Getting Real with an API

Now it’s time to get real with an API, because it can get boring to deal with sample data.

If you are not familiar with APIs, I encourage you to read my journey where I got to know APIs.

Do you know the Hacker News platform? It’s a great news aggregator about tech topics. In this book, you will use the Hacker News API to fetch trending stories from the platform. There is a basic and search API to get data from the platform. The latter one makes sense in the case of this application in order to search stories on Hacker News. You can visit the API specification to get an understanding of the data structure.

Lifecycle Methods

You will need to know about React lifecycle methods before you can start to fetch data in your components by using an API. These methods are a hook into the lifecycle of a React component. They can be used in ES6 class components, but not in functional stateless components.

Do you remember when a previous chapter taught you about JavaScript ES6 classes and how they are used in React? Apart from the render() method, there are several methods that can be overridden in a React ES6 class component. All of these are the lifecycle methods. Let’s dive into them:

You already know two lifecycle methods that can be used in an ES6 class component: constructor() and render().

The constructor is only called when an instance of the component is created and inserted in the DOM. The component gets instantiated. That process is called mounting of the component.

The render() method is called during the mount process too, but also when the component updates. Each time when the state or the props of a component change, the render() method of the component is called.

Now you know more about the two lifecycle methods and when they are called. You already used them as well. But there are more of them.

The mounting of a component has two more lifecycle methods: componentWillMount() and componentDidMount(). The constructor is called first, componentWillMount() gets called before the render() method and componentDidMount() is called after the render() method.

Overall the mounting process has 4 lifecycle methods. They are invoked in the following order:

  • constructor()
  • componentWillMount()
  • render()
  • componentDidMount()

But what about the update lifecycle of a component that happens when the state or the props change? Overall it has 5 lifecycle methods in the following order:

  • componentWillReceiveProps()
  • shouldComponentUpdate()
  • componentWillUpdate()
  • render()
  • componentDidUpdate()

Last but not least there is the unmounting lifecycle. It has only one lifecycle method: componentWillUnmount().

After all, you don’t need to know all of these lifecycle methods from the beginning. It can be intimidating yet you will not use all of them. Even in a larger React application you will only use a few of them apart from the constructor() and the render() method. Still, it is good to know that each lifecycle method can be used for specific use cases:

  • constructor(props) - It is called when the component gets initialized. You can set an initial component state and bind class methods during that lifecycle method.

  • componentWillMount() - It is called before the render() lifecycle method. That’s why it could be used to set internal component state, because it will not trigger a second rendering of the component. Generally it is recommended to use the constructor() to set the initial state.

  • render() - The lifecycle method is mandatory and returns the elements as an output of the component. The method should be pure and therefore shouldn’t modify the component state. It gets an input as props and state and returns an element.

  • componentDidMount() - It is called only once when the component mounted. That’s the perfect time to do an asynchronous request to fetch data from an API. The fetched data would get stored in the internal component state to display it in the render() lifecycle method.

  • componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) - The lifecycle method is called during an update lifecycle. As input you get the next props. You can diff the next props with the previous props, by using this.props, to apply a different behavior based on the diff. Additionally, you can set state based on the next props.

  • shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) - It is always called when the component updates due to state or props changes. You will use it in mature React applications for performance optimizations. Depending on a boolean that you return from this lifecycle method, the component and all its children will render or will not render on an update lifecycle. You can prevent the render lifecycle method of a component.

  • componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) - The lifecycle method is immediately invoked before the render() method. You already have the next props and next state at your disposal. You can use the method as last opportunity to perform preparations before the render method gets executed. Note that you cannot trigger setState() anymore. If you want to compute state based on the next props, you have to use componentWillReceiveProps().

  • componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) - The lifecycle method is immediately invoked after the render() method. You can use it as opportunity to perform DOM operations or to perform further asynchronous requests.

  • componentWillUnmount() - It is called before you destroy your component. You can use the lifecycle method to perform any clean up tasks.

The constructor() and render() lifecycle methods are already used by you. These are the commonly used lifecycle methods for ES6 class components. Actually the render() method is required, otherwise you wouldn’t return a component instance.

There is one more lifecycle method: componentDidCatch(error, info). It was introduced in React 16 and is used to catch errors in components. For instance, displaying the sample list in your application works just fine. But there could be a case when the list in the local state is set to null by accident (e.g. when fetching the list from an external API, but the request failed and you set the local state of the list to null). Afterward, it wouldn’t be possible to filter and map the list anymore, because it is null and not an empty list. The component would be broken and the whole application would fail. Now, by using componentDidCatch(), you can catch the error, store it in your local state, and show an optional message to your application user that an error has happened.


Fetching Data

Now you are prepared to fetch data from the Hacker News API. There was one lifecycle method mentioned that can be used to fetch data: componentDidMount(). You will use the native fetch API in JavaScript to perform the request.

Before we can use it, let’s set up the URL constants and default parameters to breakup the API request into chunks.


  1. import React, { Component } from 'react';
  2. import './App.css';
  3. # leanpub-start-insert
  4. const DEFAULT_QUERY = 'redux';
  5. const PATH_BASE = '';
  6. const PATH_SEARCH = '/search';
  7. const PARAM_SEARCH = 'query=';
  8. # leanpub-end-insert
  9. ...

In JavaScript ES6, you can use template strings to concatenate strings. You will use it to concatenate your URL for the API endpoint.

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. // ES6
  3. // ES5
  5. console.log(url);
  6. // output:

That will keep your URL composition flexible in the future.

But let’s get to the API request where you will use the url. The whole data fetch process will be presented at once, but each step will be explained afterward.


  1. ...
  2. class App extends Component {
  3. constructor(props) {
  4. super(props);
  5. this.state = {
  6. # leanpub-start-insert
  7. result: null,
  8. searchTerm: DEFAULT_QUERY,
  9. # leanpub-end-insert
  10. };
  11. # leanpub-start-insert
  12. this.setSearchTopStories = this.setSearchTopStories.bind(this);
  13. this.fetchSearchTopStories = this.fetchSearchTopStories.bind(this);
  14. # leanpub-end-insert
  15. this.onSearchChange = this.onSearchChange.bind(this);
  16. this.onDismiss = this.onDismiss.bind(this);
  17. }
  18. # leanpub-start-insert
  19. setSearchTopStories(result) {
  20. this.setState({ result });
  21. }
  22. fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm) {
  23. fetch(`${PATH_BASE}${PATH_SEARCH}?${PARAM_SEARCH}${searchTerm}`)
  24. .then(response => response.json())
  25. .then(result => this.setSearchTopStories(result))
  26. .catch(e => e);
  27. }
  28. componentDidMount() {
  29. const { searchTerm } = this.state;
  30. this.fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm);
  31. }
  32. # leanpub-end-insert
  33. ...
  34. }

A lot of things happen in the code. I thought about breaking it into smaller pieces. Then again it would be difficult to grasp the relations of each piece to each other. Let me explain each step in detail.

First, you can remove the sample list of items, because you return a real list from the Hacker News API. The sample data is not used anymore. The initial state of your component has an empty result and default search term now. The same default search term is used in the input field of the Search component and in your first request.

Second, you use the componentDidMount() lifecycle method to fetch the data after the component did mount. In the very first fetch, the default search term from the local state is used. It will fetch “redux” related stories, because that is the default parameter.

Third, the native fetch API is used. The JavaScript ES6 template strings allow it to compose the URL with the searchTerm. The URL is the argument for the native fetch API function. The response needs to get transformed to a JSON data structure, which is a mandatory step in a native fetch function when dealing with JSON data structures, and can finally be set as result in the internal component state. In addition, the catch block is used in case of an error. If an error happens during the request, the function will run into the catch block instead of the then block. In a later chapter of the book, you will include the error handling.

Last but not least, don’t forget to bind your new component methods in the constructor.

Now you can use the fetched data instead of the sample list of items. However, you have to be careful again. The result is not only a list of data. It’s a complex object with meta information and a list of hits which are in our case the stories. You can output the internal state with console.log(this.state); in your render() method to visualize it.

In the next step, you will use the result to render it. But we will prevent it from rendering anything, so we will return null, when there is no result in the first place. Once the request to the API succeeded, the result is saved to the state and the App component will re-render with the updated state.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. render() {
  4. # leanpub-start-insert
  5. const { searchTerm, result } = this.state;
  6. if (!result) { return null; }
  7. # leanpub-end-insert
  8. return (
  9. <div className="page">
  10. ...
  11. <Table
  12. # leanpub-start-insert
  13. list={result.hits}
  14. # leanpub-end-insert
  15. pattern={searchTerm}
  16. onDismiss={this.onDismiss}
  17. />
  18. </div>
  19. );
  20. }
  21. }

Let’s recap what happens during the component lifecycle. Your component gets initialized by the constructor. After that, it renders for the first time. But you prevent it from displaying anything, because the result in the local state is null. It is allowed to return null for a component in order to display nothing. Then the componentDidMount() lifecycle method runs. In that method you fetch the data from the Hacker News API asynchronously. Once the data arrives, it changes your internal component state in setSearchTopStories(). Afterward, the update lifecycle comes into play because the local state was updated. The component runs the render() method again, but this time with populated result in your internal component state. The component and thus the Table component with its content will be rendered.

You used the native fetch API that is supported by most browsers to perform an asynchronous request to an API. The create-react-app configuration makes sure that it is supported in every browser. There are third-party node packages that you can use to substitute the native fetch API: superagent and axios.

Keep in mind that the book builds up on the JavaScript’s shorthand notation for truthfulness checks. In the previous example, if (!result) was used in favor of if (result === null). The same applies for other cases throughout the book too. For instance, if (!list.length) is used in favor of if (list.length === 0) or if (someString) is used in favor of if (someString !== ''). Read up about the topic if you are not too familiar with it.

Back to your application: The list of hits should be visible now. However, there are two regression bugs in the application now. First, the “Dismiss” button is broken. It doesn’t know about the complex result object and still operates on the plain list from the local state when dismissing an item. Second, when the list is displayed but you try to search for something else, the list gets filtered on the client-side even though the initial search was made by searching for stories on the server-side. The perfect behvaior would be to fetch another result object from the API when using the Search component. Both regression bugs will be fixed in the following chapters.


ES6 Spread Operators

The “Dismiss” button doesn’t work because the onDismiss() method is not aware of the complex result object. It only knows about a plain list in the local state. But it isn’t a plain list anymore. Let’s change it to operate on the result object instead of the list itself.


  1. onDismiss(id) {
  2. const isNotId = item => item.objectID !== id;
  3. # leanpub-start-insert
  4. const updatedHits = this.state.result.hits.filter(isNotId);
  5. this.setState({
  6. ...
  7. });
  8. # leanpub-end-insert
  9. }

But what happens in setState() now? Unfortunately the result is a complex object. The list of hits is only one of multiple properties in the object. However, only the list gets updated, when an item gets removed in the result object, while the other properties stay the same.

One approach could be to mutate the hits in the result object. I will demonstrate it, but we won’t do it that way.

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. // don`t do this
  2. this.state.result.hits = updatedHits;

React embraces immutable data structures. Thus you shouldn’t mutate an object (or mutate the state directly). A better approach is to generate a new object based on the information you have. Thereby none of the objects get altered. You will keep the immutable data structures. You will always return a new object and never alter an object.

Therefore you can use JavaScript ES6 Object.assign(). It takes as first argument a target object. All following arguments are source objects. These objects are merged into the target object. The target object can be an empty object. It embraces immutability, because no source object gets mutated. It would look similar to the following:

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. const updatedHits = { hits: updatedHits };
  2. const updatedResult = Object.assign({}, this.state.result, updatedHits);

Latter objects will override former merged objects when they share the same property names. Now let’s do it in the onDismiss() method:


  1. onDismiss(id) {
  2. const isNotId = item => item.objectID !== id;
  3. const updatedHits = this.state.result.hits.filter(isNotId);
  4. this.setState({
  5. # leanpub-start-insert
  6. result: Object.assign({}, this.state.result, { hits: updatedHits })
  7. # leanpub-end-insert
  8. });
  9. }

That would already be the solution. But there is a simpler way in JavaScript ES6 and future JavaScript releases. May I introduce the spread operator to you? It only consists of three dots: ... When it is used, every value from an array or object gets copied to another array or object.

Let’s examine the ES6 array spread operator even though you don’t need it yet.

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. const userList = ['Robin', 'Andrew', 'Dan'];
  2. const additionalUser = 'Jordan';
  3. const allUsers = [ ...userList, additionalUser ];
  4. console.log(allUsers);
  5. // output: ['Robin', 'Andrew', 'Dan', 'Jordan']

The allUsers variable is a completely new array. The other variables userList and additionalUser stay the same. You can even merge two arrays that way into a new array.

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. const oldUsers = ['Robin', 'Andrew'];
  2. const newUsers = ['Dan', 'Jordan'];
  3. const allUsers = [ ...oldUsers, ...newUsers ];
  4. console.log(allUsers);
  5. // output: ['Robin', 'Andrew', 'Dan', 'Jordan']

Now let’s have a look at the object spread operator. It is not JavaScript ES6. It is a proposal for a next JavaScript version yet already used by the React community. That’s why create-react-app incorporated the feature in the configuration.

Basically it is the same as the JavaScript ES6 array spread operator but with objects. It copies each key value pair into a new object.

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. const userNames = { firstname: 'Robin', lastname: 'Wieruch' };
  2. const age = 28;
  3. const user = { ...userNames, age };
  4. console.log(user);
  5. // output: { firstname: 'Robin', lastname: 'Wieruch', age: 28 }

Multiple objects can be spread like in the array spread example.

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. const userNames = { firstname: 'Robin', lastname: 'Wieruch' };
  2. const userAge = { age: 28 };
  3. const user = { ...userNames, ...userAge };
  4. console.log(user);
  5. // output: { firstname: 'Robin', lastname: 'Wieruch', age: 28 }

After all, it can be used to replace Object.assign().


  1. onDismiss(id) {
  2. const isNotId = item => item.objectID !== id;
  3. const updatedHits = this.state.result.hits.filter(isNotId);
  4. this.setState({
  5. # leanpub-start-insert
  6. result: { ...this.state.result, hits: updatedHits }
  7. # leanpub-end-insert
  8. });
  9. }

Now the “Dismiss” button should work again, because the onDismiss() method is aware of the complex result object and how to update it after dismissing an item from the list.


Conditional Rendering

The conditional rendering is introduced pretty early in React applications. But not in the case of the book, because there wasn’t such an use case yet. The conditional rendering happens when you want to make a decision to render either one or another element. Sometimes it means to render an element or nothing. After all, a conditional rendering simplest usage can be expressed by an if-else statement in JSX.

The result object in the internal component state is null in the beginning. So far, the App component returned no elements when the result hasn’t arrived from the API. That’s already a conditional rendering, because you return earlier from the render() lifecycle method for a certain condition. The App component either renders nothing or its elements.

But let’s go one step further. It makes more sense to wrap the Table component, which is the only component that depends on the result, in an independent conditional rendering. Everything else should be displayed, even though there is no result yet. You can simply use a ternary operator in your JSX.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. render() {
  4. # leanpub-start-insert
  5. const { searchTerm, result } = this.state;
  6. # leanpub-end-insert
  7. return (
  8. <div className="page">
  9. <div className="interactions">
  10. <Search
  11. value={searchTerm}
  12. onChange={this.onSearchChange}
  13. >
  14. Search
  15. </Search>
  16. </div>
  17. # leanpub-start-insert
  18. { result
  19. ? <Table
  20. list={result.hits}
  21. pattern={searchTerm}
  22. onDismiss={this.onDismiss}
  23. />
  24. : null
  25. }
  26. # leanpub-end-insert
  27. </div>
  28. );
  29. }
  30. }

That’s your second option to express a conditional rendering. A third option is the logical && operator. In JavaScript a true && 'Hello World' always evaluates to ‘Hello World’. A false && 'Hello World' always evaluates to false.

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. const result = true && 'Hello World';
  2. console.log(result);
  3. // output: Hello World
  4. const result = false && 'Hello World';
  5. console.log(result);
  6. // output: false

In React you can make use of that behavior. If the condition is true, the expression after the logical && operator will be the output. If the condition is false, React ignores and skips the expression. It is applicable in the Table conditional rendering case, because it should return a Table or nothing.


  1. { result &&
  2. <Table
  3. list={result.hits}
  4. pattern={searchTerm}
  5. onDismiss={this.onDismiss}
  6. />
  7. }

These were a few approaches to use conditional rendering in React. You can read about more alternatives in an exhaustive list of examples for conditional rendering approaches. Moreover you will get to know their different use cases and when to apply them.

After all, you should be able to see the fetched data in your application. Everything except the Table is displayed when the data fetching is pending. Once the request resolves the result and stores it into the local state, the Table is displayed because the render() method runs again and the condition in the conditional rendering resolves in favor of displaying the Table component.


Client- or Server-side Search

When you use the Search component with its input field now, you will filter the list. That’s happening on the client-side though. Now you are going to use the Hacker News API to search on the server-side. Otherwise you would deal only with the first API response which you got on componentDidMount() with the default search term parameter.

You can define an onSearchSubmit() method in your App component which fetches results from the Hacker News API when executing a search in the Search component. It will be the same fetch as in your componentDidMount() lifecycle method, but this time with a modified search term from the local state and not with the initial default search term.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. constructor(props) {
  3. super(props);
  4. this.state = {
  5. result: null,
  6. searchTerm: DEFAULT_QUERY,
  7. };
  8. this.setSearchTopStories = this.setSearchTopStories.bind(this);
  9. this.fetchSearchTopStories = this.fetchSearchTopStories.bind(this);
  10. this.onSearchChange = this.onSearchChange.bind(this);
  11. # leanpub-start-insert
  12. this.onSearchSubmit = this.onSearchSubmit.bind(this);
  13. # leanpub-end-insert
  14. this.onDismiss = this.onDismiss.bind(this);
  15. }
  16. ...
  17. # leanpub-start-insert
  18. onSearchSubmit() {
  19. const { searchTerm } = this.state;
  20. this.fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm);
  21. }
  22. # leanpub-end-insert
  23. ...
  24. }

Now the Search component has to add an additional button. The button has to explicitly trigger the search request. Otherwise you would fetch data from the Hacker News API every time when your input field changes. But you want to do it explicitly in a onClick() handler.

As alternative you could debounce (delay) the onChange() function and spare the button, but it would add more complexity at this time and maybe wouldn’t be the desired effect. Let’s keep it simple without a debounce for now.

First, pass the onSearchSubmit() method to your Search component.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. render() {
  4. const { searchTerm, result } = this.state;
  5. return (
  6. <div className="page">
  7. <div className="interactions">
  8. <Search
  9. value={searchTerm}
  10. onChange={this.onSearchChange}
  11. # leanpub-start-insert
  12. onSubmit={this.onSearchSubmit}
  13. # leanpub-end-insert
  14. >
  15. Search
  16. </Search>
  17. </div>
  18. { result &&
  19. <Table
  20. list={result.hits}
  21. pattern={searchTerm}
  22. onDismiss={this.onDismiss}
  23. />
  24. }
  25. </div>
  26. );
  27. }
  28. }

Second, introduce a button in your Search component. The button has the type="submit" and the form uses its onSubmit() attribute to pass the onSubmit() method. You can reuse the children property, but this time it will be used as the content of the button.


  1. # leanpub-start-insert
  2. const Search = ({
  3. value,
  4. onChange,
  5. onSubmit,
  6. children
  7. }) =>
  8. <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
  9. <input
  10. type="text"
  11. value={value}
  12. onChange={onChange}
  13. />
  14. <button type="submit">
  15. {children}
  16. </button>
  17. </form>
  18. # leanpub-end-insert

In the Table, you can remove the filter functionality, because there will be no client-side filter (search) anymore. Don’t forget to remove the isSearched() function as well. It will not be used anymore. The result comes directly from the Hacker News API now after you have clicked the “Search” button.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. render() {
  4. const { searchTerm, result } = this.state;
  5. return (
  6. <div className="page">
  7. ...
  8. { result &&
  9. <Table
  10. # leanpub-start-insert
  11. list={result.hits}
  12. onDismiss={this.onDismiss}
  13. # leanpub-end-insert
  14. />
  15. }
  16. </div>
  17. );
  18. }
  19. }
  20. ...
  21. # leanpub-start-insert
  22. const Table = ({ list, onDismiss }) =>
  23. # leanpub-end-insert
  24. <div className="table">
  25. # leanpub-start-insert
  26. { =>
  27. # leanpub-end-insert
  28. ...
  29. )}
  30. </div>

When you try to search now, you will notice that the browser reloads. That’s a native browser behavior for a submit callback in a HTML form. In React you will often come across the preventDefault() event method to suppress the native browser behavior.


  1. # leanpub-start-insert
  2. onSearchSubmit(event) {
  3. # leanpub-end-insert
  4. const { searchTerm } = this.state;
  5. this.fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm);
  6. # leanpub-start-insert
  7. event.preventDefault();
  8. # leanpub-end-insert
  9. }

Now you should be able to search different Hacker News stories. Perfect, you interact with a real world API. There should be no client-side search anymore.


Paginated Fetch

Did you have a closer look at the returned data structure yet? The Hacker News API returns more than a list of hits. Precisely it returns a paginated list. The page property, which is 0 in the first response, can be used to fetch more paginated sublists as result. You only need to pass the next page with the same search term to the API.

Let’s extend the composable API constants so that it can deal with paginated data.


  1. const DEFAULT_QUERY = 'redux';
  2. const PATH_BASE = '';
  3. const PATH_SEARCH = '/search';
  4. const PARAM_SEARCH = 'query=';
  5. # leanpub-start-insert
  6. const PARAM_PAGE = 'page=';
  7. # leanpub-end-insert

Now you can use the new constant to add the page parameter to your API request.

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. const url = `${PATH_BASE}${PATH_SEARCH}?${PARAM_SEARCH}${searchTerm}&${PARAM_PAGE}`;
  2. console.log(url);
  3. // output:

The fetchSearchTopStories() method will take the page as second argument. If you don’t provide the second argument, it will fallback to the 0 page for the initial request. Thus the componentDidMount() and onSearchSubmit() methods fetch the first page on the first request. Every additional fetch should fetch the next page by providing the second argument.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. # leanpub-start-insert
  4. fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm, page = 0) {
  5. fetch(`${PATH_BASE}${PATH_SEARCH}?${PARAM_SEARCH}${searchTerm}&${PARAM_PAGE}${page}`)
  6. # leanpub-end-insert
  7. .then(response => response.json())
  8. .then(result => this.setSearchTopStories(result))
  9. .catch(e => e);
  10. }
  11. ...
  12. }

Now you can use the current page from the API response in fetchSearchTopStories(). You can use this method in a button to fetch more stories on a onClick button handler. Let’s use the Button to fetch more paginated data from the Hacker News API. You only need to define the onClick() handler which takes the current search term and the next page (current page + 1).


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. render() {
  4. const { searchTerm, result } = this.state;
  5. # leanpub-start-insert
  6. const page = (result && || 0;
  7. # leanpub-end-insert
  8. return (
  9. <div className="page">
  10. <div className="interactions">
  11. ...
  12. { result &&
  13. <Table
  14. list={result.hits}
  15. onDismiss={this.onDismiss}
  16. />
  17. }
  18. # leanpub-start-insert
  19. <div className="interactions">
  20. <Button onClick={() => this.fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm, page + 1)}>
  21. More
  22. </Button>
  23. </div>
  24. # leanpub-end-insert
  25. </div>
  26. );
  27. }
  28. }

In addition, in your render() method you should make sure to default to page 0 when there is no result yet. Remember that the render() method is called before the data is fetched asynchronously in the componentDidMount() lifecycle method.

There is one step missing. You fetch the next page of data, but it will override your previous page of data. It would be ideal to concatenate the old and new list of hits from the local state and new result object. Let’s adjust the functionality to add the new data rather than to override it.


  1. setSearchTopStories(result) {
  2. # leanpub-start-insert
  3. const { hits, page } = result;
  4. const oldHits = page !== 0
  5. ? this.state.result.hits
  6. : [];
  7. const updatedHits = [
  8. ...oldHits,
  9. ...hits
  10. ];
  11. this.setState({
  12. result: { hits: updatedHits, page }
  13. });
  14. # leanpub-end-insert
  15. }

A couple of things happen in the setSearchTopStories() method now. First, you get the hits and page from the result.

Second, you have to check if there are already old hits. When the page is 0, it is a new search request from componentDidMount() or onSearchSubmit(). The hits are empty. But when you click the “More” button to fetch paginated data the page isn’t 0. It is the next page. The old hits are already stored in your state and thus can be used.

Third, you don’t want to override the old hits. You can merge old and new hits from the recent API request. The merge of both lists can be done with the JavaScript ES6 array spread operator.

Fourth, you set the merged hits and page in the local component state.

You can make one last adjustment. When you try the “More” button it only fetches a few list items. The API URL can be extended to fetch more list items with each request. Again, you can add more composable path constants.


  1. const DEFAULT_QUERY = 'redux';
  2. # leanpub-start-insert
  3. const DEFAULT_HPP = '100';
  4. # leanpub-end-insert
  5. const PATH_BASE = '';
  6. const PATH_SEARCH = '/search';
  7. const PARAM_SEARCH = 'query=';
  8. const PARAM_PAGE = 'page=';
  9. # leanpub-start-insert
  10. const PARAM_HPP = 'hitsPerPage=';
  11. # leanpub-end-insert

Now you can use the constants to extend the API URL.


  1. fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm, page = 0) {
  2. # leanpub-start-insert
  3. fetch(`${PATH_BASE}${PATH_SEARCH}?${PARAM_SEARCH}${searchTerm}&${PARAM_PAGE}${page}&${PARAM_HPP}${DEFAULT_HPP}`)
  4. # leanpub-end-insert
  5. .then(response => response.json())
  6. .then(result => this.setSearchTopStories(result))
  7. .catch(e => e);
  8. }

Afterward, the request to the Hacker News API fetches more list items in one request than before. As you can see, a powerful API such as the Hacker News API gives you plenty of ways to experiment with real world data. You should make use of it to make your endeavours when learning something new more exciting. That’s how I learned about the empowerment that APIs provide when learning a new programming language or library.


Client Cache

Each search submit makes a request to the Hacker News API. You might search for “redux”, followed by “react” and eventually “redux” again. In total it makes 3 requests. But you searched for “redux” twice and both times it took a whole asynchronous roundtrip to fetch the data. In a client-sided cache you would store each result. When a request to the API is made, it checks if a result is already there. If it is there, the cache is used. Otherwise an API request is made to fetch the data.

In order to have a client cache for each result, you have to store multiple results rather than one result in your internal component state. The results object will be a map with the search term as key and the result as value. Each result from the API will be saved by search term (key).

At the moment, your result in the local state looks similar to the following:

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. result: {
  2. hits: [ ... ],
  3. page: 2,
  4. }

Imagine you have made two API requests. One for the search term “redux” and another one for “react”. The results object should look like the following:

{title=”Code Playground”,lang=”javascript”}

  1. results: {
  2. redux: {
  3. hits: [ ... ],
  4. page: 2,
  5. },
  6. react: {
  7. hits: [ ... ],
  8. page: 1,
  9. },
  10. ...
  11. }

Let’s implement a client-side cache with React setState(). First, rename the result object to results in the initial component state. Second, define a temporary searchKey which is used to store each result.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. constructor(props) {
  3. super(props);
  4. this.state = {
  5. # leanpub-start-insert
  6. results: null,
  7. searchKey: '',
  8. # leanpub-end-insert
  9. searchTerm: DEFAULT_QUERY,
  10. };
  11. ...
  12. }
  13. ...
  14. }

The searchKey has to be set before each request is made. It reflects the searchTerm. You might wonder: Why don’t we use the searchTerm in the first place? That’s a crucial part to understand before continuing with the implementation. The searchTerm is a fluctuant variable, because it gets changed every time you type into the Search input field. However, in the end you will need a non fluctuant variable. It determines the recent submitted search term to the API and can be used to retrieve the correct result from the map of results. It is a pointer to your current result in the cache and thus can be used to display the current result in your render() method.


  1. componentDidMount() {
  2. const { searchTerm } = this.state;
  3. # leanpub-start-insert
  4. this.setState({ searchKey: searchTerm });
  5. # leanpub-end-insert
  6. this.fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm);
  7. }
  8. onSearchSubmit(event) {
  9. const { searchTerm } = this.state;
  10. # leanpub-start-insert
  11. this.setState({ searchKey: searchTerm });
  12. # leanpub-end-insert
  13. this.fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm);
  14. event.preventDefault();
  15. }

Now you have to adjust the functionality where the result is stored to the internal component state. It should store each result by searchKey.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. setSearchTopStories(result) {
  4. const { hits, page } = result;
  5. # leanpub-start-insert
  6. const { searchKey, results } = this.state;
  7. const oldHits = results && results[searchKey]
  8. ? results[searchKey].hits
  9. : [];
  10. # leanpub-end-insert
  11. const updatedHits = [
  12. ...oldHits,
  13. ...hits
  14. ];
  15. this.setState({
  16. # leanpub-start-insert
  17. results: {
  18. ...results,
  19. [searchKey]: { hits: updatedHits, page }
  20. }
  21. # leanpub-end-insert
  22. });
  23. }
  24. ...
  25. }

The searchKey will be used as the key to save the updated hits and page in a results map.

First, you have to retrieve the searchKey from the component state. Remember that the searchKey gets set on componentDidMount() and onSearchSubmit().

Second, the old hits have to get merged with the new hits as before. But this time the old hits get retrieved from the results map with the searchKey as key.

Third, a new result can be set in the results map in the state. Let’s examine the results object in setState().


  1. results: {
  2. ...results,
  3. [searchKey]: { hits: updatedHits, page }
  4. }

The bottom part makes sure to store the updated result by searchKey in the results map. The value is an object with a hits and page property. The searchKey is the search term. You already learned the [searchKey]: ... syntax. It is an ES6 computed property name. It helps you to allocate values dynamically in an object.

The upper part needs to spread all other results by searchKey in the state by using the object spread operator. Otherwise you would lose all results that you have stored before.

Now you store all results by search term. That’s the first step to enable your cache. In the next step, you can retrieve the result depending on the non fluctuant searchKey from your map of results. That’s why you had to introduce the searchKey in the first place as non fluctuant variable. Otherwise the retrieval would be broken when you would use the fluctuant searchTerm to retrieve the current result, because this value might change when you would use the Search component.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. render() {
  4. # leanpub-start-insert
  5. const {
  6. searchTerm,
  7. results,
  8. searchKey
  9. } = this.state;
  10. const page = (
  11. results &&
  12. results[searchKey] &&
  13. results[searchKey].page
  14. ) || 0;
  15. const list = (
  16. results &&
  17. results[searchKey] &&
  18. results[searchKey].hits
  19. ) || [];
  20. # leanpub-end-insert
  21. return (
  22. <div className="page">
  23. <div className="interactions">
  24. ...
  25. </div>
  26. # leanpub-start-insert
  27. <Table
  28. list={list}
  29. onDismiss={this.onDismiss}
  30. />
  31. # leanpub-end-insert
  32. <div className="interactions">
  33. # leanpub-start-insert
  34. <Button onClick={() => this.fetchSearchTopStories(searchKey, page + 1)}>
  35. # leanpub-end-insert
  36. More
  37. </Button>
  38. </div>
  39. </div>
  40. );
  41. }
  42. }

Since you default to an empty list when there is no result by searchKey, you can spare the conditional rendering for the Table component now. Additionally you will need to pass the searchKey rather than the searchTerm to the “More” button. Otherwise your paginated fetch depends on the searchTerm value which is fluctuant. Moreover make sure to keep the fluctuant searchTerm property for the input field in the “Search” component.

The search functionality should work again. It stores all results from the Hacker News API.

Additionally the onDismiss() method needs to get improved. It still deals with the result object. Now it has to deal with multiple results.


  1. onDismiss(id) {
  2. # leanpub-start-insert
  3. const { searchKey, results } = this.state;
  4. const { hits, page } = results[searchKey];
  5. # leanpub-end-insert
  6. const isNotId = item => item.objectID !== id;
  7. # leanpub-start-insert
  8. const updatedHits = hits.filter(isNotId);
  9. this.setState({
  10. results: {
  11. ...results,
  12. [searchKey]: { hits: updatedHits, page }
  13. }
  14. });
  15. # leanpub-end-insert
  16. }

The “Dismiss” button should work again.

However, nothing stops the application from sending an API request on each search submit. Even though there might be already a result, there is no check that prevents the request. Thus the cache functionality is not complete yet. It caches the results, but it doesn’t make use of them. The last step would be to prevent the API request when a result is available in the cache.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. constructor(props) {
  3. ...
  4. # leanpub-start-insert
  5. this.needsToSearchTopStories = this.needsToSearchTopStories.bind(this);
  6. # leanpub-end-insert
  7. this.setSearchTopStories = this.setSearchTopStories.bind(this);
  8. this.fetchSearchTopStories = this.fetchSearchTopStories.bind(this);
  9. this.onSearchChange = this.onSearchChange.bind(this);
  10. this.onSearchSubmit = this.onSearchSubmit.bind(this);
  11. this.onDismiss = this.onDismiss.bind(this);
  12. }
  13. # leanpub-start-insert
  14. needsToSearchTopStories(searchTerm) {
  15. return !this.state.results[searchTerm];
  16. }
  17. # leanpub-end-insert
  18. ...
  19. onSearchSubmit(event) {
  20. const { searchTerm } = this.state;
  21. this.setState({ searchKey: searchTerm });
  22. # leanpub-start-insert
  23. if (this.needsToSearchTopStories(searchTerm)) {
  24. this.fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm);
  25. }
  26. # leanpub-end-insert
  27. event.preventDefault();
  28. }
  29. ...
  30. }

Now your client makes a request to the API only once although you search for a search term twice. Even paginated data with several pages gets cached that way, because you always save the last page for each result in the results map. Isn’t that a powerful approach to introduce caching to your application? The Hacker News API provides you with everything you need to even cache paginated data effectively.

Error Handling

Everything is in place for your interactions with the Hacker News API. You even have introduced an elegant way to cache your results from the API and make use of its paginated list functionality to fetch an endless list of sublists of stories from the API. But there is one piece missing. Unfortunately it is often missed when developing applications nowadays: error handling. It is too easy to implement the happy path without worrying about the errors that can happen along the way.

In this chapter, you will introduce an efficient solution to add error handling for your application in case of an erroneous API request. You have already learned about the necessary building blocks in React to introduce error handling: local state and conditional rendering. Basically, the error is only another state in React. When an error occurs, you will store it in the local state and display it with a conditional rendering in your component. That’s it. Let’s implement it in the App component, because it’s the component that is used to fetch the data from the Hacker News API in the first place. First, you have to introduce the error in the local state. It is initialized as null, but will be set to the error object in case of an error.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. constructor(props) {
  3. super(props);
  4. this.state = {
  5. results: null,
  6. searchKey: '',
  7. searchTerm: DEFAULT_QUERY,
  8. # leanpub-start-insert
  9. error: null,
  10. # leanpub-end-insert
  11. };
  12. ...
  13. }
  14. ...
  15. }

Second, you can use the catch block in your native fetch to store the error object in the local state by using setState(). Every time the API request isn’t successful, the catch block would be executed.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. fetchSearchTopStories(searchTerm, page = 0) {
  4. fetch(`${PATH_BASE}${PATH_SEARCH}?${PARAM_SEARCH}${searchTerm}&${PARAM_PAGE}${page}&${PARAM_HPP}${DEFAULT_HPP}`)
  5. .then(response => response.json())
  6. .then(result => this.setSearchTopStories(result))
  7. # leanpub-start-insert
  8. .catch(e => this.setState({ error: e }));
  9. # leanpub-end-insert
  10. }
  11. ...
  12. }

Third, you can retrieve the error object from your local state in the render() method and display a message in case of an error by using React’s conditional rendering.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. render() {
  4. const {
  5. searchTerm,
  6. results,
  7. searchKey,
  8. # leanpub-start-insert
  9. error
  10. # leanpub-end-insert
  11. } = this.state;
  12. ...
  13. # leanpub-start-insert
  14. if (error) {
  15. return <p>Something went wrong.</p>;
  16. }
  17. # leanpub-end-insert
  18. return (
  19. <div className="page">
  20. ...
  21. </div>
  22. );
  23. }
  24. }

That’s it. If you want to test that your error handling is working, you can change the API URL to something else that is non existent.


  1. const PATH_BASE = '';

Afterward, you should get the error message instead of your application. It is up to you where you want to place the conditional rendering for the error message. In this case, the whole app isn’t displayed anymore. That wouldn’t be the best user experience. So what about displaying either the Table component or the error message? The remaining application would still be visible in case of an error.


  1. class App extends Component {
  2. ...
  3. render() {
  4. const {
  5. searchTerm,
  6. results,
  7. searchKey,
  8. error
  9. } = this.state;
  10. const page = (
  11. results &&
  12. results[searchKey] &&
  13. results[searchKey].page
  14. ) || 0;
  15. const list = (
  16. results &&
  17. results[searchKey] &&
  18. results[searchKey].hits
  19. ) || [];
  20. return (
  21. <div className="page">
  22. <div className="interactions">
  23. ...
  24. </div>
  25. # leanpub-start-insert
  26. { error
  27. ? <div className="interactions">
  28. <p>Something went wrong.</p>
  29. </div>
  30. : <Table
  31. list={list}
  32. onDismiss={this.onDismiss}
  33. />
  34. }
  35. # leanpub-end-insert
  36. ...
  37. </div>
  38. );
  39. }
  40. }

In the end, don’t forget to revert the URL for the API to the existent one.


  1. const PATH_BASE = '';

Your application should still work, but this time with error handling in case the API request fails.



You have learned to interact with an API in React! Let’s recap the last chapters:

  • React
    • ES6 class component lifecycle methods for different use cases
    • componentDidMount() for API interactions
    • conditional renderings
    • synthetic events on forms
    • error handling
  • ES6
    • template strings to compose strings
    • spread operator for immutable data structures
    • computed property names
  • General
    • Hacker News API interaction
    • native fetch browser API
    • client- and server-side search
    • pagination of data
    • client-side caching

Again it makes sense to take a break. Internalize the learnings and apply them on your own. You can experiment with the source code you have written so far.

You can find the source code in the official repository.