MLflow Python API是一种不依赖于框架的机器学习工具,它提供了开发人员API,用于编写与不同的ML框架和后端集成的插件。
插件为定制MLflow Python客户端的行为和集成第三方工具提供了强大的机制,允许您:

  • 与实验数据、工件和模型的第三方存储解决方案集成
  • 与第三方身份验证提供商集成,例如从一个特殊文件读取HTTP身份验证凭据
  • 使用MLflow客户端与其他REST api通信,例如您组织现有的实验跟踪api
  • 自动捕获额外的元数据作为运行标记,例如与运行相关的git存储库
  • 添加新的后端以执行MLflow项目入口点。

MLflow Python API支持几种类型的插件:

  • Tracking Store:覆盖跟踪后端逻辑,例如,登录到第三方存储解决方案
  • ArtifactRepository:覆盖工件日志记录逻辑,例如记录到第三方存储解决方案
  • Tracking Store:指定要在通过mlflow.start_run() fluent API创建的运行时设置的上下文标记。
  • Model Registry Store:覆盖模型注册表后端逻辑,例如,登录到第三方存储解决方案
  • MLFlow Project backend端:覆盖本地执行后端,在自己的集群上执行项目(Databricks, kubernetes等)




    1. git clone
    2. cd mlflow
    3. pip install -e tests/resources/mlflow-test-plugin


    这个插件定义了一个自定义的跟踪存储,用于使用file-plugin模式跟踪uri。插件实现委托给MLflow的内置基于文件的运行存储。要使用这个插件,你可以运行任何使用MLflow的代码,将跟踪URI设置为file-plugin:// scheme:
    1. MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=file-plugin:$(PWD)/mlruns python examples/quickstart/
    启动MLflow UI:
    1. cd ..
    2. mlflow server --backend-store-uri ./mlflow/mlruns

MLflow插件 - 图1




  1. setup(
  2. name="mflow-test-plugin",
  3. # Require MLflow as a dependency of the plugin, so that plugin users can simply install
  4. # the plugin and then immediately use it with MLflow
  5. install_requires=["mlflow"],
  6. ...
  7. entry_points={
  8. # Define a Tracking Store plugin for tracking URIs with scheme 'file-plugin'
  9. "mlflow.tracking_store": "file-plugin=mlflow_test_plugin.file_store:PluginFileStore",
  10. # Define a ArtifactRepository plugin for artifact URIs with scheme 'file-plugin'
  11. "mlflow.artifact_repository":
  12. "file-plugin=mlflow_test_plugin.local_artifact:PluginLocalArtifactRepository",
  13. # Define a RunContextProvider plugin. The entry point name for run context providers
  14. # is not used, and so is set to the string "unused" here
  15. "mlflow.run_context_provider": "unused=mlflow_test_plugin.run_context_provider:PluginRunContextProvider",
  16. # Define a Model Registry Store plugin for tracking URIs with scheme 'file-plugin'
  17. "mlflow.model_registry_store":
  18. "file-plugin=mlflow_test_plugin.sqlalchemy_store:PluginRegistrySqlAlchemyStore",
  19. # Define a MLflow Project Backend plugin called 'dummy-backend'
  20. "mlflow.project_backend":
  21. "dummy-backend=mlflow_test_plugin.dummy_backend:PluginDummyProjectBackend",
  22. # Define a MLflow model deployment plugin for target 'faketarget'
  23. "mlflow.deployments": "faketarget=mlflow_test_plugin.fake_deployment_plugin",
  24. },
  25. )


Description Entry-point group Entry-point name and value Reference Implementation
Plugins for overriding definitions of tracking APIs like mlflow.log_metric, mlflow.start_run for a specific tracking URI scheme. mlflow.tracking_store The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin.local_store:PluginFileStore) specifies a custom subclass of (e.g., the PluginFileStore class within the mlflow_test_plugin module).
The entry point name (e.g. file-plugin) is the tracking URI scheme with which to associate the custom AbstractStore implementation.
Users who install the example plugin and set a tracking URI of the form file-plugin://<path> will use the custom AbstractStore implementation defined in PluginFileStore. The full tracking URI is passed to the PluginFileStore constructor.
Plugins for defining artifact read/write APIs like mlflow.log_artifact, MlflowClient.download_artifacts for a specified artifact URI scheme (e.g. the scheme used by your in-house blob storage system). mlflow.artifact_repository The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin.local_artifact:PluginLocalArtifactRepository) specifies a custom subclass of (e.g., the PluginLocalArtifactRepository class within the mlflow_test_plugin module).
The entry point name (e.g. file-plugin) is the artifact URI scheme with which to associate the custom ArtifactRepository implementation.
Users who install the example plugin and log to a run whose artifact URI is of the form file-plugin://<path> will use the custom ArtifactRepository implementation defined in PluginLocalArtifactRepository. The full artifact URI is passed to the PluginLocalArtifactRepository constructor.
Plugins for specifying custom context tags at run creation time, e.g. tags identifying the git repository associated with a run. mlflow.run_context_provider The entry point name is unused. The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin.run_context_provider:PluginRunContextProvider) specifies a custom subclass of mlflow.tracking.context.abstract_context.RunContextProvider (e.g., the PluginRunContextProvider class within the mlflow_test_plugin module) to register. GitRunContext, DefaultRunContext
Plugins for overriding definitions of Model Registry APIs like mlflow.register_model. mlflow.model_registry_store Note
The Model Registry is in beta (as of MLflow 1.5). Model Registry APIs are not guaranteed to be stable, and Model Registry plugins may break in the future.
The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin.sqlalchemy_store:PluginRegistrySqlAlchemyStore) specifies a custom subclass of mlflow.tracking.model_registry.AbstractStore (e.g., the PluginRegistrySqlAlchemyStore class within the mlflow_test_plugin module)
The entry point name (e.g. file-plugin) is the tracking URI scheme with which to associate the custom AbstractStore implementation.
Users who install the example plugin and set a tracking URI of the form file-plugin://<path> will use the custom AbstractStore implementation defined in PluginFileStore. The full tracking URI is passed to the PluginFileStore constructor.
Plugins for running MLflow projects against custom execution backends (e.g. to run projects against your team’s in-house cluster or job scheduler). mlflow.project.backend The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin.dummy_backend:PluginDummyProjectBackend) specifies a custom subclass of mlflow.project.backend.AbstractBackend) N/A (will be added soon)
Plugins for deploying models to custom serving tools. mlflow.deployments The entry point name (e.g. redisai) is the target name. The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin.fake_deployment_plugin) specifies a module defining: 1) Exactly one subclass of mlflow.deployments.BaseDeploymentClient (e.g., the PluginDeploymentClient class). MLflow’s mlflow.deployments.get_deploy_client API directly returns an instance of this subclass to the user, so you’re encouraged to write clear user-facing method and class docstrings as part of your plugin implementation. 2) The run_local and target_help functions, with the target parameter excluded, as shown here PluginDeploymentClient.

