VR Developer


Nanodegree key: nd017
Version: 2.0.0
Locale: en-us
Virtual Reality is the future of creative content. Job opportunities are skyrocketing, making this the perfect time to launch your career.


Part 01 : Welcome to the VR Developer Nanodegree

VR-related job openings are up 800% year-over-year, and there is a lack of skilled VR developers and designers. Hence, the goal of the VR Developer Nanodegree program is to educate thousands of people in VR software development and design.
You are going to learn the principles of virtual reality, some programming and design, a bit of science, a little math, and a whole lot about how to create good VR from scratch.
Make sure you join the Udacity VR Developer Slack community to meet other VR enthusiasts.

Once you have completed one of the Specializations, you can proceed to the final part:
