Dealing with Update Blocking | 更新阻止的处理

React Router有一些位置感知组件,它们使用当前的 “location” 对象来确定它们呈现的内容。 默认情况下,使用React的上下文模型将当前的 location 隐式传递给组件。 当位置更改时,这些组件应使用上下文中的新 location 对象重新渲染。

React提供了两种方法来优化应用程序的渲染性能:”shouldComponentUpdate” 生命周期方法和 “PureComponent”。 两者都阻止重新渲染组件,除非满足正确的条件。 不幸的是,这意味着如果React Router的重新呈现被阻止,React Router的位置感知组件可能与当前位置不同步。


<UpdateBlocker> 正在安装时,任何位置感知的子组件将使用当前的 “location” 和 “match” 对象进行渲染。

  1. // location = { pathname: '/about' }
  2. <UpdateBlocker>
  3. <NavLink to='/about'>About</NavLink>
  4. // <a href='/about' class='active'>About</a>
  5. <NavLink to='/faq'>F.A.Q.</NavLink>
  6. // <a href='/faq'>F.A.Q.</a>
  7. </UpdateBlocker>

当位置改变时,<UpdateBlocker>```shouldComponentUpdate 方法将返回 false,其子组件将不被重新呈现。

  1. // location = { pathname: '/faq' }
  2. <UpdateBlocker>
  3. // 链接不会重新呈现,所以它们保留了之前的属性
  4. <NavLink to='/about'>About</NavLink>
  5. // <a href='/about' class='active'>About</a>
  6. <NavLink to='/faq'>F.A.Q.</NavLink>
  7. // <a href='/faq'>F.A.Q.</a>
  8. </UpdateBlocker>


为了使实现 shouldComponentUpdate的组件知道位置更改时should更新,它的 shouldComponentUpdate 方法需要能够检测位置更改。

如果您自己实现 shouldComponentUpdate,你可以could比较当前和下一个 context.router 对象的位置。 但是,作为用户,您不必直接使用上下文。 相反,如果您可以比较当前和下一个“位置”而不触及上下文,这将是理想的。

Third-Party Code

问题。 这很可能是因为shouldComponentUpdate被第三方代码调用,比如react-reduxconnectmobx-reactobserver.

  1. // react-redux
  2. const MyConnectedComponent = connect(mapStateToProps)(MyComponent)
  3. // mobx-react
  4. const MyObservedComponent = observer(MyComponent)

With third-party code, you likely cannot even control the implementation of shouldComponentUpdate. Instead, you will have to structure your code to make location changes obvious to those methods.

Both connect and observer create components whose shouldComponentUpdate methods do a shallow comparison of their current props and their next props. Those components will only re-render when at least one prop has changed. This means that in order to ensure they update when the location changes, they will need to be given a prop that changes when the location changes.


React’s PureComponent does not implement shouldComponentUpdate, but it takes a similar approach to preventing updates. When a “pure” component updates, it will do a shallow comparison of its current props and state to the next props and state. If the comparison does not detect any differences, the component will not update. Like with shouldComponentUpdate, that means that in order to force a “pure” component to update when the location changes, it needs to have a prop or state that has changed.

The Solution

避免在位置更改后阻止重新呈现的关键是将阻止组件的 “location” 对象作为支柱传递。 每当位置发生变化时,这将是不同的,因此将检测和比较当前位置和下一个位置是否不同。 The key to avoiding blocked re-renders after location changes is to pass the blocking component the location object as a prop. This will be different whenever the location changes, so comparisons will detect that the current and next location are different.

  1. // location = { pathname: '/about' }
  2. <UpdateBlocker location={location}>
  3. <NavLink to='/about'>About</NavLink>
  4. // <a href='/about' class='active'>About</a>
  5. <NavLink to='/faq'>F.A.Q.</NavLink>
  6. // <a href='/faq'>F.A.Q.</a>
  7. </UpdateBlocker>
  8. // location = { pathname: '/faq' }
  9. <UpdateBlocker location={location}>
  10. <NavLink to='/about'>About</NavLink>
  11. // <a href='/about'>About</a>
  12. <NavLink to='/faq'>F.A.Q.</NavLink>
  13. // <a href='/faq' class='active'>F.A.Q.</a>
  14. </UpdateBlocker>

Getting the location

In order to pass the current location object as a prop, you must have access to it. There are two approaches that you should consider for this:

1. Render a pathless <Route>. While <Route>s are typically used for matching a specific path, a pathless <Route> will always match, so it will always render its component. The current location object is one of the props that a <Route> passes to the component it renders.

  1. <Route render={({ location }) => (
  2. <UpdateBlocker location={location}>
  3. ...
  4. </UpdateBlocker>
  5. )}/>

2. You can wrap a component with the withRouter higher-order component and it will be given the current location as one of its props.

  1. class BlockAvoider extends React.Component {
  2. render() {
  3. return (
  4. <UpdateBlocker location={location}>
  5. ...
  6. </UpdateBlocker>
  7. )
  8. }
  9. }
  10. BlockAvoider = withRouter(BlockAvoider)