
Why Spring Data JDBC?

Spring Data JDBC aims to be much simpler conceptually, by embracing the following design decisions:

  • If you load an entity, SQL statements get executed. Once this is done, you have a completely loaded entity. No lazy loading or caching is done.
  • If you save an entity, it gets saved. If you do not, it does not. There is no dirty tracking and no session.
  • There is a simple model of how to map entities to tables. It probably only works for rather simple cases. If you do not like that, you should code your own strategy. Spring Data JDBC offers only very limited support for customizing the strategy with annotations.


All Spring Data modules are inspired by the concepts of “repository”, “aggregate”, and “aggregate root” from Domain Driven Design. These are possibly even more important for Spring Data JDBC, because they are, to some extent, contrary to normal practice when working with relational databases.

A repository is an abstraction over a persistent store that looks like a collection of all the aggregates of a certain type. For Spring Data in general, this means you want to have one Repository per aggregate root. In addition, for Spring Data JDBC this means that all entities reachable from an aggregate root are considered to be part of that aggregate root. Spring Data JDBC assumes that only the aggregate has a foreign key to a table storing non-root entities of the aggregate and no other entity points toward non-root entities.