reactivie 整体概览

先看一眼官方对 reactivie 的定义

This package is inlined into Global & Browser ESM builds of user-facing renderers (e.g. @vue/runtime-dom), but also published as a package that can be used standalone. The standalone build should not be used alongside a pre-bundled build of a user-facing renderer, as they will have different internal storage for reactivity connections. A user-facing renderer should re-export all APIs from this package.




  1. .
  2. ├── LICENSE
  3. ├──
  4. ├── __tests__ // 单元测试目录
  5. ├── collections
  6. ├── Map.spec.ts
  7. ├── Set.spec.ts
  8. ├── WeakMap.spec.ts
  9. └── WeakSet.spec.ts
  10. ├── computed.spec.ts
  11. ├── effect.spec.ts
  12. ├── reactive.spec.ts
  13. ├── reactiveArray.spec.ts
  14. ├── readonly.spec.ts
  15. └── ref.spec.ts
  16. ├── api-extractor.json
  17. ├── index.js
  18. ├── package.json
  19. └── src
  20. ├── baseHandlers.ts // 基本类型的处理器
  21. ├── collectionHandlers.ts // Set Map WeakSet WeckMap的处理器
  22. ├── computed.ts // 计算属性,同Vue2
  23. ├── effect.ts // reactive 核心,处理依赖收集,依赖更新
  24. ├── index.ts
  25. ├── operations.ts // 定义依赖收集,依赖更新的类型
  26. ├── reactive.ts // reactive 入口,内部主要以Proxy实现
  27. └── ref.ts // reactive 的变种方法,Proxy处理不了值类型的响应,Ref来处理

还为大家提供了整个 reactive 的流程图


reactivie 整体概览 - 图1
