Container 容器创建
示例 :创建容器
using System;
using DryIoc;
using NUnit.Framework;
class Creating_container
public void Example()
var container = new Container();
class Creating_container_with_explicit_defaults
public void Example()
var container = new Container(rules: Rules.Default, scopeContext: null);
Rules 是不可改变的,但可通过 With 方法 或 WithoutXXX 方法来调整一个已有的 rules 对象。
示例 :通过 With 方法或 WithoutXXX 方法更改 Rule
class Adding_some_rules
public void Example()
// 通过 With 方法更改默认 rules
var container1 = new Container(Rules.Default.With(FactoryMethod.ConstructorWithResolvableArguments));
// 通过 WithoutThrowIfDependencyHasShorterReuseLifespan 方法更改默认 rules
var container2 = new Container(Rules.Default.WithoutThrowIfDependencyHasShorterReuseLifespan());
/// Better be named `ConstructorWithMostResolvableArguments`.
/// Searches for public constructor with most resolvable parameters or throws <see cref="ContainerException"/> if not found.
/// Works both for resolving service and `Func{TArgs..., TService}`
public static readonly FactoryMethodSelector ConstructorWithResolvableArguments = Constructor(mostResolvable: true);
//Turns off throwing exception when dependency has shorter reuse lifespan than its parent or ancestor.
public Rules WithoutThrowIfDependencyHasShorterReuseLifespan() => WithSettings(_settings & ~Settings.ThrowIfDependencyHasShorterReuseLifespan);
从容器构造开始时就采用新的rules 对象(并非基于 Rules.Default 修改的)
class Adding_some_rules_with_action
public void Example()
var container1 = new Container(rules => rules.WithDefaultReuse(Reuse.Singleton));
var container2 = new Container(rules => rules.WithAutoConcreteTypeResolution());
ScopeContext 作用域上下文
ScopeContext 作为可选参数用于绑定已有的作用域(scope)。
Container 容器释放
Container 类型实现了IDisposable 接口,在不需要使用的时候应当释放。释放容器将会执行以下操作:
- 释放 Singletons 对象。
- 移除所有注册对象。
将 Rules 设置 Rules.Empty。
class Disposing_container
public class MyService : IDisposable
public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; }
public void Dispose() => IsDisposed = true;
public void Example()
MyService myService;
using (var container = new Container())
container.Register<MyService>(Reuse.Singleton); // MyService is registered with singleton lifetime
myService = container.Resolve<MyService>();
// Assert通过,随着容器的释放,容器的服务实例也将释放