实现 | 插入 | 删除 | 查找最大/最小关键字 | 缺点 |
数组 | 1 | n | n | - |
链表 | 1 | n | 1 | - |
有序数组 | n 或 logn | n | 1 | - |
有序链表 | n | 1 | 1 | - |
二叉搜索树 | logn | logn | logn | 多次删除后容易导致树倾斜 |
二叉堆 | logn | logn | 1 |
- 节点 k 的父节点下标为 k / 2(向下取整)
- 已某节点为根节点的子树,该节点是这颗树的极值
function push(heap: Heap, node: Node): void {
const index = heap.length;
heap.push(node); // 在堆尾部添加元素
siftUp(heap, node, index); // 进行上浮操作
function siftUp(heap, node, i) {
let index = i;
while (true) {
const parentIndex = (index - 1) >>> 1; // 父节点位置: parentIndex = childIndex / 2
const parent = heap[parentIndex];
if (parent !== undefined && compare(parent, node) > 0) {
// The parent is larger. Swap positions.
heap[parentIndex] = node;
heap[index] = parent;
index = parentIndex;
} else {
// The parent is smaller. Exit.
- 取出根节点的值。
- 将最后一个元素与根节点进行替换,并删除最后一个元素。
- 下沉;
function pop {
* 设定 minItem 保存根节点
* 取出最后一个节点与根节点替换,并删除最后一个节点
* 执行下沉循环
* 将根元素与左右子节点对比,挑选较小的与父节点替换位置
return minItem
export function pop(heap: Heap): Node | null {
const first = heap[0]; // 取出根节点
if (first !== undefined) {
const last = heap.pop(); // 取出最后一位元素,并删除
if (last !== first) {
heap[0] = last; // 与根节点对调
siftDown(heap, last, 0); // 下沉
return first;
} else {
return null;
function siftDown(heap, node, i) {
let index = i;
const length = heap.length;
while (index < length) {
const leftIndex = (index + 1) * 2 - 1;
const left = heap[leftIndex];
const rightIndex = leftIndex + 1;
const right = heap[rightIndex];
// If the left or right node is smaller, swap with the smaller of those.
// 寻找左右儿子较小的那一个替换
if (left !== undefined && compare(left, node) < 0) { //左子节点小于根节点
if (right !== undefined && compare(right, left) < 0) {
heap[index] = right;
heap[rightIndex] = node;
index = rightIndex;
} else {
heap[index] = left;
heap[leftIndex] = node;
index = leftIndex;
} else if (right !== undefined && compare(right, node) < 0) { // 左子接点大于根节点,右子节点小于根节点
heap[index] = right;
heap[rightIndex] = node;
index = rightIndex;
} else {
// Neither child is smaller. Exit.
以下是 react 源码中 scheduler/src/SchedulerMinHeap.js
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow strict
type Heap = Array<Node>;
type Node = {|
id: number,
sortIndex: number,
export function push(heap: Heap, node: Node): void {
const index = heap.length;
siftUp(heap, node, index);
export function peek(heap: Heap): Node | null {
const first = heap[0];
return first === undefined ? null : first;
export function pop(heap: Heap): Node | null {
const first = heap[0];
if (first !== undefined) {
const last = heap.pop();
if (last !== first) {
heap[0] = last;
siftDown(heap, last, 0);
return first;
} else {
return null;
function siftUp(heap, node, i) {
let index = i;
while (true) {
const parentIndex = (index - 1) >>> 1; // 父节点位置: parentIndex = childIndex / 2
const parent = heap[parentIndex];
if (parent !== undefined && compare(parent, node) > 0) {
// The parent is larger. Swap positions.
heap[parentIndex] = node;
heap[index] = parent;
index = parentIndex;
} else {
// The parent is smaller. Exit.
function siftDown(heap, node, i) {
let index = i;
const length = heap.length;
while (index < length) {
const leftIndex = (index + 1) * 2 - 1;
const left = heap[leftIndex];
const rightIndex = leftIndex + 1;
const right = heap[rightIndex];
// If the left or right node is smaller, swap with the smaller of those.
if (left !== undefined && compare(left, node) < 0) { //
if (right !== undefined && compare(right, left) < 0) {
heap[index] = right;
heap[rightIndex] = node;
index = rightIndex;
} else {
heap[index] = left;
heap[leftIndex] = node;
index = leftIndex;
} else if (right !== undefined && compare(right, node) < 0) {
heap[index] = right;
heap[rightIndex] = node;
index = rightIndex;
} else {
// Neither child is smaller. Exit.
function compare(a, b) {
// Compare sort index first, then task id.
const diff = a.sortIndex - b.sortIndex;
return diff !== 0 ? diff : a.id - b.id;