
权限模型 (Exception Levels)


  • Non-secure EL0: Unprivileged applications, such as applications downloaded from an App Store.
  • Non-secure EL1: Rich OS kernels from, for example, Linux, Microsoft Windows, iOS.
  • Non-secure EL2: Hypervisors, from vendors such as Citrix, VMWare, or OK-Labs.
  • Secure EL0: Trusted OS applications.
  • Secure EL1: Trusted OS kernels from Trusted OS vendors such as Trustonic.
  • Secure EL3: Secure Monitor, executing secure platform firmware provided by Silicon vendors and OEMs ARM Trusted Firmware


    arm-trusted-firmware - 图1


  • 系统reset vector后在ROM上开始执行,EL3模式,起始执行地址BL1_RO_BASE

  • BL1的数据段被拷贝到trusted SRAM的顶端,起始地址BL1_RW_BASE
  • 地址定义参见platform_def.h
  • BL1阶段参考函数bl1_main
  1. 判断cold reset还是warm reset,参考函数plat_get_my_entrypoint
  2. cold reset和warm reset走不同代码分支,但至少完成后续这些初始化
  3. 建立简单的exception vectors,如下:

    1. 0x0 : Synchronous exception from Current EL with SP_EL0
    2. 0x1 : IRQ exception from Current EL with SP_EL0
    3. 0x2 : FIQ exception from Current EL with SP_EL0
    4. 0x3 : System Error exception from Current EL with SP_EL0
    5. 0x4 : Synchronous exception from Current EL with SP_ELx
    6. 0x5 : IRQ exception from Current EL with SP_ELx
    7. 0x6 : FIQ exception from Current EL with SP_ELx
    8. 0x7 : System Error exception from Current EL with SP_ELx
    9. 0x8 : Synchronous exception from Lower EL using aarch64
    10. 0x9 : IRQ exception from Lower EL using aarch64
    11. 0xa : FIQ exception from Lower EL using aarch64
    12. 0xb : System Error exception from Lower EL using aarch64
    13. 0xc : Synchronous exception from Lower EL using aarch32
    14. 0xd : IRQ exception from Lower EL using aarch32
    15. 0xe : FIQ exception from Lower EL using aarch32
    16. 0xf : System Error exception from Lower EL using aarch32
  4. 当出现异常时会调用函数plat_report_exception,通过LED反映异常情况:

    1. SYS_LED[0] - Security state (Secure=0/Non-Secure=1)
    2. SYS_LED[2:1] - Exception Level (EL3=0x3, EL2=0x2, EL1=0x1, EL0=0x0)
    3. SYS_LED[7:3] - Exception Class (Sync/Async & origin). This is the value of the status code
  5. CPU初始化,参考函数reset_hardler


  7. 使能Trusted Watchdog

  8. 初始化console
  9. 配置内联,保证硬件一致
  10. 使能MMU,并映射需要访问的memory
  11. 配置BL2所在的存储

    Firmware升级 (可选)

  12. 打印”Booting Trusted Firmware”以表明BL1执行成功

  13. 预判并加载BL2到trusted SRAM,预判参考函数bl1_plat_handle_pre_image_load,如果失败则打印”Failed to load BL2 firmware.”
  14. 调用函数bl1_plat_handle_post_image_load,传递BL2参数,如memory layout
  15. 运行BL2


  • 在trusted SRAM上执行,EL1模式,起始地址BL2_BASE
  1. 为ATF子目标和通用软件正常运行而初始化
  2. 清 CPACR.FPEN,使EL1和EL0可以访问Floating Point和Advanced SIMD

  3. 初始化console

  4. 配置可以加载下一个BL阶段所使用的存储设备
  5. 使能MMU,并映射需要访问的memory
  6. 配置平台安全设置,使能访问控制组件
  7. 保留部分memory,用于传递数据给下一个BL EL3 Runtime Software
  8. 定义额外可用的memory,给后面每个BL的加载使用

  9. load_scp_bl2,(separate System Control Processor)

  10. load_bl31,EL3 Runtime Software image load,从存储设备加载到trusted SRAM
    • 通过提升SMC将控制回到BL1,将BL31的入口提供给BL1
    • BL1关闭MMU,并通过清除SCTLR_EL3.M/I/C,冲掉data cache
    • BL1将控制转给BL31的入口
  11. load_bl32 (optional), Secure-EL1 Payload image load
  12. load_bl33, Non-trusted Firmware image load,从存储设备加载到non-secure memory


  • 在trusted SRAM上执行,EL3模式,入口地址BL31_BASE
  1. 初始化每个CPU的数据框架,包括各个CPU的cache
  2. 替换BL1的exception vector


    使normal world software能正常工作

  3. 初始化console

  4. 配置内联使其硬件一致
  5. 使能MMU,并映射需要访问的memory
  6. 初始化通用中断控制器
  7. 初始化电源控制器设备
  8. 检测系统拓扑

    Runtime services初始化

    EL3 runtime services framework如下:

  9. Standard service calls,如PSCI(Power State Coordination Interface)

  10. Secure-EL1 Payload Dispatcher service
  11. CPU implementation service

    BL32 (可选,略过)


  • Non-trusted Firmware image
  • EL3 Runtime Software使用BL2提供的entrypoint信息跳转到BL33,EL2模式


    1. DRAM
    2. 0xffffffff +----------+
    3. : :
    4. |----------|
    5. |HW_CONFIG |
    6. 0x83000000 |----------| (non-secure)
    7. | |
    8. 0x80000000 +----------+
    9. Trusted SRAM
    10. 0x04040000 +----------+ loaded by BL2 +----------------+
    11. | BL1 (rw) | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | |
    12. |----------| <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 NOBITS |
    13. | BL2 | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | |
    14. |----------| <<<<<<<<<<<<< |----------------|
    15. | | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL31 PROGBITS |
    16. | | <<<<<<<<<<<<< |----------------|
    17. | | <<<<<<<<<<<<< | BL32 |
    18. 0x04002000 +----------+ +----------------+
    19. |fw_configs|
    20. 0x04001000 +----------+
    21. | Shared |
    22. 0x04000000 +----------+
    23. Trusted ROM
    24. 0x04000000 +----------+
    25. | BL1 (ro) |
    26. 0x00000000 +----------+


  • Firmware Image Package

  • 通常BL1被烧录在ROM中,BL2/BL31/BL32/BL33/uboot被打包成fip.bin烧录在flash中;启动时通过检索UUID找到fip.bin中的各个image,参考firmware_image_package.h
  • 通过函数plat_get_image_source()读取数FIP数据
  • tools/fiptool/fiptool可以生成和分解fip文件