Getting Started with Migrations

Migrations are a way of making organized, testable, and reliable changes to your database’s structure— even while it’s in production!

Migrations are often used for preparing a database schema for your models. However, they can also be used to make normal queries to your database.

In this guide we will cover creating both types of migrations.

Model Schema

Let’s take a look at how we can prepare a schema supporting database to accept the User model from the previous section.

Just like we did with the Model protocol, we will conform our User to Migration.

  1. import Fluent
  2. extension User: Migration {
  3. }

Swift will inform us that User does not yet conform. Let’s add the required methods!


The first method to implement is prepare. This method is where you make any of your desired changes to the database.

For our User model, we simply want to create a table that can store one or more users. To do this, we will use the .create(...) function on the supplied database connection.

  1. extension User: Migration {
  2. /// See Migration.prepare
  3. static func prepare(on connection: MySQLConnection) -> Future<Void> {
  4. return connection.create(self) { builder in
  5. try builder.field(for: \.id)
  6. try builder.field(for: \.name)
  7. try builder.field(for: \.age)
  8. }
  9. }
  10. }

We pass self (shorthand for User.self since this is a static method) as the first argument to the .create method. This indicates to Fluent that we would like to create a schema for the User model.

Next, we pass a closure that accepts a SchemaBuilder for our User model. We can then call .fieldon this builder to describe what fields we’d like our table to have.

Since we are passing key paths to our User model (indicated by \.), Fluent can see what type those properties are. For most common types (String, Int, Double, etc) Fluent will automatically be able to determine the best database field type to use.

You can also choose to manually select which database field type to use for a given field.

  1. try builder.field(type: .text, for: \.name)

Learn more about creating, updating, and deleting schemas in Fluent → Schema Builder.


Revert is the opposite of prepare. Its job is to undo anything that was done in prepare. It is used when you boot your app with the --revert option.

To implement revert for our model, we simply use .delete to indicate that we would like to delete the schema created for User.

  1. extension User: Migration {
  2. /// See Migration.revert
  3. static func revert(on connection: MySQLConnection) -> Future<Void> {
  4. return connection.delete(self)
  5. }
  6. }


We now have a fully functioning model with migration!

  1. extension TestUser: Migration {
  2. /// See Migration.prepare
  3. static func prepare(on connection: SQLiteConnection) -> Future<Void> {
  4. return connection.create(self) { builder in
  5. try builder.field(for: \.id)
  6. try builder.field(for: \.name)
  7. try builder.field(for: \.age)
  8. }
  9. }
  10. /// See Migration.revert
  11. static func revert(on connection: SQLiteConnection) -> Future<Void> {
  12. return connection.delete(self)
  13. }
  14. }


Now that you have a working Fluent model and migration, you can move onto querying your model.