QPaintEngine Class


属性 方法
头文件 #include <QPaintEngine>
qmake QT+=core


类型 方法
enum DirtyFlag { DirtyPen, DirtyBrush, DirtyBrushOrigin, DirtyFont, DirtyBackground, …, AllDirty }
flags DirtyFlags
enum PaintEngineFeature { AlphaBlend, Antialiasing, BlendModes, BrushStroke, ConicalGradientFill, …, AllFeatures }
flags PaintEngineFeatures
enum PolygonDrawMode { OddEvenMode, WindingMode, ConvexMode, PolylineMode }
enum Type { X11, Windows, MacPrinter, CoreGraphics, QuickDraw, …, Direct2D }


返回类型 函数名
QPaintEngine(QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeatures caps = PaintEngineFeatures())
virtual ~QPaintEngine()
virtual bool begin(QPaintDevice *pdev) = 0
virtual void drawEllipse(const QRectF &rect)
virtual void drawEllipse(const QRect &rect)
virtual void drawImage(const QRectF &rectangle, const QImage &image, const QRectF &sr, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor)
virtual void drawLines(const QLineF *lines, int lineCount)
virtual void drawLines(const QLine *lines, int lineCount)
virtual void drawPath(const QPainterPath &path)
virtual void drawPixmap(const QRectF &r, const QPixmap &pm, const QRectF &sr) = 0
virtual void drawPoints(const QPointF *points, int pointCount)
virtual void drawPoints(const QPoint *points, int pointCount)
virtual void drawPolygon(const QPointF *points, int pointCount, QPaintEngine::PolygonDrawMode mode)
virtual void drawPolygon(const QPoint *points, int pointCount, QPaintEngine::PolygonDrawMode mode)
virtual void drawRects(const QRectF *rects, int rectCount)
virtual void drawRects(const QRect *rects, int rectCount)
virtual void drawTextItem(const QPointF &p, const QTextItem &textItem)
virtual void drawTiledPixmap(const QRectF &rect, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QPointF &p)
virtual bool end() = 0
bool hasFeature(QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeatures feature) const
bool isActive() const
QPaintDevice * paintDevice() const
QPainter * painter() const
void setActive(bool state)
virtual QPaintEngine::Type type() const = 0
virtual void updateState(const QPaintEngineState &state) = 0




现在QPaintEngine主要提供的是Qt自带的光栅化引擎(raster engine),Qt在他所有支持的平台上,提供了一个功能完备的光栅化引擎。

在Windows, X11 和 macOS平台上,Qt自带的光栅化引擎都是QWidget这个基础类的默认的绘制方法的提供者,亦或是QImage的绘制方法的提供者。当然有一些特殊的绘制设备的绘制引擎不提供对应的绘制方法,这时候就会调用默认的光栅化引擎。


译者注: QPainter,QPainterEngine,QPaintDevice三个是相辅相成的。

  • QPainter为开发者提供外部接口方法用于绘制
  • QPaintEngine为QPainter提供一些绘制的具体实现
  • QPaintDevice为QPainter提供一个绘图设备,用于显示亦或储存。



另请参见QPainter,QPaintDevice::paintEngine()和Paint System


enum QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag

flags QPaintEngine::DirtyFlags

枚举类型 枚举值 描述
QPaintEngine::DirtyPen 0x0001 画笔已经标脏,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyBrush 0x0002 画刷已经标脏,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyBrushOrigin 0x0004 画刷原始数据已经变化,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyFont 0x0008 字体发生变化,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyBackground 0x0010 背景标脏,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyBackgroundMode 0x0020 背景状态标脏,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyTransform 0x0040 当前矩阵标脏,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyClipRegion 0x0080 当前裁剪区域标脏,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyClipPath 0x0100 裁剪路径标脏,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyHints 0x0200 当前绘制精度标志变化,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyCompositionMode 0x0400 绘制组合模式变化,应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyClipEnabled 0x0800 无论是否当前可裁剪,都应刷新
QPaintEngine::DirtyOpacity 0x1000 当前透明度已经更改,应当使用QPaintEngine::updateState()来进行刷新
QPaintEngine::AllDirty 0xffff 内部枚举使用变量。



一个标脏枚举使用QFlags类型。 这些类型可以异或使用的。(译者注:比如 QPaintEngine::DirtyPen | QPaintEngine::DirtyBrush 看他们枚举值就看出来了)

enum QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature

flags QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeatures

枚举类型 枚举值 描述
Constant Value Description
QPaintEngine::AlphaBlend 0x00000080 引擎可以使用透明通道
QPaintEngine::Antialiasing 0x00000400 引擎可以使用抗锯齿来改善渲染图元的外观。
QPaintEngine::BlendModes 0x00008000 引擎支持混合模式。
QPaintEngine::BrushStroke 0x00000800 引擎支持画刷描边操作,并不是仅仅是纯色(比如2倍线宽的渐变虚线)
QPaintEngine::ConicalGradientFill 0x00000040 引擎支持锥形渐变填充。
QPaintEngine::ConstantOpacity 0x00001000 该引擎支持QPainter :: setOpacity()提供的功能。
QPaintEngine::LinearGradientFill 0x00000010 引擎支持线性渐变填充。
QPaintEngine::MaskedBrush 0x00002000 该引擎能够渲染具有带有Alpha通道或蒙版的纹理的笔刷。
QPaintEngine::ObjectBoundingModeGradients 0x00010000 该引擎对坐标模式为QGradient :: ObjectBoundingMode的渐变具有本地支持。否则,如果支持QPaintEngine :: PatternTransform,则将对象边界模式渐变转换为具有坐标模式QGradient :: LogicalMode和用于坐标映射的画笔变换的渐变。
QPaintEngine::PainterPaths 0x00000200 引擎支持路径
QPaintEngine::PaintOutsidePaintEvent 0x20000000 该引擎能够在绘制事件之外进行绘制。
QPaintEngine::PatternBrush 0x00000008 引擎能够使用Qt::BrushStyle中指定的画笔图案渲染画笔。
QPaintEngine::PatternTransform 0x00000002 该引擎支持转换画笔图案。
QPaintEngine::PerspectiveTransform 0x00004000 该引擎支持对基元执行透视转换。
QPaintEngine::PixmapTransform 0x00000004 该引擎可以变换像素图,包括旋转和剪切。
QPaintEngine::PorterDuff 0x00000100 该引擎支持Porter-Duff操作
QPaintEngine::PrimitiveTransform 0x00000001 该引擎支持转换绘图图元。
QPaintEngine::RadialGradientFill 0x00000020 引擎支持径向渐变填充。
QPaintEngine::RasterOpModes 0x00020000 引擎支持按位栅格操作。
QPaintEngine::AllFeatures 0xffffffff 以上所有功能。此枚举值通常用作位掩码。

PaintEngineFeatures类型是QFlags<PaintEngineFeature>的typedef 。它存储PaintEngineFeature值的OR组合。(也就是里面的值是可以异或的)

enum QPaintEngine::PolygonDrawMode

枚举类型 枚举值 描述
Constant Value Description
QPaintEngine::OddEvenMode 0 多边形应使用OddEven填充规则绘制
QPaintEngine::WindingMode 1 多边形应使用绕线填充规则绘制。
QPaintEngine::ConvexMode 2 多边形是凸多边形,可以使用可用的专用算法进行绘制。
QPaintEngine::PolylineMode 3 仅应绘制多边形的轮廓。

enum QPaintEngine::Type

枚举类型 枚举值 描述
Constant Value Description
QPaintEngine::X11 0
QPaintEngine::Windows 1
QPaintEngine::MacPrinter 4
QPaintEngine::CoreGraphics 3 macOS的Quartz2D(CoreGraphics)
QPaintEngine::QuickDraw 2 macOS的QuickDraw
QPaintEngine::QWindowSystem 5 嵌入式Linux的Qt
QPaintEngine::PostScript 6 (不再支持)
QPaintEngine::OpenGL 7
QPaintEngine::Picture 8 QPicture 格式
QPaintEngine::SVG 9 可伸缩矢量图形XML格式
QPaintEngine::Raster 10
QPaintEngine::Direct3D 11 仅Windows,基于Direct3D的引擎
QPaintEngine::Pdf 12 PDF格式
QPaintEngine::OpenVG 13
QPaintEngine::User 50 用戶自定义的最小美剧
QPaintEngine::MaxUser 100 用戶自定义的最大美剧
QPaintEngine::OpenGL2 14
QPaintEngine::PaintBuffer 15
QPaintEngine::Blitter 16
QPaintEngine::Direct2D 17 仅Windows,基于Direct2D的引擎


QPaintEngine::QPaintEngine(QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeatures caps = PaintEngineFeatures())


[virtual] QPaintEngine::~QPaintEngine()


[pure virtual] bool QPaintEngine::begin(QPaintDevice *pdev)


[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawEllipse(const QRectF &rect)



[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawEllipse(const QRect &rect)


[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawImage(const QRectF &rectangle, const QImage &image, const QRectF &sr, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor)


[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawLines(const QLineF *lines, int lineCount)

drawlines的默认实现实际上是调用函数drawPath() or drawPolygon()。 但是还是取决于设置的paintengine的一些特性


[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawLines(const QLine *lines, int lineCount)


[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawPath(const QPainterPath &path) The default implementation ignores the path and does nothing. [pure virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawPixmap(const QRectF &r, const QPixmap &pm, const QRectF &sr) Reimplement this function to draw the part of the pm specified by the sr rectangle in the given r.

[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawPoints(const QPointF *points, int pointCount) Draws the first pointCount points in the buffer points

[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawPoints(const QPoint *points, int pointCount) Draws the first pointCount points in the buffer points The default implementation converts the first pointCount QPoints in points to QPointFs and calls the floating point version of drawPoints.

[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawPolygon(const QPointF *points, int pointCount, QPaintEngine::PolygonDrawMode mode) Reimplement this virtual function to draw the polygon defined by the pointCount first points in points, using mode mode. Note: At least one of the drawPolygon() functions must be reimplemented.

[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawPolygon(const QPoint *points, int pointCount, QPaintEngine::PolygonDrawMode mode) This is an overloaded function. Reimplement this virtual function to draw the polygon defined by the pointCount first points in points, using mode mode. Note: At least one of the drawPolygon() functions must be reimplemented.

[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawRects(const QRectF *rects, int rectCount) Draws the first rectCount rectangles in the buffer rects. The default implementation of this function calls drawPath() or drawPolygon() depending on the feature set of the paint engine.

[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawRects(const QRect *rects, int rectCount) This is an overloaded function. The default implementation converts the first rectCount rectangles in the buffer rects to a QRectF and calls the floating point version of this function.

[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawTextItem(const QPointF &p, const QTextItem &textItem) This function draws the text item textItem at position p. The default implementation of this function converts the text to a QPainterPath and paints the resulting path.

[virtual] void QPaintEngine::drawTiledPixmap(const QRectF &rect, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QPointF &p) Reimplement this function to draw the pixmap in the given rect, starting at the given p. The pixmap will be drawn repeatedly until the rect is filled.

[pure virtual] bool QPaintEngine::end() Reimplement this function to finish painting on the current paint device. Return true if painting was finished successfully; otherwise return false. See also begin() and isActive().

bool QPaintEngine::hasFeature(QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeatures feature) const Returns true if the paint engine supports the specified feature; otherwise returns false. bool QPaintEngine::isActive() const Returns true if the paint engine is actively drawing; otherwise returns false. See also setActive().

QPaintDevice *QPaintEngine::paintDevice() const Returns the device that this engine is painting on, if painting is active; otherwise returns nullptr.

QPainter *QPaintEngine::painter() const Returns the paint engine’s painter. void QPaintEngine::setActive(bool state) Sets the active state of the paint engine to state. See also isActive().

[pure virtual] QPaintEngine::Type QPaintEngine::type() const Reimplement this function to return the paint engine Type.

[pure virtual] void QPaintEngine::updateState(const QPaintEngineState &state) Reimplement this function to update the state of a paint engine. When implemented, this function is responsible for checking the paint engine’s current state and update the properties that are changed. Use the QPaintEngineState::state() function to find out which properties that must be updated, then use the corresponding get function to retrieve the current values for the given properties. See also QPaintEngineState.