foo) { /*error Empty block statement.*/
  3. }
  4. while (foo) { /*error Empty block statement.*/
  5. }
  6. switch(foo) { /*error Empty switch statement.*/
  7. }
  8. try {
  9. doSomething();
  10. } catch(ex) { /*error Empty block statement.*/
  11. } finally { /*error Empty block statement.*/
  12. }


  1. /*eslint no-empty: 2*/
  2. if (foo) {
  3. // empty
  4. }
  5. while (foo) {
  6. // test
  7. }
  8. try {
  9. doSomething();
  10. } catch (ex) {
  11. // Do nothing
  12. }
  13. try {
  14. doSomething();
  15. } finally {
  16. // Do nothing
  17. }

2.11Disallow Assignment of the Exception Parameter (no-ex-assign)


  1. try {
  2. // code
  3. } catch (e) {
  4. e = 10;
  5. }



  1. /*eslint no-ex-assign: 2*/
  2. try {
  3. // code
  4. } catch (e) {
  5. e = 10; /*error Do not assign to the exception parameter.*/
  6. }


  1. /*eslint no-ex-assign: 2*/
  2. try {
  3. // code
  4. } catch (e) {
  5. var foo = 'bar';
  6. }

2.12 no-extra-boolean-cast - disallow double-negation boolean casts in a boolean context (recommended)


  1. if (!!foo) {
  2. // ...
  3. }
  4. if (foo) {
  5. // ...
  6. }

Rule Details

这条规则的目的就是消除本来不需要使用两个!! 来转化布尔值的情况。举个栗子,下面的代码将被视为错误:

  1. /*eslint no-extra-boolean-cast: 2*/
  2. var foo = !!!bar; /*error Redundant multiple negation.*/
  3. var foo = !!bar ? baz : bat; /*error Redundant double negation in a ternary condition.*/
  4. var foo = Boolean(!!bar); /*error Redundant double negation in call to Boolean().*/
  5. var foo = new Boolean(!!bar); /*error Redundant double negation in Boolean constructor call.*/
  6. if (!!foo) { /*error Redundant double negation in an if statement condition.*/
  7. // ...
  8. }
  9. while (!!foo) { /*error Redundant double negation in a while loop condition.*/
  10. // ...
  11. }
  12. do {
  13. // ...
  14. } while (!!foo); /*error Redundant double negation in a do while loop condition.*/
  15. for (; !!foo; ) { /*error Redundant double negation in a for loop condition.*/
  16. // ...
  17. }


  1. /*eslint no-extra-boolean-cast: 2*/
  2. var foo = !!bar;
  3. function foo() {
  4. return !!bar;
  5. }
  6. var foo = bar ? !!baz : !!bat;

2.13 no-extra-parens - disallow unnecessary parentheses


Rule Detail


  • RegExp literals: (/abc/).test(var) 总是合法的。
  • IIFES:var x = (function () {})();, ((function foo() {return 1;})()) 总是合法的。

这条规则可以指定选项,默认值是all ,当没有指定选项或者指定all时,在代码中只要有多余的圆括号就会警告,举个栗子,下面的代码将会报错:

  1. /*eslint no-extra-parens: 2*/
  2. a = (b * c); /*error Gratuitous parentheses around expression.*/
  3. (a * b) + c; /*error Gratuitous parentheses around expression.*/
  4. typeof (a); /*error Gratuitous parentheses around expression.*/


  1. /*eslint no-extra-parens: 2*/
  2. (0).toString();
  3. ({};
  4. (function(){} ? a() : b())
  5. (/^a$/).test(x);

如果我们指定选项为"functions" 那么就只有函数表达式会被检测是否包含不必要的圆括号。举个栗子,下面的代码将被认为不合法:

  1. /*eslint no-extra-parens: [2, "functions"]*/
  2. ((function foo() {}))(); /*error Gratuitous parentheses around expression.*/
  3. var y = (function () {return 1;}); /*error Gratuitous parentheses around expression.*/


  1. /*eslint no-extra-parens: [2, "functions"]*/
  2. (0).toString();
  3. ({};
  4. (function(){} ? a() : b());
  5. (/^a$/).test(x);
  6. a = (b * c);
  7. (a * b) + c;
  8. typeof (a);

2.14 Disallow Extra Semicolons (no-extra-semi)



  1. /*eslint no-extra-semi: 2*/
  2. var x = 5;; /*error Unnecessary semicolon.*/
  3. function foo() {
  4. // code
  5. }; /*error Unnecessary semicolon.*/


  1. /*eslint no-extra-semi: 2*/
  2. var x = 5;
  3. var foo = function() {
  4. // code
  5. };

2.15 Disallow Function Assignment (no-func-assign)


  1. function foo(){}


  1. var foo = function() {...};



  1. function foo() {}
  2. foo = bar;


  1. /*eslint no-func-assign: 2*/
  2. function foo() {}
  3. foo = bar; /*error 'foo' is a function.*/
  4. function foo() {
  5. foo = bar; /*error 'foo' is a function.*/
  6. }


  1. /*eslint no-func-assign: 2*/
  2. var foo = function () {}
  3. foo = bar;
  4. function foo(foo) { // `foo` is shadowed.
  5. foo = bar;
  6. }
  7. function foo() {
  8. var foo = bar; // `foo` is shadowed.
  9. }

2.16 Declarations in Program or Function Body (no-inner-declarations)


有两个选项,默认值是"function" 表示只检测函数声明,另外一个选项是"both" ,表示不仅函数声明,而且变量申明也需要做检测。举个栗子:


  1. /*eslint no-inner-declarations: 2*/
  2. if (test) {
  3. function doSomething() { } /*error Move function declaration to program root.*/
  4. }
  5. function doSomethingElse() {
  6. if (test) {
  7. function doAnotherThing() { } /*error Move function declaration to function body root.*/
  8. }
  9. }

添加"all" 选项时,下面的代码将被视为有问题的:

  1. /*eslint no-inner-declarations: [2, "both"]*/
  2. if (test) {
  3. var foo = 42; /*error Move variable declaration to program root.*/
  4. }
  5. function doAnotherThing() {
  6. if (test) {
  7. var bar = 81; /*error Move variable declaration to function body root.*/
  8. }
  9. }


  1. /*eslint no-inner-declarations: 2*/
  2. /*eslint-env es6*/
  3. function doSomething() { }
  4. function doSomethingElse() {
  5. function doAnotherThing() { }
  6. }
  7. if (test) {
  8. asyncCall(id, function (err, data) { });
  9. }
  10. var fn;
  11. if (test) {
  12. fn = function fnExpression() { };
  13. }
  14. var bar = 42;
  15. if (test) {
  16. let baz = 43;
  17. }
  18. function doAnotherThing() {
  19. var baz = 81;
  20. }

2.18 Disallow Invalid Regular Expressions (no-invalid-regexp)

这条规则用来验证传递给RegExp 构造函数的字符串参数是否合法。

Rule Detail


  1. /*eslint no-invalid-regexp: 2*/
  2. RegExp('[') /*error Invalid regular expression: /[/: Unterminated character class*/
  3. RegExp('.', 'z') /*error Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor 'z'*/
  4. new RegExp('\\') /*error Invalid regular expression: /\/: \ at end of pattern*/


  1. /*eslint no-invalid-regexp: 2*/
  2. RegExp('.')
  3. new RegExp
  4. this.RegExp('[')

ECMAScript 6增加了"u"(unicode)和"y" (sticky)flags。我们可以通过在.eslintrc文件中添加如下代码,来使得上面增添的两个标签在该条规则中合法。

  1. "ecmaFeatures": {
  2. "regexYFlag": true,
  3. "regexUFlag": true
  4. }

2.19 No irregular whitespace (no-irregular-whitespace)

顾名思义,禁止使用不合法或者不规则的空白符,因为这些空白符可能导致ECMAScript5解析出错,或者代码难以调试,因为这些空白符和tabsspaces 难以区分开来。这些不合法的空白符可能会导致如下问题:

  • Zero Width Space
    • Is NOT considered a separator for tokens and is often parsed as an Unexpected token ILLEGAL
    • Is NOT shown in modern browsers making code repository software expected to resolve the visualisation
  • Line Separator
    • Is NOT a valid character within JSON which would cause parse errors


  1. \u000B - Line Tabulation (\v) - <VT>
  2. \u000C - Form Feed (\f) - <FF>
  3. \u00A0 - No-Break Space - <NBSP>
  4. \u0085 - Next Line
  5. \u1680 - Ogham Space Mark
  6. \u180E - Mongolian Vowel Separator - <MVS>
  7. \ufeff - Zero Width No-Break Space - <BOM>
  8. \u2000 - En Quad
  9. \u2001 - Em Quad
  10. \u2002 - En Space - <ENSP>
  11. \u2003 - Em Space - <EMSP>
  12. \u2004 - Tree-Per-Em
  13. \u2005 - Four-Per-Em
  14. \u2006 - Six-Per-Em
  15. \u2007 - Figure Space
  16. \u2008 - Punctuation Space - <PUNCSP>
  17. \u2009 - Thin Space
  18. \u200A - Hair Space
  19. \u200B - Zero Width Space - <ZWSP>
  20. \u2028 - Line Separator
  21. \u2029 - Paragraph Separator
  22. \u202F - Narrow No-Break Space
  23. \u205f - Medium Mathematical Space
  24. \u3000 - Ideographic Space

2.20 Disallow negated left operand of in operator (no-negated-in-lhs)

Rule Details


  1. if(!(a in b)) {
  2. // do something
  3. }


  1. if(!a in b) {
  2. // do something
  3. }

这往往不能够得到我们想要的结果,因此这条规则就明确说明不能够在in操作符左边使用! .下面的代码将被视为错误的代码:

  1. /*eslint no-negated-in-lhs: 2*/
  2. if(!a in b) { /*error The `in` expression's left operand is negated*/
  3. // do something
  4. }


  1. /*eslint no-negated-in-lhs: 2*/
  2. if(!(a in b)) {
  3. // do something
  4. }
  5. if(('' + !a) in b) {
  6. // do something
  7. }

2.21 Disallow Global Object Function Calls (no-obj-calls)


  1. /*eslint no-obj-calls: 2*/
  2. var x = Math(); /*error 'Math' is not a function.*/
  3. var y = JSON(); /*error 'JSON' is not a function.*/

2.22 Disallow Spaces in Regular Expressions (no-regex-spaces)



  1. /*eslint no-regex-spaces: 2*/
  2. var re = /foo bar/; /*error Spaces are hard to count. Use {3}.*/


  1. /*eslint no-regex-spaces: 2*/
  2. var re = /foo {3}bar/;
  3. var re = new RegExp("foo bar");

2.23 Disallow Sparse Arrays (no-sparse-arrays)

所谓Space Array,就是在声明数组时使用多个逗号, 来申明空的数组,例如:

  1. var iterm = [,,];

Space Array往往会带来一些疑惑,比如上面的iterm,其length为2,但是item[0]和term[1]并没有值,这样往往容易给开发者带来疑惑,因此不建议使用Space Array。

这条规则的目的就是清除通过多余的逗号申明的Space Arrays。


  1. /*eslint no-sparse-arrays: 2*/
  2. var items = [,]; /*error Unexpected comma in middle of array.*/
  3. var colors = [ "red",, "blue" ]; /*error Unexpected comma in middle of array.*/


  1. /*eslint no-sparse-arrays: 2*/
  2. var items = [];
  3. var items = new Array(23);
  4. // trailing comma is okay
  5. var colors = [ "red", "blue", ];

2.24 Avoid unexpected multiline expressions (no-unexpected-multiline)

在JavaScript中,得益于ASI(automatic semicolon insertion),我们可以在行末选择性加分号。可以通过参考 semi 来对该特性有个详细的了解。

ASI规则相对比较容易理解:简单来说,正如Lsaac Schlueter描述,只要满足下面描述条件之一,ASI就不会发生,也就是说\n 字符不会结束一句代码。

  • 代码语句包含一个没有封闭的圆括号、数组申明或者对象声明,或者其他不能够作为行末结束字符而出现在了行末。(比如以. ,结束)
  • 代码以 ,++ 结束(这种情况,ASI也不会发生,因为,++会对后面的数进行自减或自加)
  • 在使用for(), while(), do, if(), 或者 else时,后面没有接{.
  • 新的一行代码以[, (, +, *, /, -, ,, .开头,或者其他位操作符,这些只能够在中缀表达式中找到的操作符开头时,ASI也不会发生。

Rule Details



  1. /*eslint no-unexpected-multiline: 2*/
  2. var foo = bar
  3. (1 || 2).baz(); /*error Unexpected newline between function and ( of function call.*/
  4. var hello = 'world'
  5. [1, 2, 3].forEach(addNumber); /*error Unexpected newline between object and [ of property access.*/


  1. /*eslint no-unexpected-multiline: 2*/
  2. var foo = bar;
  3. (1 || 2).baz();
  4. var foo = bar
  5. ;(1 || 2).baz()
  6. var hello = 'world';
  7. [1, 2, 3].forEach(addNumber);
  8. var hello = 'world'
  9. void [1, 2, 3].forEach(addNumber);

2.25 Disallow Unreachable Code (no-unreachable)

顾名思义,这条rule就是禁止不会被使用到的代码,这条规则的目的就是检测不会使用到的代码。在代码块中,如果语句出现在了return, throw, break, 或者continue 后面,这些代码往往不会被使用到,这条规则就是为了检测代码块、switch语句中不被使用到的代码。


  1. /*eslint no-unreachable: 2*/
  2. function foo() {
  3. return true;
  4. console.log("done"); /*error Found unexpected statement after a return.*/
  5. }
  6. function bar() {
  7. throw new Error("Oops!");
  8. console.log("done"); /*error Found unexpected statement after a throw.*/
  9. }
  10. while(value) {
  11. break;
  12. console.log("done"); /*error Found unexpected statement after a break.*/
  13. }
  14. throw new Error("Oops!");
  15. console.log("done"); /*error Found unexpected statement after a throw.*/


  1. /*eslint no-unreachable: 2*/
  2. function foo() {
  3. return bar();
  4. function bar() {
  5. return 1;
  6. }
  7. }
  8. function bar() {
  9. return x;
  10. var x;
  11. }
  12. switch (foo) {
  13. case 1:
  14. break;
  15. var x;
  16. }

2.26 Require isNaN() (use-isnan)

在JavaScript中,NaN是一个特殊的值,其属于Number类型,其用来描述不是数字,NaN有个特性就是NaN !== NaN .



  1. /*eslint use-isnan: 2*/
  2. if (foo == NaN) { /*error Use the isNaN function to compare with NaN.*/
  3. // ...
  4. }
  5. if (foo != NaN) { /*error Use the isNaN function to compare with NaN.*/
  6. // ...
  7. }


  1. /*eslint use-isnan: 2*/
  2. if (isNaN(foo)) {
  3. // ...
  4. }
  5. if (isNaN(NaN)) {
  6. // ...
  7. }

2.27 Validates JSDoc comments are syntactically correct (valid-jsdoc)

JSDoc是一个JavaScript API 文档自动生成器,这条规则也就是用来检测JSDoc是否完整和合法。当出现以下情况时,这条规则将会警告:

  1. There is a JSDoc syntax error
  2. A @param or @returns is used without a type specified
  3. A @param or @returns is used without a description
  4. A comment for a function is missing @returns
  5. A parameter has no associated @param in the JSDoc comment
  6. @params are out of order with named arguments


2.28 Ensures that the results of typeof are compared against a valid string (valid-typeof)

在多数情况下,typeof操作符返回的结果会是 "undefined", "object", "boolean", "number", "string", 和 "function"之一。当typeof操作符返回的结果和不是上面六个字符串之一进行比较时,这通常是一个书写错误,这条规则就是为了保证typeof 操作符返回的结果必须和上面六个字符串作比较。

Rule Details


  1. /*eslint valid-typeof: 2*/
  2. typeof foo === "strnig" /*error Invalid typeof comparison value*/
  3. typeof foo == "undefimed" /*error Invalid typeof comparison value*/
  4. typeof bar != "nunber" /*error Invalid typeof comparison value*/
  5. typeof bar !== "fucntion" /*error Invalid typeof comparison value*/


  1. /*eslint valid-typeof: 2*/
  2. typeof foo === "string"
  3. typeof bar == "undefined"
  4. typeof foo === baz
  5. typeof bar === typeof qux

**上面28条规则,绝大多数是ESLint推荐的规则,除了no-extra-parensno-unexpected-multilinevalid-jsdoc 。因此个人建议在.eslintrc 文件中添加extends: "eslint:recommended" 。使用ESLint推荐的规则。因为这些规则能够真实地减少我们代码中的错误。

三、Best Practices


3.1 accessor-pairs - Enforces getter/setter pairs in objects


3.2 block-scoped-var - treat var statements as if they were block scoped

根据上面的描述,也应该知道这条规则的意思,当在代码块中使用用var声明变量,并且在代码块外部使用时,该条规则就会抛出错误,这样就更像C语言的block scope。举个栗子,如下代码将会抛出错误:

  1. /*eslint block-scoped-var: 2*/
  2. function doSomething() {
  3. if (true) {
  4. var build = true;
  5. }
  6. console.log(build); /*error "build" used outside of binding context.*/
  7. }

**当使用ECMAScript2015的语言特性后,这条规则也就没什么用处了,因为在ECMAScript2015中不推荐使用var声明变量,而应该使用constlet,因为constlet 只在其声明的代码块中有效,有效地避免了使用var 声明变量带来的各种弊端(自动在window对象上添加属性等)。

3.3 Limit Cyclomatic Complexity (complexity)

Cyclomatic Complexity主要是用来度量一个函数的复杂度,看其有几个分支。例如下面的函数有三个分支:

  1. function a(x) {
  2. if (true) {
  3. return x; // 1st path
  4. } else if (false) {
  5. return x+1; // 2nd path
  6. } else {
  7. return 4; // 3rd path
  8. }
  9. }


  1. /*eslint complexity: [2, 2]*/
  2. function a(x) { /*error Function 'a' has a complexity of 3.*/
  3. if (true) {
  4. return x;
  5. } else if (false) {
  6. return x+1;
  7. } else {
  8. return 4; // 3rd path
  9. }
  10. }


  1. /*eslint complexity: [2, 2]*/
  2. function a(x) {
  3. if (true) {
  4. return x;
  5. } else {
  6. return 4;
  7. }
  8. }