tmux 初识{#thinking-tmux}


  1. 命令行界面交互
  2. 图行界面交互


tmux 初识 - 图1


tmux 对于控制台来说,就像windows的desktop对于GUI应用。文字界面也有一个美丽的世界。使用tmux,你可以:

  • 多任务处理,运行多个程序

  • 同一个窗口拥有多个指令输入的行(行文中叫pane)

  • 在一个工作会话(session)中可以有多个窗口(window)

  • 就像虚拟windows桌面一样,可以在(session)中相互切换

表: tmux 与 windows desktop的对应

tmux “Desktop”-Speak Plain English
Multiplexer Multi-tasking Multiple applications simultaneously.
Session Desktop Applications are visible here
Window Virtual Desktop or applications Desktop containing its own screen
Pane Application Performs operations


tmux 初识 - 图2

图: 左上: KDE(ubuntu等) 右上:Windows 10. 中间:macOS Sierra. 下方: tmux 2.3 默认的 status bar。


tmux 在一个窗口保持多个termianl。“tmux”缩写来自Terminal Multiplexer。


更好的是,你可以复制,粘贴和滚动。对图形也没有要求,所以你有完全的操控能力,即使你是通过SSH连接或在没有显示服务器的系统上工作,如 X


  • 在pane a中运行“$tail-F/var/log/apache2/error.log”查阅正在改变的日志文件。
  • 运行 file watcher,如 watchmangulp-watch, grunt-watch, guard, 或者 entr。监测文件更改,可设定后续命令:
  • 运行一个 text editor, 如 vim, emacs, pico, nano, 等等。运行一个主pane, 用其他两个,一个 CLI commands ,另一个 用来使用 make 或者 ninja命令进行编译。

vim + building a C++ project w/ CMake + Ninja using entr to rebuild on file changes, LLDB bottom right

使用 tmux,可以便利地做个IDE开发界面,快来试一试。


Sometimes, GUI applications will have an option to be sidelined to the system tray to run in the background. The application is out of sight, but events and notifications can still come in, and the app can be instantly brought to the foreground.

In tmux, a similar concept exists, where we can “detach” a tmux session.

Detaching can be especially useful on:

  • Local machines. You start all your normal terminal applications within a tmux session, you restart X. Instead of losing your processes as you normally would if you were using an X terminal, like xterm or konsole, you’d be able to tmux attach after and find all the processes inside that were alive and kicking all along.
  • Remote SSH applications and workspaces you run in tmux. You can detach your tmux workspace at work before you clock out, then the next morning, reattach your session. Ahhh. Refreshing. :)
  • Those servers you rarely log into. Perhaps, a cloud instance you log into 9 months later, and as a reflex, tmux attach to see if there is anything on there. And boom, you’re back in a session you’ve forgotten about, but still jogs your memory to what you were tweaking or fixing. It’s like a hack to restore your memory.

Powerful combos

Chatting on irssi or weechat, one of the “classic combos”, along with a bitlbee server to manage AIM, MSN, Google Talk, Jabber, ICQ, even Twitter. Then, you can detach your IRC and “idle” in your favorite channels, stay online on instant messengers, and get back to your messages when you return.

Chatting on weechat w/ tmux

Some keep development services running in a session. Hearty emphasis on development, you probably will want to daemonize and wrap your production web applications, using a tool like supervisor, with its own safe environmental settings.

让多个用户将其客户机附加到同一个会话,可以结对编程(pair programming)了。如果在打开同一个session,其他人会看到相同的东西,相同的输入,相同的激活的window和pane。

The above are just examples; any general workspace you’d normally use in a terminal could work, especially projects or repetitive efforts you multitask on. The tips and tricks section will dive into specific flows you can use today.

  1. Q> ### 问题:tmux sessions 在系统重启后还会自动运行嘛?
  2. Q>
  3. Q> 不行。重启会关闭tmux server tmux 上正在运行的各种程序。
  4. Q>
  5. Q> Thankfully, the modern server can stay online for a long time. Even for
  6. Q> consumer laptops and PC's with a day or two uptime, having tmux persist
  7. Q> tasks for organizational purposes is satisfactory to run it.
  8. Q>
  9. Q> It comes as a disappointment, because some are interested in being able to
  10. Q> persist a tree of processes after restart. It goes out of the scope of what
  11. Q> tmux is meant to do.
  12. Q>
  13. Q> For tasks you repeat often, you can always use a tool, like
  14. Q> [tmuxp](, [tmuxinator](,
  15. Q> or [teamocil](, to resume common
  16. Q> sessions.
  17. Q>
  18. Q> Besides session managers, [tmux-resurrect](
  19. Q> attempts to preserve running programs, working directories, and
  20. Q> so on within tmux. The benefit with tmux-resurrect is there's no JSON/YAML
  21. Q> config needed.



在下一小节,我们会接触一些 terminal 的基本操作,进一步深入 tmux。