
5.7+版本中不能使用 insert into mysql.user 的方式创建用户

  1. CREATE USER 'test'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '1234'; #本地登录
  2. CREATE USER 'test'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '1234'; #远程登录


  1. # 创建数据库
  2. create database testDB;
  3. create database testDB default charset utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
  4. # 全部授权
  5. grant all privileges on testDB.* to "test"@"%" identified by '1234';
  6. # MySQL8.0+
  7. grant all privileges on testDB.* to "test"@"%" with grant option;
  8. #刷新系统权限表
  9. flush privileges;
  10. # 部分授权
  11. grant select,update on testDB.* to "test"@"localhost" identified by '1234';


  1. DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='test' and Host='localhost';
  2. flush privileges;
  3. drop database testDB;
  4. drop user 'test'@'%';
  5. drop user 'test'@'localhost';


5.7+版本中不再有 Password 字段,取而代之的是 authentication_string

  1. update mysql.user set authentication_string=password(“新密码”) where User=”test and Host=”localhost”;