
Class PluginDescriptor

public class PluginDescriptor
extends Object

The PluginDescriptor provide access to all meta information of a nutch-plugin, as well to the internationalizable resources and the plugin own classloader. There are meta information about Plugin, ExtensionPoint and Extension. To provide access to the meta data of a plugin via a descriptor allow a lazy loading mechanism.

Field Summary

Fields Modifier and Type Field and Description static org.slf4j.Logger LOG

Constructor Summary

Constructors Constructor and Description PluginDescriptor(String pId, String pVersion, String pName, String pProviderName, String pPluginclazz, String pPath, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf) Constructor

Method Summary

Methods Modifier and Type Method and Description void addDependency(String pId) Adds a dependency void addExportedLibRelative(String pLibPath) Adds a exported library with a relative path to the plugin directory. void addExtension(Extension pExtension) Adds a extension. void addExtensionPoint(ExtensionPoint extensionPoint) Adds a extension point. void addNotExportedLibRelative(String pLibPath) Adds a exported library with a relative path to the plugin directory. PluginClassLoader getClassLoader() Returns a cached classloader for a plugin. String[] getDependencies() Returns a array of plugin ids. URL[] getExportedLibUrls() Returns a array exported librareis as URLs Extension[] getExtensions() Returns an array of extensions. ExtensionPoint[] getExtenstionPoints() Returns a array of extension points. String getName() Returns the name of the plugin. URL[] getNotExportedLibUrls() Returns a array of libraries as URLs that are not exported by the plugin. String getPluginClass() Returns the fully qualified name of the class which implements the abstarct Plugin class. String getPluginId() Returns the unique identifier of the plug-in or null. String getPluginPath() Returns the directory path of the plugin. String getProviderName() String getResourceString(String pKey, Locale pLocale) Returns a I18N'd resource string. String getVersion()


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail



public static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG

Constructor Detail



public PluginDescriptor(String pId,
                String pVersion,
                String pName,
                String pProviderName,
                String pPluginclazz,
                String pPath,
                org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)


  - Parameters:
  - <code>pId</code> - 
  - <code>pVersion</code> - 
  - <code>pName</code> - 
  - <code>pProviderName</code> - 
  - <code>pPluginclazz</code> - 
  - <code>pPath</code> -        

Method Detail



public String getName()

Returns the name of the plugin.

  - Returns:
  - String       


public String getPluginClass()

Returns the fully qualified name of the class which implements the abstarct Plugin class.

  - Returns:
  - the name of this plug-in&#39;s runtime class or <code>null</code>.       


public String getPluginId()

Returns the unique identifier of the plug-in or null.

  - Returns:
  - String       


public Extension[] getExtensions()

Returns an array of extensions.

  - Returns:
  - Exception[]       


public void addExtension(Extension pExtension)

Adds a extension.

  - Parameters:
  - <code>pExtension</code> -        


public void addExtensionPoint(ExtensionPoint extensionPoint)

Adds a extension point.

  - Parameters:
  - <code>extensionPoint</code> -        


public ExtensionPoint[] getExtenstionPoints()

Returns a array of extension points.

  - Returns:
  - ExtensionPoint[]       


public String[] getDependencies()

Returns a array of plugin ids.

  - Returns:
  - String[]       


public void addDependency(String pId)

Adds a dependency

  - Parameters:
  - <code>pId</code> - id of the dependent plugin       


public void addExportedLibRelative(String pLibPath)
                            throws MalformedURLException

Adds a exported library with a relative path to the plugin directory. We automatically escape characters that are illegal in URLs. It is recommended that code converts an abstract pathname into a URL by first converting it into a URI, via the toURI method, and then converting the URI into a URL via the URI.toURL method.

  - Parameters:
  - <code>pLibPath</code> -  
  - Throws: 
  - <code>MalformedURLException</code>       


public String getPluginPath()

Returns the directory path of the plugin.

  - Returns:
  - String       


public URL[] getExportedLibUrls()

Returns a array exported librareis as URLs

  - Returns:
  - URL[]       


public void addNotExportedLibRelative(String pLibPath)
                               throws MalformedURLException

Adds a exported library with a relative path to the plugin directory. We automatically escape characters that are illegal in URLs. It is recommended that code converts an abstract pathname into a URL by first converting it into a URI, via the toURI method, and then converting the URI into a URL via the URI.toURL method.

  - Parameters:
  - <code>pLibPath</code> -  
  - Throws: 
  - <code>MalformedURLException</code>       


public URL[] getNotExportedLibUrls()

Returns a array of libraries as URLs that are not exported by the plugin.

  - Returns:
  - URL[]       


public PluginClassLoader getClassLoader()

Returns a cached classloader for a plugin. Until classloader creation all needed libraries are collected. A classloader use as first the plugins own libraries and add then all exported libraries of dependend plugins.

  - Returns:
  - PluginClassLoader the classloader for the plugin       


public String getResourceString(String pKey,
                       Locale pLocale)
                         throws IOException

Returns a I18N'd resource string. The resource bundles could be stored in root directory of a plugin in the well know i18n file name conventions.

  - Parameters:
  - <code>pKey</code> - 
  - <code>pLocale</code> -  
  - Returns:
  - String 
  - Throws: 
  - <code>IOException</code>       


public String getProviderName()


public String getVersion()

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