Stack for Expression Evaluation
- procedence:{*, /} first; {+,_} later
- f = a/b
- g = f-c
- h = d*e
- i = g+h
- j = a*c
- l = i-j
Postfix Notation
same operand order,but put “operator” after needed operands
example : a b / ; f c -; d e
*tanslate to the computer computation language
Postfix from Infix (Usual) Notation
- infix:
3 / 4 - 5 + 6 7 - 8 9 - parenthesize:
((((3/4)-5)+(6_7))-(8_9)) - for every triple in parentheses, switch orders
(((3 4 /)5 -) (6 7 )+) (8 9 )-) - remove parentheses
3 4 / 5 - 6 7 + 8 9 -
Evaluate Postfix Expressions
- how to evaluate? left-to-right, “operate” when see operator
- 3, 4, / 0.75
- 0.75 ,5, - -4.25
- -4.25, 6, 7, * -4.25, 42(note: -4.25 stored for latter use)
- -4.25, 42, + 37.75
- 37.75, 8, 9, * 37.75, 72 (note: 37.75 stored for latter use)
- 37.75, 72, - …
Stack so closest operands will be considered first
Every time meets a number, push it to the stack. While meets operator, take the two closest numbers and calculate.
- Pstfix Evaluation Pseudocode
for each token in the input do
if token is a number
push token to the stack
else if token is an operator
sequentially pop operands $a_{t-1},...,a_0$ from the stack
push token$a_0,a_1,a_{t-1}$ to the stack
end if
end for
return the top of stack
Application: Expression Parsing
One-Pass Algorithm for Infix to Postfix
infix postfix efficiently?
a/b -c + d e - a c
at /, not sure of what to do (need later operands) so store
at -, know that a/b can be a b / because - is of lower precedence
at +, know that ? -c can be ? c- because + is of same precedence but {-, +} is left-associative
at *, notsure of what to do (need later operands) so store
Stack Solution to infix-Postfix Translation
for each token in the input do
if token is a number
output token
else if token is an operator
while top of stack is of higher(or same) precedence do
pop and output top of stack
end while
push token to the stack
end if
end for
- here: infix to postfix with operator stack: closest operators will be considered first
- recall: postfix evaluation with operand stack: closest operands will be considered first
- mixing the two algorithms(say, use two stacks): simple calculator
More Hints on Infix-Postfix Translation
for left associativity and binary operators
- right associativity? same precedence needs to wait
- unary/trinary operator? same
parentheses? highest priority
- at ‘(‘ cannot pop anything from stack
—like seeing ‘*’ while having ‘+’ on the stack - at ‘)’, can pop until ‘(‘ —-like parentheses matching
- at ‘(‘ cannot pop anything from stack
What We Have Done
algorithm | data structure |
sequential search | array(or linked list) |
selection sort | array(or linked list) |
insertion sort | linked list (or array) |
binary search | ordered array |
polynomial merge | sparse array on linked list |
parenthesis matching | stack |
postfix evaluation | stack |
infix to postfix | stack |
The Maze Problem
Given a (2D) maze, is there a way out?
Recursive Algorithm
GET-OUT-RECURSIVE(Maze m, Position(i,j))
mark(i,j) as visited
for each unmarked (k,l) reachable from (i,j) do
if (k,l) is an exit
return TRUE
end if
return TRUE
end if
end for
return FALSE
From Recursion to Stack
GET-OUT-STACK(Maze m, Position(i,j))
while stack not empty do
(i,j)<-pop from stack
mark (i,j) as visited
for each unmarked (k,l) rechable from(i,j) do
if (k,l) is an exit
return TRUE
end if
push(k,l) to stack and mark(k,l) as todo
end for
end while
return FALSE
similar result to recursive version, but conceptually different
- recursive: one path on the system stack
- stack: many positions-to-be-explored on the user stack
A General Maze Algorithm
GET-OUT-CONTAINER(Maze m, Position(i,j))
while container not empty do
(i,j) <- remove from container
mark (i,j) as visited
for each unmarked (k,l) reachable from (i,j) do
if (k,l) is an exit
return TRUE
end if
insert(k,l) to container [and mark (k,l) as todo]
end for
end while
return FALSE
- if “random” remove from container: “random walk” to exit
- object: a container that holds some elements
action: [constant-time] enqueue (to the rear), dequeue (from the front)
first-in-first-out (FIFO): buy ticket
- also very restricted data structure, but also important for computers
- A C++ Queue Interface
template<typename E>
class Queue{
int size() const;
bool empty() const;
const E& front() const throw(QueueEmpty);
void enqueue(const E& e);
void dequeue() throw(QueueEmpty);
- Implementing a Queue with a Circularly Linked List
typedef string Elem; // queue element type
class LinkedQueue { // queue as doubly linked list
LinkedQueue(); // constructor
int size() const; // number of items in the queue
bool empty() const; // is the queue empty?
const Elem& front() const throw(QueueEmpty); // the front element
void enqueue(const Elem& e); // enqueue element at rear
void dequeue() throw(QueueEmpty); // dequeue element at front
private: // member data
CircleList C; // circular list of elements
int n; // number of elements
Maze From Stack to Queue
GET-OUT-QUEUE(Maze m, Postion(i,j))
while queue not empty do
(i,j) <- dequeue from queue
mark (i,j) as visited
for each unmarked (k,l) reachable from (i,j) do
if (k,l) is an exit
return TRUE
end if
enqueue(k,l) to queue [and mark (k,l) as todo]
end for
end while
return FALSE
- use of stack/queue: store the yet-to-be-explored positions
- stack version: first(lexicographically) way out (explore deeply) —-depth-first search (DFS)
- queue version: shortest way out (explore broadly) —-breadth-first search (BFS)