Lover Choice - 图1(florenz for exam for personal choice, because it is easy. Choose the easy one. Easy: it comes to your mind right away (exams) with a lot of content (you have a lot of things to say).

    Merman would be my stand today, becaues I am doing an essay in demonstration - to challenge myself.)

    I would choose Merman as my boyfriend as I think he is the better choice. (just write). In comparison to Florenz, he might lack some substance as he is not the heir to an old family with riches and he doesn’t have the calm, stable and predictable character as his twin brother seems to possess. All that being true, Merman is more tenacious, intelligent and streetsmart thanks to a particular background since he was raised by a group of villains and still managed to survive and even thrive.

    (explore, for example, why being smart is important for a boyfriend, how he is smart - prove it, how his twin brother is not smart, then you stress, rephrase about why that is important to you, in relationship)

    Let’s just say, without the inheritance and supreme martial skills that Florenz happens to have, Florenz didn’t show the same tenacity that Merman has to survive and thrive in any kind of situation, especially in a deprived context with many necessary resources wanting. In a word, Florenz is lucky. But What he had he could lose in the blink of an eye: his adoptive family might desert him and disinherit him, he might get hurt really badly in Jianghu and lose his martial skills. He has yet to demonstrate that he had something persevering or tough, unbreakable in his spirit that no bad situation could take away. But in contrast, Merman showed much strength in his personality that indicated an unbreakable spirit, which is what really matters because it defies and even changes the situation. Once a man is equipped with such a strong character, you don’t have to worry about what he faces up against or what resources in his hands, because he always wins or dies trying. It is simply admirable and attractive.

    We also shouldn’t forget that Merman has a different head: he can outsmart most villans 20 years his senior ,which means if you are his partner you can feel safe in a dangerous world like the Jianghu. After all, intelligence is what makes a life. Intelligence decides how much and how fast you can learn and grow, wherein growing and learning are the most important things. When I choose a partner, I expect to have more life opportunities expanding before me because of him. And Merman is such a man that can bring you more depths to experiences and more facets of life just because he can think more out of the box, faster and more effectively with his intelligence.

    All in all, despite their similarities in their appearance and integrity, I would still pick Merman over Florenz as the perfect boyfriend considering his mental strength and his tenacious spirit. Florenz seems flawless but he doesn’t have much going for him which can’t be taken away by situations, yet Merman is strong in and of himself, which makes him just more masculine and resilient as a life-long partner.