安装 Scoop

  1. (可选)自定义 Scoop 的普通安装目录全局安装目录


用户变量 SCOOP D:\\Programs\\Scoop
系统变量 SCOOP_GLOBAL D:\\Programs\\ScoopGlobalApps


  1. # 自定义安装目录
  2. $env:SCOOP='D:\Programs\Scoop'
  3. [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('SCOOP', $env:SCOOP, 'User')
  4. # 自定义全局安装目录(需要管理员身份运行 PowerShell)
  5. $env:SCOOP_GLOBAL='D:\Programs\ScoopGlobalApps'
  6. [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('SCOOP_GLOBAL', $env:SCOOP_GLOBAL, 'Machine')

  1. Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
  2. iwr -useb | iex
  • 可以自定义 Scoop 的安装目录全局安装目录


  1. # 自定义安装目录
  2. $env:SCOOP='D:\Programs\Scoop'
  3. [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('SCOOP', $env:SCOOP, 'User')
  4. # 自定义全局安装目录(需要管理员身份运行 PowerShell)
  5. $env:SCOOP_GLOBAL='D:\Programs\ScoopGlobalApps'
  6. [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('SCOOP_GLOBAL', $env:SCOOP_GLOBAL, 'Machine')
  7. # 执行 Scoop 安装命令
  • 安装完成后,敲入 scoop 命令查看所有用法: ```powershell Usage: scoop []

Some useful commands are:

alias Manage scoop aliases bucket Manage Scoop buckets cache Show or clear the download cache checkup Check for potential problems cleanup Cleanup apps by removing old versions config Get or set configuration values create Create a custom app manifest depends List dependencies for an app export Exports (an importable) list of installed apps help Show help for a command hold Hold an app to disable updates home Opens the app homepage info Display information about an app install Install apps # 安装 list List installed apps # 列出已安装 prefix Returns the path to the specified app reset Reset an app to resolve conflicts search Search available apps # 搜索 status Show status and check for new app versions unhold Unhold an app to enable updates uninstall Uninstall an app # 卸载 update Update apps, or Scoop itself # 更新 virustotal Look for app’s hash on which Locate a shim/executable (similar to ‘which’ on Linux) # 查看安装位置

Type ‘scoop help ‘ to get help for a specific command.

  1. <a name="wblwg"></a>
  2. ## 配置 Scoop
  3. - 添加 `extras` 仓库
  4. ```powershell
  5. scoop bucket add extras
  • 关闭 aria2 下载
    1. scoop config aria2-enabled false



  1. {
  2. "lastupdate": "2020-05-29T13:09:53.6091225+08:00",
  3. "proxy": "",
  4. "SCOOP_REPO": "",
  5. "SCOOP_BRANCH": "master"
  6. }


默认会安装到 C:\Users\<user>\scoop ;使用 --global 参数进行全局安装,安装在 C:\ProgramData\scoop

  1. C:\Users\DP> scoop list
  2. Installed apps:
  3. 7zip 19.00 *global*
  4. aria2 1.35.0-1
  5. carnac 2.3.3 [extras]
  6. dadroitjsonviewer 1.1.1407 [extras]
  7. dark 3.11.2
  8. git *global*
  9. innounp 0.49
  10. lessmsi 1.6.91
  11. nodejs-lts 12.16.2
  12. openssh 7.6p1 *global*
  13. pandoc
  14. putty 0.73 [extras]
  15. python 3.8.2
  16. q-dir 8.25 [extras]
  17. sudo 0.2020.01.26
  18. telnet msys-inetutils-1.7-1
  19. touch 0.2018.07.25
  20. typora 0.9.86 [extras]
  21. vlc 3.0.8 [extras]
  22. which 2.20
  23. winscp 5.17.5 [extras]


  1. scoop install sudo
  2. sudo scoop install 7zip git openssh --global
  3. scoop install aria2 curl grep sed less touch which


  1. # 开发环境
  2. scoop install python nodejs-lts go
  3. # 代码编辑器
  4. scoop install vscode sublime-text
  5. # Markdown 工具
  6. scoop install typora
  7. # JSON 工具
  8. scoop install dadroitjsonviewer
  9. # 数据库工具
  10. scoop install heidisql
  11. # Unix 工具集
  12. scoop install busybox cygwin msys2


  1. # Linux 远程
  2. scoop install putty winscp
  3. # Windows 远程
  4. scoop install teamviewer
  5. # 远程管理工具
  6. scoop install mremoteng


  1. # 修改 hosts
  2. scoop install hosts-file-editor hostsman switchhosts
  3. # 快速搜索工具
  4. scoop install everything
  5. # 快速启动工具
  6. scoop install wox listary
  7. # 快速预览工具
  8. scoop install quicklook
  9. # 卸载工具
  10. scoop install geekuninstaller
  11. # 刻录工具
  12. scoop install rufus


  1. # 屏幕显示组合键
  2. scoop install carnac


  1. # 视频播放
  2. scoop install vlc mpc-be
  3. # 视频录制 / 直播
  4. scoop install obs-studio


Error installing Git (issue when 7-zip is expanding)
