OpenSSH tasks

This module provides tools to manage OpenSSH server and client.
fabtools.ssh.harden(allow_root_login=False, allow_password_auth=False, sshd_config=’/etc/ssh/sshd_config’)[source]
Apply best practices for ssh security.
See fabtools.ssh.disable_password_auth() and fabtools.ssh.disable_root_login() for a detailed description.
import fabtools # This will apply all hardening techniques. fabtools.ssh.harden() # Only apply some of the techniques. fabtools.ssh.harden(allowpassword_auth=True) # Override the sshd_config file location. fabtools.ssh.harden(sshd_config=’/etc/sshd_config’)
Do not allow users to use passwords to login via ssh.
Allow users to use passwords to login via ssh.
Do not allow root to login via ssh.
Allow root to login via ssh.