

  • 过滤节点(Filter Nodes用于消息过滤和路由;
  • 丰富节点(Enrichment Nodes用于更新传入消息的元数据;
  • 转换节点(Transformation Nodes 用于更改传入的消息字段,如发起者、类型、有效载荷、元数据;
  • 动作节点(Action Nodes 根据传入的消息执行各种动作;
  • 外部节点(External Nodes 用于与外部系统交互。


    每个规则节点可能具有取决于规则节点实现的特定配置参数。例如,“过滤器 - 脚本”(“Filter - script”)规则节点可通过处理传入数据的自定义 JS 函数进行配置。“外部 - 发送电子邮件”节点配置允许指定邮件服务器连接参数。例如:

    0.2 规则引擎中的关键概念(下) - 图3

    测试 JavaScript 函数

    一些规则节点具有特定的 UI 功能,允许用户测试 JS 功能。单击“测试过滤器函数”后,您将看到 JS 编辑器,该编辑器允许您替换输入参数并验证函数的输出。

    0.2 规则引擎中的关键概念(下) - 图4


  • 在左上角的字段中输入消息
  • 左侧消息部分中的消息负载
  • 元数据在右上元数据部分。
  • 过滤器部分中的实际JS 脚本



ThingsBoard 提供查看每个规则节点的传入和传出消息的能力。要启用调试,用户需要确保在主配置窗口中选中“调试模式”复选框。
0.2 规则引擎中的关键概念(下) - 图5



Message Type Display Name Description Message metadata Message payload
POST_ATTRIBUTES_REQUEST Post attributes Request from device to publish client side attributes (see attributes api for reference) deviceName - originator device name,
deviceType - originator device type
key/value json:
{<br /> "currentState": "IDLE"<br />}
POST_TELEMETRY_REQUEST Post telemetry Request from device to publish telemetry (see telemetry upload api for reference) deviceName - originator device name,
deviceType - originator device type,
ts - timestamp (milliseconds)
key/value json:
{<br /> "temperature": 22.7<br />}
TO_SERVER_RPC_REQUEST RPC Request from Device RPC request from device (see client side rpc for reference) deviceName - originator device name,
deviceType - originator device type,
requestId - RPC request Id provided by client
json containing method and params:
{<br /> "method": "getTime",<br /> "params": { "param1": "val1" }<br />}
RPC_CALL_FROM_SERVER_TO_DEVICE RPC Request to Device RPC request from server to device (see server side rpc api for reference) requestUUID - internal request id used by sustem to identify reply target,
expirationTime - time when request will be expired,
oneway - specifies request type: true - without response, false - with response
json containing method and params:
< style=”font-size: 12px;”>{
“method”: “getGpioStatus”,
“params”: { “param1”: “val1” }
ACTIVITY_EVENT Activity Event Event indicating that device becomes active deviceName - originator device name,
deviceType - originator device type
json containing device activity information:
{<br /> "active": true,<br /> "lastConnectTime": 1526979083267,<br /> "lastActivityTime": 1526979083270,<br /> "lastDisconnectTime": 1526978493963,<br /> "lastInactivityAlarmTime": 1526978512339,<br /> "inactivityTimeout": 10000<br />}
INACTIVITY_EVENT Inactivity Event Event indicating that device becomes inactive deviceName - originator device name,
deviceType - originator device type
json containing device activity information, see Activity Event payload
CONNECT_EVENT Connect Event Event produced when device is connected deviceName - originator device name,
deviceType - originator device type
json containing device activity information, see Activity Event payload
DISCONNECT_EVENT Disconnect Event Event produced when device is disconnected deviceName - originator device name,
deviceType - originator device type
json containing device activity information, see Activity Event payload
ENTITY_CREATED Entity Created Event produced when new entity was created in system userName - name of the user who created the entity,
userId - the user Id
json containing created entity details:
{<br /> "id": {<br /> "entityType": "DEVICE",<br /> "id": "efc4b9e0-5d0f-11e8-8559-37a7f8cdca74"<br /> },<br /> "createdTime": 1526918366334,<br /> ...<br /> "name": "my-device",<br /> "type": "temp-sensor"<br />}
ENTITY_UPDATED Entity Updated Event produced when existing entity was updated userName - name of the user who updated the entity,
userId - the user Id
json containing updated entity details, see Entity Created payload
ENTITY_DELETED Entity Deleted Event produced when existing entity was deleted userName - name of the user who deleted the entity,
userId - the user Id
json containing deleted entity details, see Entity Created payload
ENTITY_ASSIGNED Entity Assigned Event produced when existing entity was assigned to customer userName - name of the user who performed assignment operation,
userId - the user Id,
assignedCustomerName - assigned customer name,
assignedCustomerId - Id of assigned customer
json containing assigned entity details, see Entity Created payload
ENTITY_UNASSIGNED Entity Unassigned Event produced when existing entity was unassigned from customer userName - name of the user who performed unassignment operation,
userId - the user Id,
unassignedCustomerName - unassigned customer name,
unassignedCustomerId - Id of unassigned customer
json containing unassigned entity details, see Entity Created payload
ADDED_TO_ENTITY_GROUP Added to Group Event produced when entity was added to Entity Group. This Message Type is specific to ThingsBoard PE. userName - name of the user who performed assignment operation,
userId - the user Id,
addedToEntityGroupName - entity group name,
addedToEntityGroupId - Id of entity group
empty json payload
REMOVED_FROM_ENTITY_GROUP Removed from Group Event produced when entity was removed from Entity Group. This Message Type is specific to ThingsBoard PE. userName - name of the user who performed unassignment operation,
userId - the user Id,
removedFromEntityGroupName - entity group name,
removedFromEntityGroupId - Id of entity group
empty json payload
ATTRIBUTES_UPDATED Attributes Updated Event produced when entity attributes update was performed userName - name of the user who performed attributes update,
userId - the user Id,
scope - updated attributes scope (can be either SERVER_SCOPE or SHARED_SCOPE)
key/value json with updated attributes:
{<br /> "softwareVersion": "1.2.3"<br />}
ATTRIBUTES_DELETED Attributes Deleted Event produced when some of entity attributes were deleted userName - name of the user who deleted attributes,
userId - the user Id,
scope - deleted attributes scope (can be either SERVER_SCOPE or SHARED_SCOPE)
json with attributes field containing list of deleted attributes keys:
{<br /> "attributes": ["modelNumber", "serial"]<br />}
ALARM Alarm event Event produced when an alarm was created, updated or deleted All fields from original Message Metadata
isNewAlarm - true if a new alram was just created
isExistingAlarm - true if an alarm is existing already
isClearedAlarm - true if an alarm was cleared
json containing created alarm details:
{<br /> "tenantId": {<br /> ...<br /> },<br /> "type": "High Temperature Alarm",<br /> "originator": {<br /> ...<br /> },<br /> "severity": "CRITICAL",<br /> "status": "CLEARED_UNACK",<br /> "startTs": 1526985698000,<br /> "endTs": 1526985698000,<br /> "ackTs": 0,<br /> "clearTs": 1526985712000,<br /> "details": {<br /> "temperature": 70,<br /> "ts": 1526985696000<br /> },<br /> "propagate": true,<br /> "id": "33cd8999-5dac-11e8-bbab-ad47060c9431",<br /> "createdTime": 1526985698000,<br /> "name": "High Temperature Alarm"<br />}
REST_API_REQUEST REST API Request to Rule Engine Event produced when user executes REST API call requestUUID - the unique request id,
expirationTime - the expiration time of the request
json with request payload