UPPAAL命令行跑SMC;命令行运行SMC;命令行SMC; :::success

  1. 本文基于uppaal-4.1.25版本,Win10 20H2。
  2. 如果不清楚如何写SMC性质语句,请阅读SMC问题总结 :::


    Win10利用power shell跑UPPAAL:
    首先进入\uppaal\bin-Windows目录,把要验证的.xml模型拷贝到该目录,然后按下shift+鼠标右键打开power shell(或者其他命令行),然后运行
    .\verifyta.exe [OPTION]... MODEL QUERY, where MODEL is a model file and QUERY is a query file.


    这里提供最常用的两个例子,批量运行可以使用python调用系统命令行,并且可以利用多线程来加快运行速度。文档链接:python 多线程。 :::success 注意:在命令行中,UPPAAL会对所有语句进行验证,无法指定某个语句。 :::

    1. 运行simulate,并保存观测结果

    写好验证性质以后,直接在命令行输入.\verifyta.exe .\模型名字 > 输出文件名即可。
    比如.\verifyta.exe .\NPN_Initial.xml > result.txt即可将运行结果输出到result.txt文件中。
  • 提示1:使用> result.txt会让结果不再显示到命令行中,可以用cat result.txt来输出结果。


    1. .\verifyta.exe .\NPN_Initial.xml > result.txt ; cat result.txt
  • 提示2:可以通过加-r [ --seed ] arg来指定随机数帮助复现结果。否则默认是当前时间:

    1. .\verifyta.exe -r 0 .\NPN_Initial.xml > result.txt ; cat result.txt


    验证语句为simulate [<=10000;1000] {Output.pass},为了节约篇幅,下面只贴了输出的一部分。 ```powershell Options for the verification: Generating no trace Search order is breadth first Using conservative space optimisation Seed is 0 State space representation uses minimal constraint systems  Verifying formula 1 at /nta/queries/query1/formula  — Formula is satisfied. Output.pass:




  1. 从运行的结果来看,每行的开头为验证次数,后面的二维数第0个元素为时刻横坐标,后面元素为对应的观测纵坐标。从结果中还可以注意到,虽然验证语句中限制了时间`<=10000`,但实际运行时仍会超出20%-50%的时间。
  2. <a name="SzLk3"></a>
  3. ## 2. 运行simulate并保存所需trace
  4. 在运行`simulate [<=10000; 1000] {Output.pass}`时,有时候我们需要保存`Output.pass==1`Trace。虽然这条语句模拟了1000次,但是在Get Trace的时候只能获取某一个Trace,而这个Trace不一定是我们需求的。
  5. <a name="dmtRh"></a>
  6. ### 思路
  7. 多次运行`simulate [<=10000; 1] {Output.pass}`,当出现`Output.pass==1`的观测时,保存本次的Trace
  8. <a name="T7W4a"></a>
  9. ### 命令行
  10. 在写好性质以后,在命令行输入以下内容可以运行并保存模拟的Trace。为了判断模拟结果是否符合要求,进而判断我们是否需要保存该Trace,我们开发了一套python工具`uppaal-controller包`来辅助检测。
  11. <a name="E8Mmp"></a>
  12. ## 3. 运行Pr[<=T] (<>psi),并显示观测结果
  13. 写好验证性质以后,直接在命令行输入`.\verifyta.exe .\模型名字`即可,如果需要保存输出请看[1](#JI9cT)。
  14. :::danger
  15. **注意:**在运行该语句时,不建议添加`-r`来指定随机数,因为多次验证结果为<br />`[0, 0.0981446]`(不可能)的情况下,仍有可能出现`[0.0169465, 0.116203]`(有可能)的结果。
  16. :::
  17. 相关参数设置:
  18. ```powershell
  19. SMC:
  20. -r [ --seed ] arg Set seed for random number generator
  21. (default is current time).
  22. -p [ --lower-delta ] arg lower (delta) probabilistic uncertainty.
  23. -P [ --upper-delta ] arg upper (delta) probabilistic uncertainty.
  24. -a [ --alpha ] arg probability of false negatives (alpha).
  25. -B [ --beta ] arg probability of false positives (beta).
  26. -E [ --epsilon ] arg probability uncertainty (epsilon).
  27. -i [ --u0 ] arg threshold u0 for comparing
  28. probabilities.
  29. -j [ --u1 ] arg threshold u1 for comparing
  30. probabilities.
  31. -w [ --histogram-bar-width ] arg width of buckets in histogram. Should
  32. not be set in conjunction with
  33. --histogram-bar-count
  34. --histogram-bar-count arg number of buckets in histogram. Should
  35. not be set in conjunction with
  36. --histogram-bar-width
  37. -c [ --parametric-comp ] arg <0|1>
  38. activate (1) or not (0) the SMC
  39. parametric comparison.
  40. -V [ --smc-coverage ] activate SMC coverage.
  41. -R [ --resolution ] arg simulation resolution (pixels).
  42. -D [ --discretization ] arg discretization step size (time) for
  43. hybrid systems.
  44. -L [ --probability-log ] arg SMC-Log file.
  45. -F [ --sampling-time ] arg outputs to a file a sampling of
  46. simulations (when simulate is used).



  1. Usage: D:\uppaal64-4.1.25-5\bin-Windows\verifyta.exe [OPTION]... MODEL QUERY
  2. where MODEL is a model file and QUERY is a query file.
  3. If QUERY is missing it will be guessed.
  4. Options:
  5. -h [ --help ] produce help message
  6. General:
  7. -H [ --hashtable-size ] arg Set hash table size for bit state
  8. hashing to 2**n bits
  9. (default = 27)
  10. -n [ --extrapolation ] arg <0|1|2|3|4>
  11. Select extrapolation operator.
  12. 0: Automatic
  13. 1: No extrapolation (use with care)
  14. 2: Difference extrapolation
  15. 3: Location based extrapolation
  16. 4: Lower/upper extrapolation
  17. -t [ --diagnostic ] arg <0|1|2>
  18. Generate diagnostic information on
  19. stderr.
  20. 0: Some trace
  21. 1: Shortest trace (disables reuse)
  22. 2: Fastest trace (disables reuse)
  23. -o [ --search-order ] arg <0|1|2|3|4>
  24. Select search order. Only 0 and 1 for
  25. TIGA properties.
  26. 0: Breadth first (short-hand -b)
  27. 1: Depth first (short-hand -d)
  28. 2: Random depth first
  29. 3: Optimal first (requires -t1 or -t2)
  30. 4: Random optimal depth first
  31. (requires -t1 or -t2)
  32. --state-representation arg <0|1|2|3>
  33. Choose how discrete states should be
  34. represented. (default 1)
  35. 0: Difference Bound Matrix. Has
  36. short-hand -C
  37. 1: Compact DBM. Uses less space but
  38. more time compared to pure DBM.
  39. 2: Bit-state hashing.
  40. Under-approximates states. Has
  41. short-hand -Z.
  42. 3: Convex-hull approximation.
  43. Over-approximates states. Has
  44. short-hand -A.
  45. -S [ --statespace-consumption ] arg <0|1|2|3>
  46. Optimize space consumption (0 = none,
  47. 1 = default, 2 = aggressive, 3 =
  48. extreme)
  49. -T [ --reuse-statespace ] Reuse state space when several
  50. properties are examined.
  51. -N [ --polyhedra ] Use polyhedra verification of
  52. stopwatches over-approximation
  53. -M [ --modest ] activate Modest semantics for updates.
  54. Output:
  55. -f [ --prefix ] arg Write symbolic traces to files
  56. 'prefix-n.xtr' rather than to stderr.
  57. -W Disable warnings
  58. -y [ --post-symbolic ] Display traces symbolically
  59. (post-stable).
  60. -Y [ --pre-symbolic ] Display traces symbolically (pre- and
  61. post-stable).
  62. -q [ --nosummary ] Do not display the option summary.
  63. -x [ --save-system ] arg Save the (modified) system in XML
  64. format, in specified file.
  65. If the system has been modified, an
  66. associated query file is created.
  67. -X [ --save-trace ] arg Save the symbolic trace in file
  68. '<arg>Propertynumber.xml'
  69. -O [ --simulation-format ] arg write the filtered simulation
  70. trajectories to:
  71. std: one trajectory per line into
  72. standard output (default)
  73. csv: one trajectory per file in
  74. comma-separated-values format.
  75. Miscellaneous:
  76. -s [ --silence-progress ] Do not display the progress indicator.
  77. -u [ --summary ] Show verification summary at the end
  78. (incorrect for liveness properties).
  79. -v [ --version ] Show version number.
  80. SMC:
  81. -r [ --seed ] arg Set seed for random number generator
  82. (default is current time).
  83. -p [ --lower-delta ] arg lower (delta) probabilistic uncertainty.
  84. -P [ --upper-delta ] arg upper (delta) probabilistic uncertainty.
  85. -a [ --alpha ] arg probability of false negatives (alpha).
  86. -B [ --beta ] arg probability of false positives (beta).
  87. -E [ --epsilon ] arg probability uncertainty (epsilon).
  88. -i [ --u0 ] arg threshold u0 for comparing
  89. probabilities.
  90. -j [ --u1 ] arg threshold u1 for comparing
  91. probabilities.
  92. -w [ --histogram-bar-width ] arg width of buckets in histogram. Should
  93. not be set in conjunction with
  94. --histogram-bar-count
  95. --histogram-bar-count arg number of buckets in histogram. Should
  96. not be set in conjunction with
  97. --histogram-bar-width
  98. -c [ --parametric-comp ] arg <0|1>
  99. activate (1) or not (0) the SMC
  100. parametric comparison.
  101. -V [ --smc-coverage ] activate SMC coverage.
  102. -R [ --resolution ] arg simulation resolution (pixels).
  103. -D [ --discretization ] arg discretization step size (time) for
  104. hybrid systems.
  105. -L [ --probability-log ] arg SMC-Log file.
  106. -F [ --sampling-time ] arg outputs to a file a sampling of
  107. simulations (when simulate is used).
  108. The ordering of options is significant.
  109. Environment variables:
  110. UPPAAL_DUMP_STATE output a state satisfying the property.
  111. UPPAAL_DISABLE_SWEEPLINE disable sweepline method
  112. UPPAAL_DISABLE_OPTIMISER disable peephole optimiser
  113. UPPAAL_DISABLE_SYMMETRY disable symmetry reduction
  114. UPPAAL_COMPILE_ONLY write compiled model to stdout and stop
  115. UPPAAL_OLD_SYNTAX use UPPAAL 3.4 syntax
  116. The value of these variables does not matter. Defining them is
  117. enough to activate the feature in question.