GNN → graph neural network


Pytorch Geometric Temporal是Pytorch Geometric的temporal GNN扩展库。

  • 目的

处理Spatio-temporal signals

  • 应用

traffic measurements, regional epidemiological reporting or weather

  • 以下temporal GNN模型被Pytorch Geometric Temporal库实现

Discrete **Recurrent Graph Convolutions

  1. - **[DCRNN](** from Li _et al._: [Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network: Data-Driven Traffic Forecasting]( (ICLR 2018)
  2. - **[T-GCN](** from Zhao _et al._: [T-GCN: A Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction]( (IEEE TITS 2019)
  3. - **[A3T-GCN](** from Zhu _et al._: [A3T-GCN: Attention Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting]( (CoRR 2020)


  1. - **[GC-LSTM](** from Chen _et al._: [GC-LSTM: Graph Convolution Embedded LSTM for Dynamic Link Prediction]( (CoRR 2018)


  1. - **[EvolveGCNH](** from Pareja _et al._: [EvolveGCN: Evolving Graph Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Graphs]( (AAAI 2020)
  2. - **[EvolveGCNO](** from Pareja _et al._: [EvolveGCN: Evolving Graph Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Graphs]( (AAAI 2020)


  1. - **[DyGrEncoder](** from Taheri _et al._: [Learning to Represent the Evolution of Dynamic Graphs with Recurrent Models]( (WWW 2019)


  1. - **[GConvGRU](** from Seo _et al._: [Structured Sequence Modeling with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Networks]( (ICONIP 2018)
  2. - **[GConvLSTM](** from Seo _et al._: [Structured Sequence Modeling with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Networks]( (ICONIP 2018)
  3. - **[LRGCN](** from Li _et al._: [Predicting Path Failure In Time-Evolving Graphs]( (KDD 2019)

Temporal Graph Convolutions

  1. - **[STGCN](** from Yu _et al._: [Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Forecasting]( (IJCAI 2018)
  2. - **[ASTGCN](** from Guo _et al._: [Attention Based Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting]( (AAAI 2019)
  3. - **[MSTGCN](** from Guo _et al._: [Attention Based Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting]( (AAAI 2019)

Auxiliary Graph Convolutions

  1. - **[TemporalConv](** from Yu _et al._: [Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Forecasting]( (IJCAI 2018)
  2. - **[DConv](** from Li _et al._: [Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network: Data-Driven Traffic Forecasting]( (ICLR 2018)
  • Recurrent Graph Convolutions概述

    来自《Chickenpox Cases in Hungary: a Benchmark Dataset for Spatiotemporal Signal Processing with Graph Neural Networks》

Recurrent graph convolutional neural networks are highly effective machine learning techniques for Spatio-temporal signal processing.

The specific recurrent graph neural network models fuse ideas from the design of graph convolutional neural network layers and recurrent neural networks.

Recurrent and graph convolutional layers are trained jointly on a downstream task and the design of these architectures requires the choice of a graph neural network and a recurrent unit.
Popular choices for graph neural networks are spectral graph convolutions and graph attention networks while the most frequently augmented recurrent neural networks include long short-term memory cells and gated recurrent units.

设计**Recurrent Graph Convolutions架构需要选择GNN和RNN:**

  • 常用GNN
    • spectral graph convolutions
    • graph attention networks
  • 常用RNN

long short-term memory cells(LSTM)
gated recurrent units

DCRNN(ICLR2018 - 节点级预测)

  • 任务

Spatio-temporal forecasting — Traffic forecasting

  • 任务目标

The goal of traffic forecasting is to predict the future traffic speeds of a sensor network given historic traffic speeds and the underlying road networks.

  • 任务建模
    • 将交通的空间相关性建模为有向图上的扩散过程,该有向图的节点是传感器边权重表示传感器对之间的临近程度
    • 给定先 前从道路网络上的N个传感器观察到的交通流量。

将传感器网络表示为加权有向图G=(V, β, W),其中V是结点集合,|V| = Nβ是边的集合;

  • 空间相关性建模

使用了本文提出的Diffusion Convolutional Layer一种GCN网络

  • 时间相关性建模

使用了Gated Recurrent Units(《Empirical evaluation of gated recurrent neural networks on sequence modeling》),一种RNNs


With both spatial and temporal modeling, we build a Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (DCRNN).

  • 数据集
    • METR-LA
    • PEMS-BAY

GC-LSTM(CoRR2018 - 动态链路预测)

  • 动态链路预测

Compared with static link prediction, dynamic one is much more difficult since network structure evolves over time.

  • 应用


  • Graph Convolution Embedded LSTM


GCN in this new deep model is capable of node structure learning of network snapshot for each time slide, while LSTM is responsible for temporal feature learning for network snapshot.

  • 数据集

EvolveGCN(AAAI 2020)

  • 提出先前的GCN+LSTM的局限性,即需要整个时间跨度内的节点知识,并且很难保证将来在新节点上的性能。

In practice, in addition to the likelihood that new nodes may emerge after training, nodes may also frequently appear and disappear, which renders the node embedding approaches questionable, because it is challenging for RNNs to learn these irregular behaviors. To resolve these challenges, we propose instead to use the RNN to regulate the GCN model (i.e., network parameters) at every time step. This approach effectively performs model adaptation, which focuses on the model itself rather than the node embeddings. Hence, change of nodes poses no restriction(节点的更改没有限制). Further, for future graphs with new nodes without historical information, the evolved GCN is still sensible for them.

  • EvolveGCN

EvolveGCN通过使用RNN evolve GCN的参数来捕捉图序列的动态性。

  • 应用


DyGrEncoder(WWW 2019)

Most of these studies have relied on learning to represent nodes and substructures in dynamic graphs. However, the representation learning problem for entire graphs in a dynamic context is yet to be addressed.

We demonstrate that our approach is capable of learning the representation of a dynamic graph through time by applying the embeddings to dynamic graph classification using a real world dataset of animal behaviour.