8. 类


8.1 在Python中重载虚函数


  1. class Animal {
  2. public:
  3. virtual ~Animal() { }
  4. virtual std::string go(int n_times) = 0;
  5. };
  6. class Dog : public Animal {
  7. public:
  8. std::string go(int n_times) override {
  9. std::string result;
  10. for (int i=0; i<n_times; ++i)
  11. result += "woof! ";
  12. return result;
  13. }
  14. };


  1. std::string call_go(Animal *animal) {
  2. return animal->go(3);
  3. }


  1. PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {
  2. py::class_<Animal>(m, "Animal")
  3. .def("go", &Animal::go);
  4. py::class_<Dog, Animal>(m, "Dog")
  5. .def(py::init<>());
  6. m.def("call_go", &call_go);
  7. }

但是,这样绑定不可扩展,当我们尝试继承Animal类时会提示”No constructor defined!”,因为Animal无法构造。这时,我们需要类似于”跳板(trampoline)”的工具来重定向虚函数调用到Python中。


  1. class PyAnimal : public Animal {
  2. public:
  3. /* Inherit the constructors */
  4. using Animal::Animal;
  5. /* Trampoline (need one for each virtual function) */
  6. std::string go(int n_times) override {
  8. std::string, /* Return type */
  9. Animal, /* Parent class */
  10. go, /* Name of function in C++ (must match Python name) */
  11. n_times /* Argument(s) */
  12. );
  13. }
  14. };

定义纯虚函数时需要使用PYBIND11_OVERRIDE_PURE宏,而有默认实现的虚函数则使用PYBIND11_OVERRIDEPYBIND11_OVERRIDE_PURE_NAMEPYBIND11_OVERRIDE_NAME 宏的功能类似,主要用于C函数名和Python函数名不一致的时候。以__str__为例:

  1. std::string toString() override {
  3. std::string, // Return type (ret_type)
  4. Animal, // Parent class (cname)
  5. "__str__", // Name of method in Python (name)
  6. toString, // Name of function in C++ (fn)
  7. );
  8. }


  1. PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {
  2. py::class_<Animal, PyAnimal /* <--- trampoline*/>(m, "Animal")
  3. .def(py::init<>())
  4. .def("go", &Animal::go);
  5. py::class_<Dog, Animal>(m, "Dog")
  6. .def(py::init<>());
  7. m.def("call_go", &call_go);
  8. }



  1. py::class_<Animal, PyAnimal /* <--- trampoline*/>(m, "Animal");
  2. .def(py::init<>())
  3. .def("go", &PyAnimal::go); /* <--- THIS IS WRONG, use &Animal::go */



  1. from example import *
  2. d = Dog()
  3. call_go(d) # u'woof! woof! woof! '
  4. class Cat(Animal):
  5. def go(self, n_times):
  6. return "meow! " * n_times
  7. c = Cat()
  8. call_go(c) # u'meow! meow! meow! '

如果你在派生的Python类中自定义了一个构造函数,你必须保证显示调用C++构造函数(通过__init__),不管它是否为默认构造函数。否则,实例属于C++那部分的内存就未初始化,可能导致未定义行为。在pybind11 2.6版本中,这种错误将会抛出TypeError异常。

  1. class Dachshund(Dog):
  2. def __init__(self, name):
  3. Dog.__init__(self) # Without this, a TypeError is raised.
  4. self.name = name
  5. def bark(self):
  6. return "yap!"

注意必须显式地调用__init__,而不应该使用supper()。在一些简单的线性继承中,supper()或许可以正常工作;一旦你混合Python和C++类使用多重继承,由于Python MRO和C++的机制,一切都将崩溃。



  • because in these cases there is no C++ variable to reference (the value is stored in the referenced Python variable), pybind11 provides one in the PYBIND11_OVERRIDE macros (when needed) with static storage duration. Note that this means that invoking the overridden method on any instance will change the referenced value stored in all instances of that type.
  • Attempts to modify a non-const reference will not have the desired effect: it will change only the static cache variable, but this change will not propagate to underlying Python instance, and the change will be replaced the next time the override is invoked.

8.2 虚函数与继承


  1. class Animal {
  2. public:
  3. virtual std::string go(int n_times) = 0;
  4. virtual std::string name() { return "unknown"; }
  5. };
  6. class Dog : public Animal {
  7. public:
  8. std::string go(int n_times) override {
  9. std::string result;
  10. for (int i=0; i<n_times; ++i)
  11. result += bark() + " ";
  12. return result;
  13. }
  14. virtual std::string bark() { return "woof!"; }
  15. };


  1. class PyAnimal : public Animal {
  2. public:
  3. using Animal::Animal; // Inherit constructors
  4. std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE_PURE(std::string, Animal, go, n_times); }
  5. std::string name() override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(std::string, Animal, name, ); }
  6. };
  7. class PyDog : public Dog {
  8. public:
  9. using Dog::Dog; // Inherit constructors
  10. std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(std::string, Dog, go, n_times); }
  11. std::string name() override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(std::string, Dog, name, ); }
  12. std::string bark() override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(std::string, Dog, bark, ); }
  13. };



  1. class Husky : public Dog {};
  2. class PyHusky : public Husky {
  3. public:
  4. using Husky::Husky; // Inherit constructors
  5. std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE_PURE(std::string, Husky, go, n_times); }
  6. std::string name() override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(std::string, Husky, name, ); }
  7. std::string bark() override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(std::string, Husky, bark, ); }
  8. };


  1. template <class AnimalBase = Animal> class PyAnimal : public AnimalBase {
  2. public:
  3. using AnimalBase::AnimalBase; // Inherit constructors
  4. std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE_PURE(std::string, AnimalBase, go, n_times); }
  5. std::string name() override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(std::string, AnimalBase, name, ); }
  6. };
  7. template <class DogBase = Dog> class PyDog : public PyAnimal<DogBase> {
  8. public:
  9. using PyAnimal<DogBase>::PyAnimal; // Inherit constructors
  10. // Override PyAnimal's pure virtual go() with a non-pure one:
  11. std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(std::string, DogBase, go, n_times); }
  12. std::string bark() override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(std::string, DogBase, bark, ); }
  13. };



  1. py::class_<Animal, PyAnimal<>> animal(m, "Animal");
  2. py::class_<Dog, Animal, PyDog<>> dog(m, "Dog");
  3. py::class_<Husky, Dog, PyDog<Husky>> husky(m, "Husky");
  4. // ... add animal, dog, husky definitions



  1. class ShihTzu(Dog):
  2. def bark(self):
  3. return "yip!"

8.3 扩展跳板类的功能

8.3.1 跳板类的初始化



要让pybind11在创建类实例时,总是初始化跳板类,类的构造函数需要使用py::init_alias<Args, ...>()来代替py::init<Args, ...>()。这样可以强制通过跳板类来构造,确保类成员的初始化和析构。

See also:See the file tests/test_virtual_functions.cpp for complete examples showing both normal and forced trampoline instantiation.



我们可以通过跳板类来解决这种Python方法输入和输出的问题,也可以参考 Limitations involving reference arguments中的处理方法。

get_override()函数允许Python从跳板类方法中检索方法的实现。Consider for example a C++ method which has the signature bool myMethod(int32_t& value), where the return indicates whether something should be done with the value. This can be made convenient on the Python side by allowing the Python function to return None or an int:

  1. bool MyClass::myMethod(int32_t& value)
  2. {
  3. pybind11::gil_scoped_acquire gil; // Acquire the GIL while in this scope.
  4. // Try to look up the overridden method on the Python side.
  5. pybind11::function override = pybind11::get_override(this, "myMethod");
  6. if (override) { // method is found
  7. auto obj = override(value); // Call the Python function.
  8. if (py::isinstance<py::int_>(obj)) { // check if it returned a Python integer type
  9. value = obj.cast<int32_t>(); // Cast it and assign it to the value.
  10. return true; // Return true; value should be used.
  11. } else {
  12. return false; // Python returned none, return false.
  13. }
  14. }
  15. return false; // Alternatively return MyClass::myMethod(value);
  16. }

8.4 定制构造函数


  1. class Example {
  2. private:
  3. Example(int); // private constructor
  4. public:
  5. // Factory function:
  6. static Example create(int a) { return Example(a); }
  7. };
  8. py::class_<Example>(m, "Example")
  9. .def(py::init(&Example::create));


  1. class Example {
  2. private:
  3. Example(int); // private constructor
  4. public:
  5. // Factory function - returned by value:
  6. static Example create(int a) { return Example(a); }
  7. // These constructors are publicly callable:
  8. Example(double);
  9. Example(int, int);
  10. Example(std::string);
  11. };
  12. py::class_<Example>(m, "Example")
  13. // Bind the factory function as a constructor:
  14. .def(py::init(&Example::create))
  15. // Bind a lambda function returning a pointer wrapped in a holder:
  16. .def(py::init([](std::string arg) {
  17. return std::unique_ptr<Example>(new Example(arg));
  18. }))
  19. // Return a raw pointer:
  20. .def(py::init([](int a, int b) { return new Example(a, b); }))
  21. // You can mix the above with regular C++ constructor bindings as well:
  22. .def(py::init<double>())
  23. ;





  1. #include <pybind11/factory.h>
  2. class Example {
  3. public:
  4. // ...
  5. virtual ~Example() = default;
  6. };
  7. class PyExample : public Example {
  8. public:
  9. using Example::Example;
  10. PyExample(Example &&base) : Example(std::move(base)) {}
  11. };
  12. py::class_<Example, PyExample>(m, "Example")
  13. // Returns an Example pointer. If a PyExample is needed, the Example
  14. // instance will be moved via the extra constructor in PyExample, above.
  15. .def(py::init([]() { return new Example(); }))
  16. // Two callbacks:
  17. .def(py::init([]() { return new Example(); } /* no alias needed */,
  18. []() { return new PyExample(); } /* alias needed */))
  19. // *Always* returns an alias instance (like py::init_alias<>())
  20. .def(py::init([]() { return new PyExample(); }))
  21. ;



  1. struct Aggregate {
  2. int a;
  3. std::string b;
  4. };
  5. py::class_<Aggregate>(m, "Aggregate")
  6. .def(py::init<int, const std::string &>());

Note: 大括号初始化优先匹配带列表初始化的重载构造函数。极少数情况下会出问题,你可以使用py::init(...)传入一个构造新对象的匿名函数来处理这个问题。

8.5 非公有析构函数


  1. /* ... definition ... */
  2. class MyClass {
  3. private:
  4. ~MyClass() { }
  5. };
  6. /* ... binding code ... */
  7. py::class_<MyClass, std::unique_ptr<MyClass, py::nodelete>>(m, "MyClass")
  8. .def(py::init<>())

8.6 在析构函数中调用Python



  1. class MyClass {
  2. public:
  3. ~MyClass() {
  4. try {
  5. py::print("Even printing is dangerous in a destructor");
  6. py::exec("raise ValueError('This is an unraisable exception')");
  7. } catch (py::error_already_set &e) {
  8. // error_context should be information about where/why the occurred,
  9. // e.g. use __func__ to get the name of the current function
  10. e.discard_as_unraisable(__func__);
  11. }
  12. }
  13. };

Note: pybind11不支持将C++析构函数标识为noexcept(false)

8.7 隐式转换


  1. py::class_<A>(m, "A")
  2. /// ... members ...
  3. py::class_<B>(m, "B")
  4. .def(py::init<A>())
  5. /// ... members ...
  6. m.def("func",
  7. [](const B &) { /* .... */ }
  8. );



  1. py::implicitly_convertible<A, B>();

Note: To prevent runaway recursion, implicit conversions are non-reentrant: an implicit conversion invoked as part of another implicit conversion of the same type (i.e. from A to B) will fail.

8.8 静态属性


  1. py::class_<Foo>(m, "Foo")
  2. .def_property_readonly_static("foo", [](py::object /* self */) { return Foo(); });

8.9 重载操作符


  1. class Vector2 {
  2. public:
  3. Vector2(float x, float y) : x(x), y(y) { }
  4. Vector2 operator+(const Vector2 &v) const { return Vector2(x + v.x, y + v.y); }
  5. Vector2 operator*(float value) const { return Vector2(x * value, y * value); }
  6. Vector2& operator+=(const Vector2 &v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; return *this; }
  7. Vector2& operator*=(float v) { x *= v; y *= v; return *this; }
  8. friend Vector2 operator*(float f, const Vector2 &v) {
  9. return Vector2(f * v.x, f * v.y);
  10. }
  11. std::string toString() const {
  12. return "[" + std::to_string(x) + ", " + std::to_string(y) + "]";
  13. }
  14. private:
  15. float x, y;
  16. };


  1. #include <pybind11/operators.h>
  2. PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {
  3. py::class_<Vector2>(m, "Vector2")
  4. .def(py::init<float, float>())
  5. .def(py::self + py::self)
  6. .def(py::self += py::self)
  7. .def(py::self *= float())
  8. .def(float() * py::self)
  9. .def(py::self * float())
  10. .def(-py::self)
  11. .def("__repr__", &Vector2::toString);
  12. }

.def(py::self * float())是如下代码的简短标记:

  1. .def("__mul__", [](const Vector2 &a, float b) {
  2. return a * b;
  3. }, py::is_operator())

8.10 支持pickle

Python的pickle模块提供了强大的将Python对象图到二进制数据流的序列化和反序列化的设施。pybind11提供了py::pickle()定义来支持pickle和unpickle C++类。现在有这样一个类:

  1. class Pickleable {
  2. public:
  3. Pickleable(const std::string &value) : m_value(value) { }
  4. const std::string &value() const { return m_value; }
  5. void setExtra(int extra) { m_extra = extra; }
  6. int extra() const { return m_extra; }
  7. private:
  8. std::string m_value;
  9. int m_extra = 0;
  10. };


  1. py::class_<Pickleable>(m, "Pickleable")
  2. .def(py::init<std::string>())
  3. .def("value", &Pickleable::value)
  4. .def("extra", &Pickleable::extra)
  5. .def("setExtra", &Pickleable::setExtra)
  6. .def(py::pickle(
  7. [](const Pickleable &p) { // __getstate__
  8. /* Return a tuple that fully encodes the state of the object */
  9. return py::make_tuple(p.value(), p.extra());
  10. },
  11. [](py::tuple t) { // __setstate__
  12. if (t.size() != 2)
  13. throw std::runtime_error("Invalid state!");
  14. /* Create a new C++ instance */
  15. Pickleable p(t[0].cast<std::string>());
  16. /* Assign any additional state */
  17. p.setExtra(t[1].cast<int>());
  18. return p;
  19. }
  20. ));

py::pickle()中的__setstate__部分遵循与py::init()单参数版本相同的规则,返回值可以是一个值,指针或者holder type。


  1. try:
  2. import cPickle as pickle # Use cPickle on Python 2.7
  3. except ImportError:
  4. import pickle
  5. p = Pickleable("test_value")
  6. p.setExtra(15)
  7. data = pickle.dumps(p, 2)

Note: Note that only the cPickle module is supported on Python 2.7.

The second argument to dumps is also crucial: it selects the pickle protocol version 2, since the older version 1 is not supported. Newer versions are also fine—for instance, specify -1 to always use the latest available version. Beware: failure to follow these instructions will cause important pybind11 memory allocation routines to be skipped during unpickling, which will likely lead to memory corruption and/or segmentation faults.

8.11 深拷贝支持




  1. py::class_<Copyable>(m, "Copyable")
  2. .def("__copy__", [](const Copyable &self) {
  3. return Copyable(self);
  4. })
  5. .def("__deepcopy__", [](const Copyable &self, py::dict) {
  6. return Copyable(self);
  7. }, "memo"_a);

Note: 本例中不会复制动态属性。

8.12 多重继承


  1. py::class_<MyType, BaseType1, BaseType2, BaseType3>(m, "MyType")
  2. ...




  1. py::class_<MyType, BaseType2>(m, "MyType", py::multiple_inheritance());


8.13 绑定Module-local类


  1. // In the module1.cpp binding code for module1:
  2. py::class_<Pet>(m, "Pet")
  3. .def(py::init<std::string>())
  4. .def_readonly("name", &Pet::name);
  5. // In the module2.cpp binding code for module2:
  6. m.def("create_pet", [](std::string name) { return new Pet(name); });
  1. >>> from module1 import Pet
  2. >>> from module2 import create_pet
  3. >>> pet1 = Pet("Kitty")
  4. >>> pet2 = create_pet("Doggy")
  5. >>> pet2.name()
  6. 'Doggy'



  1. // dogs.cpp
  2. // Binding for external library class:
  3. py::class<pets::Pet>(m, "Pet")
  4. .def("name", &pets::Pet::name);
  5. // Binding for local extension class:
  6. py::class<Dog, pets::Pet>(m, "Dog")
  7. .def(py::init<std::string>());
  1. // cats.cpp, in a completely separate project from the above dogs.cpp.
  2. // Binding for external library class:
  3. py::class<pets::Pet>(m, "Pet")
  4. .def("get_name", &pets::Pet::name);
  5. // Binding for local extending class:
  6. py::class<Cat, pets::Pet>(m, "Cat")
  7. .def(py::init<std::string>());
  1. >>> import cats
  2. >>> import dogs
  3. Traceback (most recent call last):
  4. File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  5. ImportError: generic_type: type "Pet" is already registered!


  1. // Pet binding in dogs.cpp:
  2. py::class<pets::Pet>(m, "Pet", py::module_local())
  3. .def("name", &pets::Pet::name);
  1. // Pet binding in cats.cpp:
  2. py::class<pets::Pet>(m, "Pet", py::module_local())
  3. .def("get_name", &pets::Pet::name);



  1. m.def("pet_name", [](const pets::Pet &pet) { return pet.name(); });


  1. >>> import cats, dogs, frogs # No error because of the added py::module_local()
  2. >>> mycat, mydog = cats.Cat("Fluffy"), dogs.Dog("Rover")
  3. >>> (cats.pet_name(mycat), dogs.pet_name(mydog))
  4. ('Fluffy', 'Rover')
  5. >>> (cats.pet_name(mydog), dogs.pet_name(mycat), frogs.pet_name(mycat))
  6. ('Rover', 'Fluffy', 'Fluffy')


Note: STL bindings (as provided via the optional pybind11/stl_bind.h header) apply py::module_local by default when the bound type might conflict with other modules; see Binding STL containers for details.

The localization of the bound types is actually tied to the shared object or binary generated by the compiler/linker. For typical modules created with PYBIND11_MODULE(), this distinction is not significant. It is possible, however, when Embedding the interpreter to embed multiple modules in the same binary (see Adding embedded modules). In such a case, the localization will apply across all embedded modules within the same binary.

8. 14 绑定protected成员函数

通常不可能向Python公开protected 成员函数:

  1. class A {
  2. protected:
  3. int foo() const { return 42; }
  4. };
  5. py::class_<A>(m, "A")
  6. .def("foo", &A::foo); // error: 'foo' is a protected member of 'A'

因为非公有成员函数意味着外部不可调用。但我们还是希望在Python派生类中使用protected 函数。我们可以通过下面的方式来实现:

  1. class A {
  2. protected:
  3. int foo() const { return 42; }
  4. };
  5. class Publicist : public A { // helper type for exposing protected functions
  6. public:
  7. using A::foo; // inherited with different access modifier
  8. };
  9. py::class_<A>(m, "A") // bind the primary class
  10. .def("foo", &Publicist::foo); // expose protected methods via the publicist

因为 &Publicist::foo&A::foo 准确地说是同一个函数(相同的签名和地址),仅仅是获取方式不同。 Publicist 的唯一意图,就是将函数的作用域变为public

如果是希望公开在Python侧重载的 protected虚函数,可以将publicist pattern与之前提到的trampoline相结合:

  1. class A {
  2. public:
  3. virtual ~A() = default;
  4. protected:
  5. virtual int foo() const { return 42; }
  6. };
  7. class Trampoline : public A {
  8. public:
  9. int foo() const override { PYBIND11_OVERRIDE(int, A, foo, ); }
  10. };
  11. class Publicist : public A {
  12. public:
  13. using A::foo;
  14. };
  15. py::class_<A, Trampoline>(m, "A") // <-- `Trampoline` here
  16. .def("foo", &Publicist::foo); // <-- `Publicist` here, not `Trampoline`!

8.15 绑定final类


  1. class IsFinal final {};
  2. py::class_<IsFinal>(m, "IsFinal", py::is_final());


  1. class PyFinalChild(IsFinal):
  2. pass
  3. TypeError: type 'IsFinal' is not an acceptable base type

8.16 定制自动向下转型

如前面“继承与自动转型”一节中解释的,pybind11内置了对C++多态的动态类型的处理。Sometimes, you might want to provide this automatic downcasting behavior when creating bindings for a class hierarchy that does not use standard C++ polymorphism, such as LLVM 3. As long as there’s some way to determine at runtime whether a downcast is safe, you can proceed by specializing the pybind11::polymorphic_type_hook template:

  1. enum class PetKind { Cat, Dog, Zebra };
  2. struct Pet { // Not polymorphic: has no virtual methods
  3. const PetKind kind;
  4. int age = 0;
  5. protected:
  6. Pet(PetKind _kind) : kind(_kind) {}
  7. };
  8. struct Dog : Pet {
  9. Dog() : Pet(PetKind::Dog) {}
  10. std::string sound = "woof!";
  11. std::string bark() const { return sound; }
  12. };
  13. namespace pybind11 {
  14. template<> struct polymorphic_type_hook<Pet> {
  15. static const void *get(const Pet *src, const std::type_info*& type) {
  16. // note that src may be nullptr
  17. if (src && src->kind == PetKind::Dog) {
  18. type = &typeid(Dog);
  19. return static_cast<const Dog*>(src);
  20. }
  21. return src;
  22. }
  23. };
  24. } // namespace pybind11

When pybind11 wants to convert a C++ pointer of type Base* to a Python object, it calls polymorphic_type_hook<Base>::get() to determine if a downcast is possible. The get() function should use whatever runtime information is available to determine if its src parameter is in fact an instance of some class Derived that inherits from Base. If it finds such a Derived, it sets type = &typeid(Derived) and returns a pointer to the Derived object that contains src. Otherwise, it just returns src, leaving type at its default value of nullptr. If you set type to a type that pybind11 doesn’t know about, no downcasting will occur, and the original src pointer will be used with its static type Base*.

It is critical that the returned pointer and type argument of get() agree with each other: if type is set to something non-null, the returned pointer must point to the start of an object whose type is type. If the hierarchy being exposed uses only single inheritance, a simple return src; will achieve this just fine, but in the general case, you must cast src to the appropriate derived-class pointer (e.g. using static_cast<Derived>(src)) before allowing it to be returned as a void*.

8.17 访问类型对象


  1. py::type T_py = py::type::of<T>();
