在 OOP 里面这种不涉及业务的散落在多个类的行为里面的代码叫做横切(Cross-cutting)代码
AOP 中有以下基础概念:
- Aspect(切面):它是一个跨越多个类的模块化的关注点,它是通知(Advice)和切点(Pointcut)合起来的抽象,它定义了一个切点(Pointcut)用来匹配连接点(Join point),也就是需要对需要拦截的那些方法进行定义;它定义了一系列的通知(Advice)用来对拦截到的方法进行增强;
- Join point(连接点):程序执行期间的某一个点,例如执行方法或处理异常时候的点。在 Spring AOP 中,连接点总是表示方法的执行。
- Advice(通知):通知是指一个切面在特定的连接点要做的事情。通知分为方法执行前通知,方法执行后通知,环绕通知等。许多 AOP 框架(包括 Spring)都将通知建模为拦截器,在连接点周围维护一系列拦截器(形成拦截器链),对连接点的方法进行增强。
- Pointcut(切点):一个匹配连接点(Join point)的谓词表达式。通知(Advice)与切点表达式关联,并在切点匹配的任何连接点(Join point)(例如,执行具有特定名称的方法)上运行。切点是匹配连接点(Join point)的表达式的概念,是AOP的核心,并且 Spring 默认使用 AspectJ 作为切入点表达式语言。
- Introduction: Declaring additional methods or fields on behalf of a type. Spring AOP lets you introduce new interfaces (and a corresponding implementation) to any advised object. For example, you could use an introduction to make a bean implement an
interface, to simplify caching. (An introduction is known as an inter-type declaration in the AspectJ community.) - Target object(目标对象):被一个或者多个切面(Aspect)通知的对象,也就是需要被 AOP 进行拦截对方法进行增强(使用通知)的对象,也称为被通知的对象。由于在 AOP 里面使用运行时代理,所以目标对象一直是被代理的对象。
- AOP proxy(AOP 代理):为了实现切面(Aspect)功能使用 AOP 框架创建一个对象,在 Spring 框架里面一个 AOP 代理要么指 JDK 动态代理,要么指 CgLIB 代理。
- Weaving(织入):是将切面应用到目标对象的过程,这个过程可以是在编译时(例如使用 AspectJ 编译器),类加载时,运行时完成。Spring AOP 和其它纯 Java AOP 框架一样,是在运行时执行植入。
- Advisor:这个概念是从 Spring 1.2的 AOP 支持中提出的,一个 Advisor 相当于一个小型的切面,不同的是它只有一个通知(Advice),Advisor 在事务管理里面会经常遇到,这个后面会讲到。
Spring AOP includes the following types of advice:
- Before advice: Advice that runs before a join point but that does not have the ability to prevent execution flow proceeding to the join point (unless it throws an exception).
- After returning advice: Advice to be run after a join point completes normally (for example, if a method returns without throwing an exception).
- After throwing advice: Advice to be run if a method exits by throwing an exception.
- After (finally) advice: Advice to be run regardless of the means by which a join point exits (normal or exceptional return).
- Around advice: Advice that surrounds a join point such as a method invocation. This is the most powerful kind of advice. Around advice can perform custom behavior before and after the method invocation. It is also responsible for choosing whether to proceed to the join point or to shortcut the advised method execution by returning its own return value or throwing an exception.