
  1. 有效的字母异位词 (使用数组或者哈希表做计数器即可)
  1. class Solution:
  2. def isAnagram(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool:
  3. str_dict = {}
  4. if len(s) != len(t):
  5. return False
  6. for c in s:
  7. counter = str_dict.get(c, 0)
  8. str_dict[c] = counter + 1
  9. for c in t:
  10. counter = str_dict.get(c, 0)
  11. if counter == 0:
  12. return False
  13. str_dict[c] = counter -1
  14. return True


一篇关于阿里seata 分布式框架的文章, 本质就是TCC + 二段提交, 需要一个全局的中央处理服务 (TC), 然后每个参与分布式事务的服务都要接入自身的RM, 这RM 的底层就是 Mysql 。 由TC 使用 TCC 协议控制全局的分布式事务,使得这部分控制代码集中起来,避免污染业务代码。
我觉得这种类型的服务/框架 更多的是适合金融行业的强一致性业务场景,底层是依赖DBMS 的 ACID 特性,与我之前理解的通用分布式事务还是有一段距离。 因为很多业务场景是不需要用DBMS, 但仍需要分布式业务,不过这个框架没有将这一层逻辑再进一步抽象。


在我们日常中,常常需要为服务架构做决策,但做完决策后并不会刻意地将其保存起来,这其实是一种资源的浪费,因为在敏捷项目的开展过程中,架构决策是不断演进和变化的,如果我们将这些决策以时间的维度保存起来,那么每次做新决策的时候就会有一个依据。 Medium 里面有个架构师分享了一个不错的技巧, 就是LDAR, ADR 其实就是架构决策记录, 用于保存每一次架构决定的依据,目的和上下文。


  1. Title — Title of the decision record.
  2. Decision — The decision that was made. For instance, use Elasticsearch for an enterprise-wide search API.
  3. Status — Status can be proposed, accepted _or _superseded. If you make any decisions and you need to change them later, you can simply add a new record with the changed status.
  4. Context — What is the context of this decision? It is important to capture the full context of the decision so that the reader knows the reasons behind it.
  5. Consequences — In this section, you can add what would happen if this decision is made. It is important to list all consequences, both positive and negative.




K8s 的核心概念, 最近一直在学习k8s 的相关资料,看到这篇文章总结得非常不错。K8s 由于理论体系比较庞大,涉及的组件和概念非常多,所以很容易让人迷惑。 这篇文章用很直白的类比方式来总结k8s的核心概念,很方便随时进行翻阅

K8s concepts we’ve seen. Here are the six levels of abstraction for a Deployment:

  • Deployment: manages ReplicaSets. Use for persistent, stateless apps (e.g. HTTP servers).
  • ReplicaSet: creates and manages Pods.
  • Pod_: _basic unit of K8s.
  • Node Cluster: Worker Nodes + Cluster Master.
    - Worker Nodes: machines for Pods.
    - Cluster Master_: _directs worker nodes.
  • Node Processes
    Master subcomponents:
    - API server: hub.
    - etcd: cluster info.
    - scheduler: matcher.
    - kube-controller-manager: cluster controller.
    - cloud-controller-manager: cloud interface.
    Worker Node subcomponents:
    - kubelet: Worker Node brain.
    - kube-proxy: traffic cop.
    - container-runtime: Docker.
  • Docker Container: where the app code lives.





Here are the 7 additional high-level K8s API objects to know:

  • StatefulSet: Like a ReplicaSet for stateful processes. Think state.
  • DaemonSet: One automatic Pod per Node. Think monitor.
  • Job: Run a container to completion. Think batch.
  • CronJob: Repeated Job. Think time.
  • Service: Access point for Pods. Think access point.
  • Volume: Holds data. Think disk.
  • PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim: System for allocating storage. Think storage claim.