

Flutter混编工程之通讯之路 - 图1





MethodChannel的构建需要两个参数,一个是BinaryMessenger,通常从Flutter Engine中获取,可以通过普通的Engine构建,也可以通过EngineCache预热引擎来获取,当然也可以使用EngineGroup来获取,如果在FlutterActivity里面,可以直接在configureFlutterEngine回调中获取。另一个参数是name,用于标识这个Channel。


  1. import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
  2. /// This class includes implementation of two platform methods [increment],
  3. /// and [decrement] which are used to increment and decrement value
  4. /// of count respectively.
  5. class Counter {
  6. /// Creates a [MethodChannel] with the specified name to invoke platform method.
  7. /// In order to communicate across platforms, the name of MethodChannel
  8. /// should be same on native and dart side.
  9. static MethodChannel methodChannel = const MethodChannel('methodChannelDemo');
  10. /// This method is responsible to increment and return the value of count.
  11. static Future<int> increment({required int counterValue}) async {
  12. final result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod<int>('increment', {'count': counterValue});
  13. return result!;
  14. }
  15. /// This method is responsible to decrement and return the value of count.
  16. static Future<int> decrement({required int counterValue}) async {
  17. final result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod<int>('decrement', {'count': counterValue});
  18. return result!;
  19. }
  20. }




  1. onPressed: () async {
  2. try {
  3. final value = await Counter.increment(counterValue: count);
  4. setState(() => count = value);
  5. } catch (error) {
  6. }
  7. },


首先,在FlutterActivity的configureFlutterEngine回调中,通过指定的MethodChannel Name创建MethodChannel,然后再通过setMethodCallHandler来监听Flutter端的调用,call参数中包含了method和argument,可以用来获取调用的函数标志符和参数。

  1. MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor, "methodChannelDemo")
  2. .setMethodCallHandler { call, result ->
  3. val count: Int? = call.argument<Int>("count")
  4. if (count == null) {
  5. result.error("INVALID ARGUMENT", "Value of count cannot be null", null)
  6. } else {
  7. when (call.method) {
  8. "increment" -> result.success(count + 1)
  9. "decrement" -> result.success(count - 1)
  10. else -> result.notImplemented()
  11. }
  12. }
  13. }

根据不同的Method Name,我们可以判断使用不同的方法,并通过result来返回结果,result的不同类型,代表了返回值的不同类型。





  1. import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
  2. /// This class includes the implementation for [EventChannel] to listen to value
  3. /// changes from the Accelerometer sensor from native side. It has a [readings]
  4. /// getter to provide a stream of [AccelerometerReadings].
  5. class Accelerometer {
  6. static const _eventChannel = EventChannel('eventChannelDemo');
  7. /// Method responsible for providing a stream of [AccelerometerReadings] to listen
  8. /// to value changes from the Accelerometer sensor.
  9. static Stream<AccelerometerReadings> get readings {
  10. return _eventChannel.receiveBroadcastStream().map(
  11. (dynamic event) => AccelerometerReadings(
  12. event[0] as double,
  13. event[1] as double,
  14. event[2] as double,
  15. ),
  16. );
  17. }
  18. }
  19. class AccelerometerReadings {
  20. /// Acceleration force along the x-axis.
  21. final double x;
  22. /// Acceleration force along the y-axis.
  23. final double y;
  24. /// Acceleration force along the z-axis.
  25. final double z;
  26. AccelerometerReadings(this.x, this.y, this.z);
  27. }


  1. child: StreamBuilder<AccelerometerReadings>(
  2. stream: Accelerometer.readings,
  3. builder: (context, snapshot) {
  4. if (snapshot.hasError) {
  5. return Text((snapshot.error as PlatformException).message!);
  6. } else if (snapshot.hasData) {
  7. return Column(
  8. mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
  9. children: [
  10. Text(
  11. 'x axis: ' + snapshot.data!.x.toStringAsFixed(3),
  12. style: textStyle,
  13. ),
  14. Text(
  15. 'y axis: ' + snapshot.data!.y.toStringAsFixed(3),
  16. style: textStyle,
  17. ),
  18. Text(
  19. 'z axis: ' + snapshot.data!.z.toStringAsFixed(3),
  20. style: textStyle,
  21. )
  22. ],
  23. );
  24. }


  1. class AccelerometerStreamHandler(sManager: SensorManager, s: Sensor) : EventChannel.StreamHandler, SensorEventListener {
  2. private val sensorManager: SensorManager = sManager
  3. private val accelerometerSensor: Sensor = s
  4. private lateinit var eventSink: EventChannel.EventSink
  5. override fun onListen(arguments: Any?, events: EventChannel.EventSink?) {
  6. if (events != null) {
  7. eventSink = events
  8. sensorManager.registerListener(this, accelerometerSensor, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI)
  9. }
  10. }
  11. override fun onCancel(arguments: Any?) {
  12. sensorManager.unregisterListener(this)
  13. }
  14. override fun onAccuracyChanged(sensor: Sensor?, accuracy: Int) {}
  15. override fun onSensorChanged(sensorEvent: SensorEvent?) {
  16. if (sensorEvent != null) {
  17. val axisValues = listOf(sensorEvent.values[0], sensorEvent.values[1], sensorEvent.values[2])
  18. eventSink.success(axisValues)
  19. } else {
  20. eventSink.error("DATA_UNAVAILABLE", "Cannot get accelerometer data", null)
  21. }
  22. }
  23. }


  1. val sensorManger: SensorManager = getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE) as SensorManager
  2. val accelerometerSensor: Sensor = sensorManger.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
  3. EventChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor, "eventChannelDemo")
  4. .setStreamHandler(AccelerometerStreamHandler(sensorManger, accelerometerSensor))





  1. /// This class manages a [BasicMessageChannel] that can return an image loaded
  2. /// from a native asset. The [BasicMessageChannel] uses [StandardMessageCodec]
  3. /// since it supports [Uint8List], which is used to transport the image data.
  4. class PlatformImageFetcher {
  5. static const _basicMessageChannel = BasicMessageChannel<dynamic>('platformImageDemo', StandardMessageCodec());
  6. /// Method responsible for providing the platform image.
  7. static Future<Uint8List> getImage() async {
  8. final reply = await _basicMessageChannel.send('getImage') as Uint8List?;
  9. if (reply == null) {
  10. throw PlatformException(
  11. code: 'Error',
  12. message: 'Failed to load Platform Image',
  13. details: null,
  14. );
  15. }
  16. return reply;
  17. }
  18. }


  1. child: FutureBuilder<Uint8List>(
  2. future: imageData,
  3. builder: (context, snapshot) {
  4. if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.none) {
  5. return const Placeholder();
  6. } else if (snapshot.hasError) {
  7. return Center(
  8. child: Text(
  9. (snapshot.error as PlatformException).message!,
  10. ),
  11. );
  12. } else if (snapshot.connectionState ==
  13. ConnectionState.done) {
  14. return Image.memory(
  15. snapshot.data!,
  16. fit: BoxFit.fill,
  17. );
  18. }
  19. return const CircularProgressIndicator();
  20. },


  1. // Registers a MessageHandler for BasicMessageChannel to receive a message from Dart and send
  2. // image data in reply.
  3. BasicMessageChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor, "platformImageDemo", StandardMessageCodec())
  4. .setMessageHandler { message, reply ->
  5. if (message == "getImage") {
  6. val inputStream: InputStream = assets.open("eat_new_orleans.jpg")
  7. reply.reply(inputStream.readBytes())
  8. }
  9. }




  1. @override
  2. void initState() {
  3. super.initState();
  4. // Receives a string of json object from the platform and converts it to PetModel.
  5. const BasicMessageChannel<String?>('stringCodecDemo', StringCodec()).setMessageHandler((message) async {
  6. if (message == null) {
  7. showSnackBar('An error occurred while adding pet details.', context);
  8. } else {
  9. setState(() {
  10. petListModel = PetListModel.fromJson(message);
  11. });
  12. }
  13. return null;
  14. });
  15. }


  1. class PetListMessageChannel {
  2. static const _jsonMessageCodecChannel = BasicMessageChannel<dynamic>('jsonMessageCodecDemo', JSONMessageCodec());
  3. /// Method to add a new pet to the list.
  4. ///
  5. /// Demonstrates how to use [BasicMessageChannel] and [JSONMessageCodec] to
  6. /// send more structured data to platform like a [Map] in this case.
  7. static void addPetDetails(PetDetails petDetails) {
  8. _jsonMessageCodecChannel.send(petDetails.toJson());
  9. }


  1. class PetListMessageChannel {
  2. static const _binaryCodecChannel = BasicMessageChannel('binaryCodecDemo', BinaryCodec());
  3. /// Method to remove a pet from the list.
  4. ///
  5. /// Demonstrates how to use [BasicMessageChannel] and [BinaryCodec] to
  6. /// send [ByteData] to platform. If the reply received is null, then
  7. /// we will throw a [PlatformException].
  8. static Future<void> removePet(int index) async {
  9. final uInt8List = utf8.encoder.convert(index.toString());
  10. final reply = await _binaryCodecChannel.send(uInt8List.buffer.asByteData());
  11. if (reply == null) {
  12. throw PlatformException(
  13. code: 'INVALID INDEX',
  14. message: 'Failed to delete pet details',
  15. details: null,
  16. );
  17. }
  18. }
  19. }

看到这里,大家可能一脸懵逼,其实,这里是Demo中为了演示不同的Message Codec而故意为之的。获取列表数据,新增,删除,这三个功能,分别使用了StringCodec、JSONMessageCodec和BinaryCodec,其实只使用StringCodec也是可以达到同样的效果的。




  1. // Registers a MessageHandler for BasicMessageChannel to receive pet details to be
  2. // added in petList and send the it back to Dart using stringCodecChannel.
  3. BasicMessageChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor, "jsonMessageCodecDemo", JSONMessageCodec.INSTANCE)
  4. .setMessageHandler { message, reply ->
  5. petList.add(0, gson.fromJson(message.toString(), object : TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {}.type))
  6. stringCodecChannel.send(gson.toJson(mapOf("petList" to petList)))
  7. }


  1. val petList = mutableListOf<Map<String, String>>()
  2. val gson = Gson()
  3. // A BasicMessageChannel for sending petList to Dart.
  4. val stringCodecChannel = BasicMessageChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor, "stringCodecDemo", StringCodec.INSTANCE)


  1. // Registers a MessageHandler for BasicMessageChannel to receive the index of pet
  2. // details to be removed from the petList and send the petList back to Dart using
  3. // stringCodecChannel. If the index is not in the range of petList, we send null
  4. // back to Dart.
  5. BasicMessageChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor, "binaryCodecDemo", BinaryCodec.INSTANCE)
  6. .setMessageHandler { message, reply ->
  7. val index = String(message!!.array()).toInt()
  8. if (index >= 0 && index < petList.size) {
  9. petList.removeAt(index)
  10. val replyMessage = "Removed Successfully"
  11. reply.reply(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(replyMessage.toByteArray().size)
  12. .put(replyMessage.toByteArray()))
  13. stringCodecChannel.send(gson.toJson(mapOf("petList" to petList)))
  14. } else {
  15. reply.reply(null)
  16. }
  17. }







  • 大部分的开发场景,我们都可以使用MethodChannel来解决通信问题
  • 如果需要更加灵活的控制,我们可以使用BasicMessageChannel
  • Flutter从原生获取数据流,可以使用EventChannel


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Flutter混编工程之通讯之路 - 图2