GitHub的Markdown目前不支持直接[TOC]渲染文章的目录,有些README则需要这样的效果,可以借助外部工具进行生成,也可以借助 GitHub Actions 自动生成,本文就介绍这种方式。

所用Actions:TOC Generator


首先需要在将要生成目录的文件内,指定目录生成位置,e.g. README.md,在要生成的地方添加如下内容:

  1. <!-- START doctoc -->
  2. <!-- END doctoc -->

然后添加Actions配置文件,e.g. .github/workflows/toc.yml

  1. on: push
  2. name: TOC Generator
  3. jobs:
  4. generateTOC:
  5. name: TOC Generator
  6. runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  7. steps:
  8. - uses: technote-space/toc-generator@v4

接着需要调整下项目的Actions权限,在GitHub上点击settings—> actions —> General —> Workflow permissions —> 选择 Read and write permissions






::: v-pre | name | description | default | required | e.g. | | ————————————- | —————————————————————————————— | —————————————————————————————— | ———— | ——————————————— | | TARGET_PATHS | Target file path. (Comma separated, Detail) | README*.md | true | README*.md,CHANGELOG.md, . | | TOC_TITLE | TOC Title | **Table of Contents** | | '' | | MAX_HEADER_LEVEL | Maximum heading level. (Detail) | | | 3 | | CUSTOM_MODE | Whether it is custom mode(Generated Example) | false | | true | | CUSTOM_TEMPLATE | Custom template for custom mode | <p align="center">${ITEMS}</p> | | | | ITEM_TEMPLATE | Item template for custom mode | <a href="${LINK}">${TEXT}</a> | | | | SEPARATOR | Separator for custom mode | <span>|</span> | | | | FOLDING | Whether to make TOC foldable | false | | true | | COMMIT_MESSAGE | Commit message | chore(docs): update TOC | true | docs: update TOC | | COMMIT_NAME | Git commit name | ${github.actor} | | | | COMMIT_EMAIL | Git commit email | ${github.actor}@users.noreply.github.com | | | | CREATE_PR | Whether to create PullRequest | false | | true | | CHECK_ONLY_DEFAULT_BRANCH | Whether to check only default branch | false | | true | | PR_BRANCH_PREFIX | PullRequest branch prefix | toc-generator/ | true | | | PR_BRANCH_NAME | PullRequest branch name Context variables | update-toc-${PR_ID} | true | toc-${PR_NUMBER} | | PR_TITLE | PullRequest title Context variables | chore(docs): update TOC (${PR_MERGE_REF}) | true | docs: update TOC | | PR_BODY | PullRequest body Context PR variables | action.yml | true | | | PR_COMMENT_BODY | PullRequest body for comment Context PR variables | action.yml | | | | PR_CLOSE_MESSAGE | Message body when closing PullRequest | This PR has been closed because it is no longer needed. | | | | TARGET_BRANCH_PREFIX | Filter by branch name | | | release/ | | INCLUDE_LABELS | Labels used to check if the PullRequest has it | | | Label1, Label2 | | OPENING_COMMENT | Opening comment (for other than DocToc) | <!-- toc | | | | CLOSING_COMMENT | Closing comment (for other than DocToc) | <!-- tocstop | | | | GITHUB_TOKEN | Access token | ${{github.token}} | true | ${{secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN}} | :::



