

  • 主版本会在每年的五月22左右发布
  • 次版本会在每月22号左右发布
  • 补丁版本会不定时发布



  • 12.7.5 -> 12.10.5
  • 11.3.4 -> 11.11.1
  • 12.0.4 -> 12.0.12
  • 11.11.1 -> 11.11.8




8.11.Z —> 8.12.0 —> 8.17.7 —> 9.5.10 —> 10.8.7 —> 11.11.8 —> 12.0.12 —> 12.1.17 —> 12.10.14 —> 13.0.14 —> 13.1.11 — > latest 13.Y.Z

当前版本 目标版本 支持的版本升级路径 备注

| 13.4.3

| 12.9.2 -> 12.10.14 -> 13.0.14 -> 13.4.3

| 需要两个中间版本:最终的12.10版本以及13.0

| | 11.5.0 | 13.2.10 | 11.5.0 -> 11.11.8 -> 12.0.12 -> 12.1.17 -> 12.10.14 -> 13.0.14 -> 13.2.10 | 需要五个中间版本:最终的11.11、12.0、12.1和12.10版本以及13.0 | | 11.3.4 | 12.10.14 | 11.3.4 -> 11.11.8 -> 12.0.12 -> 12.1.17 -> 12.10.14 | 需要三个中间版本:最终的11.11和12.0版本,再加上12.1 | | 10.4.5 | 12.9.5 | 10.4.5 -> 10.8.7 -> 11.11.8 -> 12.0.12 -> 12.1.17 -> 12.9.5 | 需要四个中间版本:10.8、11.11、12.0和12.1,然后是12.9.5 | | 9.2.6 | 12.2.5 | 9.2.6 -> 9.5.10 -> 10.8.7 -> 11.11.8 -> 12.0.12 -> 12.1.17 -> 12.2.5 | 需要五个中间版本:9.5、10.8、11.11、12.0、12.1,然后是12.2。 | | 8.13.4 | 11.3.4 | 8.13.4 -> 8.17.7 -> 9.5.10 -> 10.8.7 -> 11.3.4 | 8.17.7是版本8中的最新版本,9.5.10是版本9中的最新版本,10.8.7是版本10中的最新版本。 |






Upgrade using the official repositories

All GitLab packages are posted to the GitLab package server. Five repositories are maintained:

  • gitlab/gitlab-ee: The full GitLab package that contains all the Community Edition features plus the Enterprise Edition ones.
  • gitlab/gitlab-ce: A stripped down package that contains only the Community Edition features.
  • gitlab/unstable: Release candidates and other unstable versions.
  • gitlab/nightly-builds: Nightly builds.
  • gitlab/raspberry-pi2: Official Community Edition releases built for Raspberry Pi packages.

If you have installed GitLab Community Edition or Enterprise Edition, then the official GitLab repository should have already been set up for you.

Upgrade to the latest version using the official repositories

If you upgrade GitLab regularly, for example once a month, you can upgrade to the latest version by using your package manager.

To upgrade to the latest GitLab version:

  1. # Ubuntu/Debian
  2. sudo apt update && sudo apt install gitlab-ee
  3. # RHEL/CentOS 6 and 7
  4. sudo yum install gitlab-ee
  5. # RHEL/CentOS 8
  6. sudo dnf install gitlab-ee
  7. # SUSE
  8. sudo zypper install gitlab-ee

For the GitLab Community Edition, replace gitlab-ee with gitlab-ce.

Upgrade to a specific version using the official repositories

Linux package managers default to installing the latest available version of a package for installation and upgrades. Upgrading directly to the latest major version can be problematic for older GitLab versions that require a multi-stage upgrade path. An upgrade path can span multiple versions, so you must specify the specific GitLab package with each upgrade.

To specify the intended GitLab version number in your package manager’s install or upgrade command:

1、Identify the version number of the installed package:

  1. # Ubuntu/Debian
  2. sudo apt-cache madison gitlab-ee
  3. # RHEL/CentOS 6 and 7
  4. yum --showduplicates list gitlab-ee
  5. # RHEL/CentOS 8
  6. dnf --showduplicates list gitlab-ee
  7. # SUSE
  8. zypper search -s gitlab-ee

2、Install the specific gitlab-ee package by using one of the following commands and replacing with the version you found in the previous step:

  1. # Ubuntu/Debian
  2. sudo apt install gitlab-ee=<version>
  3. # RHEL/CentOS 6 and 7
  4. yum install gitlab-ee-<version>
  5. # RHEL/CentOS 8
  6. dnf install gitlab-ee-<version>
  7. # SUSE
  8. zypper install gitlab-ee=<version>

For the GitLab Community Edition, replace gitlab-ee with gitlab-ce.
