Permissions // 权限

In this section we will cover how Sentry 2 permissions work and how the user permission inheritance behaves.
在本节中我们将介绍 Sentry 2 的权限是如何工作的,以及用户权限的继承是如何运作的。

Please be aware that Sentry 2 permissions works practically the same way as in Sentry 1.
请注意 Sentry 2 权限的工作方式几乎与 Sentry 1 中相同。

That said, here are the values that your groups and users permissions can have:

Groups Permissions // 分组权限
  1. 0 : Deny // 拒绝
  2. 1 : Allow // 允许
Users Permissions // 用户权限
  1. -1 : Deny // 拒绝
  2. 1 : Allow // 允许
  3. 0 : Inherit // 继承

Permission Inheritance // 权限继承

Just as permissions are defined for groups and individual users, the permission inheritance model depends on a user’s group.

An Administrator can assign different permissions to a user than is assigned to a group:

  • If a user is not assigned a permission, or if the user is assigned a permission of 0 then the user will inherit permissions from the group
  • 如果一个用户没有被指定一个权限的具体值,或者权限的值为 0,则用户将从所在分组继承权限。
  • If a user is assigned a permission of -1 or 1, then the user’s permission will override the group permission
  • 如果一个用户被指定了 -1 或 1 的一个权限,则用户权限将覆盖分组权限。

Note: Permission Inheritance only works for users permissions, an example is provided on this page to help you better understand how this exactly works.

Administrator Group // 管理员分组

Let’s say you want to have two groups, an Administrator group and a Moderator group, for each group you can define their own permissions:

  1. {
  2. "name" : "Administrator",
  3. "permissions" : {
  4. "user.create" : 1,
  5. "user.delete" : 1,
  6. "user.view" : 1,
  7. "user.update" : 1
  8. }
  9. }
Moderator Group // 主持人分组
  1. {
  2. "name" : "Moderator",
  3. "permissions" : {
  4. "user.create" : 0,
  5. "user.delete" : 0,
  6. "user.view" : 1,
  7. "user.update" : 1
  8. }
  9. }

And you have these three users, one as an Administrator, one as a Moderator and the last one has the Administrator and Moderator groups assigned.

User - John Rambo // 用户 - John Rambo
  1. {
  2. "id" : 1,
  3. "first_name" : "John",
  4. "last_name" : "Rambo",
  5. "groups" : ["administrator"],
  6. "permissions" : null
  7. }
Actions he can execute // 他可以执行的操作

This user has access to everything and can execute every action on your application.

User - Rocky Balboa // 用户 - Rocky Balboa
  1. {
  2. "id" : 2,
  3. "first_name" : "Rocky",
  4. "last_name" : "Balboa",
  5. "groups" : ["moderator"],
  6. "permissions" : {
  7. "user.update" : 0
  8. }
  9. }
Actions he can execute // 他可以执行的操作

View and Update users

Actions he cannot execute // 他不能执行的操作

Create or Delete users

Note: We are using Permission Inheritance here, hence the user.update : 0 which means whatever you define on your group permission this user permission will inherit that permission, which means that in this case the user is allowed to update users.
在这里我们使用了 权限继承,因此 user.update : 0 意味着无论你在分组中如何定义权限,这个用户都将继承那个权限,也就意味着在这种情况下允许这个用户“更新其他用户”。

User - Bruce Wayne // 用户 - Bruce Wayne
  1. {
  2. "id" : 3,
  3. "first_name" : "Bruce",
  4. "last_name" : "Wayne",
  5. "groups" : ["administrator", "moderator"],
  6. "permissions" : {
  7. "user.delete" : -1,
  8. "user.create" : 1
  9. }
  10. }
Actions he can execute // 他可以执行的操作

Create, Update and View users

Actions he cannot execute // 他不能执行的操作

Delete users

Since this is a special user, mainly because this user has two assigned groups, there are some things that you should know when assigning multiple groups to an user.

When a user has two or more groups assigned, if those groups have the same permissions but different permission access’s are assigned, once one of those group permissions are denied, the user will be denied access to that permission no matter what the other groups has as a permission value.

Which means for you to allow a permission to this specific user, you need to change the user permissions.
这意味着你要 允许 一个权限给这个特殊的用户,你需要改变用户的私有权限。

In this specific case, we allowed the user to create a new user by changing the user.create : 1 permission.
在这种特殊情况下,我们通过改变权限 user.create : 1 来允许用户创建其他的新用户。

Notice that we are denying the user.delete permission of this user, in this example, you don’t need to do this, but let’s say that in your group you are allowing your users to delete other users, but for this specific user you don’t want him to be able to do that? To achieve this you deny this user permission directly on the user, so no matter what your group permission looks like, this user will never be able to delete other users.
请注意,我们拒绝了这个用户的 user.delete 权限,在这个例子中,你并不需要这么做,但让我们设想一下有没有一种可能,在你的分组中你允许你的用户去删除其他用户,但对于这个特殊的用户你不希望他能够做到?要做到这一点,你可以直接 拒绝 这个用户的权限,因此无论你赋予了什么样权限的分组,这个用户将永远无法删除其他用户。