
Find all possible combinations of k numbers that add up to a number n, given that only numbers from 1 to 9 can be used and each combination should be a unique set of numbers.


  • All numbers will be positive integers.

  • The solution set must not contain duplicate combinations.


  1. Input: k = 3, n = 7
  2. Output: [[1,2,4]]
  1. Input: k = 3, n = 9
  2. Output: [[1,2,6], [1,3,5], [2,3,4]]


  1. /**
  2. * @param {number} k
  3. * @param {number} n
  4. * @return {number[][]}
  5. */
  6. var combinationSum3 = function(k, n) {
  7. const result = [];
  8. let dfs = function (num, path, fromNum) {
  9. if (num === 0 && path.length === k) {
  10. result.push(path);
  11. }
  12. if (path.length < k) {
  13. for ( let i = fromNum; i < 10; i++) {
  14. let nextPath = Object.assign([],path);
  15. nextPath.push(i);
  16. dfs(num-i,nextPath,i+1);
  17. }
  18. }
  19. }
  20. //递归调用
  21. dfs(n,[],1);
  22. return result;
  23. };

Runtime: 56 ms, faster than 55.65% of JavaScript online submissions for Combination Sum III.