While the concepts in the “Basic” and “Advanced” tutorials are still valid, these pages are some of the oldest parts of our docs. We’ll be updating those tutorials soon to improve the explanations and show some patterns that are simpler and easier to use. Keep an eye out for those updates. We’ll also be reorganizing our docs to make it easier to find information. We recommend starting with the Redux Essentials tutorial, since it covers the key points you need to know about how to get started using Redux to write actual applications.


In the basics guide, we built a simple todo application. It was fully synchronous. Every time an action was dispatched, the state was updated immediately.

In this guide, we will build a different, asynchronous application. It will use the Reddit API to show the current headlines for a selected subreddit. How does asynchronicity fit into Redux flow?
本教程中,我们将构建一个不同的,异步的应用程序。他将用Reddit API来展示所选子Reddit的当前标题。异步如何适应Redux流?


When you call an asynchronous API, there are two crucial moments in time: the moment you start the call, and the moment when you receive an answer (or a timeout).

Each of these two moments usually require a change in the application state; to do that, you need to dispatch normal actions that will be processed by reducers synchronously. Usually, for any API request you’ll want to dispatch at least three different kinds of actions:

  • An action informing the reducers that the request began.

The reducers may handle this action by toggling an isFetching flag in the state. This way the UI knows it’s time to show a spinner.

  • 通知reducers请求已开始的动作。


  • An action informing the reducers that the request finished successfully.

The reducers may handle this action by merging the new data into the state they manage and resetting isFetching. The UI would hide the spinner, and display the fetched data.

  • 通知reducers请求成功地完成


  • An action informing the reducers that the request failed.

The reducers may handle this action by resetting isFetching. Additionally, some reducers may want to store the error message so the UI can display it.

  • 通知reducers请求失败


You may use a dedicated status field in your actions:
你可以在actions使用专门的status 字段:

  1. { type: 'FETCH_POSTS' }
  2. { type: 'FETCH_POSTS', status: 'error', error: 'Oops' }
  3. { type: 'FETCH_POSTS', status: 'success', response: { ... } }

Or you can define separate types for them:

  1. { type: 'FETCH_POSTS_REQUEST' }
  2. { type: 'FETCH_POSTS_FAILURE', error: 'Oops' }
  3. { type: 'FETCH_POSTS_SUCCESS', response: { ... } }

Choosing whether to use a single action type with flags, or multiple action types, is up to you. It’s a convention you need to decide with your team. Multiple types leave less room for a mistake, but this is not an issue if you generate action creators and reducers with a helper library like redux-actions.

Whatever convention you choose, stick with it throughout the application. We’ll use separate types in this tutorial.

Synchronous Action Creators

Let’s start by defining the several synchronous action types and action creators we need in our example app. Here, the user can select a subreddit to display:
让我们从定义几种在应用程序中需要的同步action类型和action creators开始。这里,用户可以选择要显示的子subreddit:

actions.js (Synchronous)

  2. export function selectSubreddit(subreddit) {
  3. return {
  5. subreddit
  6. }
  7. }

They can also press a “refresh” button to update it:

  2. export function invalidateSubreddit(subreddit) {
  3. return {
  5. subreddit
  6. }
  7. }

These were the actions governed by the user interaction. We will also have another kind of action, governed by the network requests. We will see how to dispatch them later, but for now, we just want to define them.