2.2.1. 哪个 shell 运行 script?


您编写脚本时使用的 shell 类型可能不是系统的默认类型,因此您输入的命令在由错误的 shell 执行时可能会导致错误。

脚本的第一行决定了要启动的 shell。第一行的前两个字符应该是#! , 然后遵循应该解释后面命令的 shell 的路径。空行也被认为是行,所以不要以空行开始你的脚本。



2.2.2. 添加注释



以script1.sh为例,将其复制到commented-script1.sh,我们对其进行编辑,以便注释反映脚本的作用。shell 在一行上的哈希标记之后遇到的所有内容都将被忽略,并且仅在打开 shell 脚本文件时可见:

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This script clears the terminal, displays a greeting and gives information
  3. # about currently connected users. The two example variables are set and displayed.
  4. clear # clear terminal window
  5. echo "The script starts now."
  6. echo "Hi, $USER!" # dollar sign is used to get content of variable
  7. echo
  8. echo "I will now fetch you a list of connected users:"
  9. echo
  10. w # show who is logged on and
  11. echo # what they are doing
  12. echo "I'm setting two variables now."
  13. COLOUR="black" # set a local shell variable
  14. VALUE="9" # set a local shell variable
  15. echo "This is a string: $COLOUR" # display content of variable
  16. echo "And this is a number: $VALUE" # display content of variable
  17. echo
  18. echo "I'm giving you back your prompt now."
  19. echo
