Gentoo packages

This module provides tools for managing Gentoo packages and repositories using the Portage package manager.
See also
Update Portage package definitions.
Check if a Portage package is installed.
fabtools.portage.install(packages, update=False, options=None)[source]
Install one or more Portage packages.
If update is True, the package definitions will be updated first, using update_index().
Extra options may be passed to emerge if necessary.
import fabtools # Update index, then install a single package fabtools.portage.install(‘mongodb’, update=True) # Install multiple packages fabtools.arch.install([ ‘dev-db/mongodb’, ‘pymongo’, ])
fabtools.portage.uninstall(packages, options=None)[source]
Remove one or more Portage packages.
Extra options may be passed to emerge if necessary.