
YUM repository mirroring

These directions will walk you through using the open source tool reposync to mirror your YUM repository.

  1. Ensure you’ve installed this repository on your system. reposync will use the YUM configuration in /etc/yum.repos.d/ for mirroring.
  2. Install reposync and createrepo:sudo yum install yum-utils createrepoNOTE: reposync on CentOS 5 is buggy. We strongly encourage users to consider upgrading their reposync to a newer version.
  3. Create a directory for storing your repository data:mkdir -p /path/to/repository
  4. Run reposync specifying the the repository ID and the output directory.reposync —repoid=gitlab_gitlab-ce —download_path=/path/to/repository
  5. Finally, you should use createrepo to regenerate the repository metadata:createrepo -o /path/to/repository /path/to/repository
  6. Your YUM repository mirror is ready to use.

    APT repository mirroring

    These directions will walk you through using the open source tool apt-mirror to mirror your APT repository.

  7. Install apt-mirror:sudo apt-get install apt-mirrorNOTE: If you are running Debian Wheezy or earlier, you must upgrade to a recent version (0.4.9 or newer) of apt-mirror for HTTPS support.

  8. Create a directory for your mirror:mkdir /path/to/repo-mirror
  9. Determine which version of Ubuntu or Debian you’d like to mirror. You’ll need to add this to your apt-mirror config in the next step.
  10. Modify the apt-mirror config, using your favorite editor:sudo nano /etc/apt/mirror.listThe default /etc/apt/mirror.list configuration is split into two sections. The top section includes global configuration values. Set base_path to the directory you created above:set base_path /path/to/repo-mirror set nthreads 5 set _tilde 0The bottom section of /etc/apt/mirror.list contains a list of repositories to mirror. Use the example below, taking care to replace ubuntu and trusty with your Linux distribution and version:deb https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/**ubuntu**/ trusty main deb-src https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/**ubuntu**/ trusty main
  11. Import the GPG key for this repository by following the instructions on the GPG panel.



APT GPG keys

NOTE: If you installed gitlab/gitlab-ce with our Bash script, Chef cookbook, or Puppet module the GPG key is automatically installed. There is nothing additional you need to do.

GPG signature info

gitlab/gitlab-ce has its APT metadata signed with the default GPG key.

Import GPG key for gitlab/gitlab-ce

1. Ensure you have curl installed:sudo apt-get install curl
1. Ensure you have GPG installed:sudo apt-get install gnupg
1. Add the GPG key:
For versions equivalent to or later than Debian/Raspbian Stretch, Ubuntu Xenial, Linux Mint Sarah, Elementary OS Loki:
curl -fsSL https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/gpgkey | gpg —dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/gitlab_gitlab-ce-archive-keyring.gpg
For versions equivalent to or older than Debian/Raspbian Jessie, Ubuntu Wily, Linux Mint Rosa, Elementary OS Freya:
curl -fsSL https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/gpgkey | gpg —dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/gitlab_gitlab-ce.gpg
4. For versions equivalent to or later than Debian/Raspbian Stretch, Ubuntu Xenial, Linux Mint Sarah, Elementary OS Loki - specify the GPG key in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d entry, as below. All older versions do not require the signed-by option. deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/gitlab_gitlab-ce-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ main deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/gitlab_gitlab-ce-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/ main

Remove GPG key for gitlab/gitlab-ce

For GPG keys stored in /usr/share/keyrings:
1. Remove the GPG key:sudo rm /usr/share/keyrings/gitlab_gitlab-ce-archive-keyring.gpg
For GPG keys stored in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d:
1. Remove the GPG key:sudo apt-key remove 3F01618A51312F3F
1. You will see the output “OK” when complete. You can verify the key has been removed by running:sudo apt-key list

List all GPG keys known to APT

1. List all GPG keys known to APT:apt-key list
| | —- |

  1. Run apt-mirror to generate the mirror.sudo apt-mirror
  2. Your APT repository mirror is ready to use.
