Chrome packaged apps 翻译

Codelab at DevFest 2013 Season


术语表翻译规范 还未指定


  1. Introduction (done - sorcerer-ma) (need review)
  2. Prerequisites (done - sorcerer-ma) (need review)
  3. How to use this material (done - sorcerer-ma) (need review)
  4. Step 1 - Create and run a minimum app (done) (need review)
    • How to debug a Chrome packaged app (done) (need review)
  5. Step 2 - Import and adapt ToDoMVC app (done) (need review)
    • CSP Compliance (done) (need review)
    • Converting from localStorage to (done) (need review)
  6. Step 3 - Alarms and notifications: remind yourself of open To Do’s (done) (need review)
    • Part 1 - Alarms: (done) (need review)
    • Part 2 - Notifications: (done) (need review)
  7. Step 4 - Parse URLs and open then in a Webview (done) (need review)
  8. Step 5 - Add images from the web (done) (need review)
  9. Step 6 - Export ToDo’s to the filesystem (done) (need review)
  10. Advanced bonus challenge: Add voice commands (done) (need review)